Chinese for Western Medicine - Listening and Speaking

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Usage Advice
2-4 class hours for each of the 15 lessons

The Series of Specialized Chinese Textbooks for Foreigners Studying in China is suitable for foreigners in China who major in Science & Engineering, Western Medicine, Economics & Trade, Chinese Medicine and relevant subjects and whose Chinese proficiency is at the elementary or intermediate level. It aims at training students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills which are essential in their study of Science & Engineering, Western Medicine, Economics & Trade, Chinese Medicine and other subjects, teaching them the basic vocabulary, word-building rules, expressions and sentence patterns for the specific subject and paving their way to undergraduate studies. 
This is a major language book in the Western Medicine subseries. The 15 lessons in it correspond to different branches of the medical science; each lesson is made up of two listening materials, one of which is a clinical conversation between a doctor and a patient in the outpatient department, in a ward or an operating room, etc., and the other of which revolves around the education of medicine and the communication and consultation related to it, such as medical lectures, health hotline and interviews with experts, etc. The book helps students strengthen the language and professional basis for their further study in medicine. 
A volume of listening script and reference answers and an MP3 CD are included in addition to the textbook.

About the Author(s)
Wang Jun, an associate professor, is a member of the Expert Committee of the Chinese Government Scholarship for Foreigners’ College Prep Education, the Ministry of Education of PRC. Ms. Wang is in charge of affairs regarding college prep education. She is the deputy head of the College of International Education, Shandong University.
Table of Contents
第一课 白血病并非不治之症——血液内科 
Lesson 1 Leukemia is not an incurable disease——Hematology 
第二课 致命的“小桃子”——心内科 
Lesson 2 Vital little“peach”——Cardiology 
第三课 我的膝盖肿了——风湿科 
Lesson 3 I have a swollen knee——Rheumatology 
第四课 防晒霜,天天见——皮肤科 
Lesson 4 Wearing sunscreen every day——Dermatology 
第五课 腰疼得直不起来了——骨外科 
Lesson 5 I can’t straighten up because of the pain in the back——Orthopedics 
第六课 感冒的情况不一样——呼吸内科 
Lesson 6 There are different kinds of colds——Respiratory Medicine 
第七课 瘦人也烦恼——消化科 
Lesson 7 Worries of thin people——Gastroenterology 
第八课 嘴巴怎么歪了?——神经内科 
Lesson 8 Why is my mouth crooked?——Neurology 
第九课 戴眼镜既简单又安全——眼科 
Lesson 9 It's easy and safe to wear glasses——Ophthalmology 
第十课 亲密的三兄弟——耳鼻喉科 
Lesson 10 Three close brothers—ENT 
第十一课 怎么老想去厕所?——泌尿内/外科 
Lesson 11 Why do I need to go to the toilet all the time?——Medical and Surgical Urology 
第十二课 准妈妈的变化——妇产科 
Lesson 12 Changes in a mother—to—be——Obstetrics and Gynecology 
第十三课 怀孕越急越不行——生殖科 
Lesson 13 Anxiety is no help for getting pregnant——Reproductive Medicine 
第十四课 糖尿病是“富贵病”——内分泌科 
Lesson 14 Diabetes is a “disease of the rich”——Endocrinology 
第十五课 我得了抑郁症吗?——精神卫生中心 
Lesson 15 Do I have depression?——Mental Health 
附录1 词语总表 
Appendix 1 Vocabulary 
附录2 医院主要科室分布示意图 
Appendix 2 A Sketch Map of the Main Departments in a Hospital 
附录3 中国医院门诊就诊流程图 
Appendix 3 A Flowchart of Procedures to Visit a Doctor in a Chinese Hospital
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Sample pages of Chinese for Western Medicine - Listening and Speaking (ISBN:9787561934692)
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