I. China Statistical Yearbook 2010 is an annual statistical publication, which reflects comprehensively the economic and social development of China. It covers data for 2009 and key statistical data in the more than thirty years and some historically important years at the national level and the local levels of province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government.
II. The Yearbook contains twenty-four chapters : l. General Survey; 2. National Accounts; 3. Population; 4. Employment and Wages; 5. Investment in Fixed Assets; 6. Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation; 7. Energy; 8. Government Finance; 9. Price Indices; 10. People’s Living Conditions; 11. General Survey of Cities; 12. Resources and Environment; 13. Agriculture; 14. Industry; 15. Construction; 16. Transport, Postal and Telecommunication Services; 17. Wholesale and Retail Trades; 18. Hotels, Catering Services and Tourism; 19. Financial Intermediation; 20. Education, Science and Technology; 21.Culture, Sports and Public Health; 22. Social Services and Others; 23. Main Social and Economic Indicators of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR); 24. Main Social and Economic Indicators of Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR). Two chapters listed as Appendices are Main Social and Economic Indicators of Taiwan Province and A Comparison of Indicators of Economy and Society among the People’s Republic of China and Other Countries/Regions. To facilitate readers, the Brief Introduction at the beginning of each chapter provides a summary of the main contents of the chapter, data sources, statistical scope, statistical methods and historical changes. At the end of each chapter, Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators are included.
III. The national data in this book do not include those of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region and the Taiwan Province, except for the divisions of administrative areas, the area of the national territory and forest resources. In accordance with the principles set down in the Basic Law of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and the Basic Law of Macao Special Administrative Region, statistically Hong Kong, Macao and the mainland of China are three mutually independent regions, each following its own and different statistical systems and legal provisions in conducting statistical operations independently. Statistics on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Macao Special Administrative Region as included in this yearbook are provided by the Census and Statistics Department of the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Statistics and Census Services of the Government of Macao Special Administrative Region respectively; and are edited by the National Bureau of Statistics.
IV. Eastern region, middle region, western region and northeastern region in the Yearbook are divided as following:
Eastern 10 provinces (municipalities) include: Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Guangdong and Hainan;
Middle 6 provinces include: Shanxi, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei and Hunan;
Western 12 provinces(autonomous regions and municipalities) include: Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia and Xinjiang;
Northeastern 3 provinces include Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang.
V. In comparison with China Statistical Yearbook 2009, following revisions have been made in this new version in terms of the statistical contents and in editing: Relevant historical data are revised according to the Second National Economic Census. The chapter of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation is moved after the chapter of Investment in Fixed Assets; According to the standard classification of industry, the chapter of Domestic Trade and the chapter of Tourism are adjusted as the chapter of Wholesale and Retail Trades, the chapter of Hotels, Catering Services and Tourism; The chapter of Other Social Activities renames: Social Services and Others.
VI. The units of measurement used in this yearbook are internationally standard measurement units.
VII. Statistical discrepancies on totals and relative figures due to rounding are not adjusted in the Yearbook.
VIII. Notations used in the yearbook:(blank space) indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table, or data are unknown, or are not available; “#” indicates a major breakdown of the total; and “*”or “①”indicates footnotes at the end of the table.
Table of Contents
General Survey
Brief Introduction
1-1 Divisions of Administrative Areas in China (End of 2009)
1-2 Principal Aggregate Indicators on National Economic and Social Development and Growth Rates
1-3 Composition Indicators on National Economic and Social Development
1-4 Indicators on National Economic and Social Development
1-5 Selected Indicators on Average Daily Social and Economic Activities
1-6 Main Indicators of National Economic and Social Development by Eastern,Central, Western and Northeastern Provinces (2009)
1-7 Per Capita Output of Major Industrial and Agricultural Products
1-8 Natural Resources in Ethnic Minority Autonomous Regions
1-9 Administrative Division and Population of Ethnic Minority Autonomous Areas (2009)
1-10 Principal Aggregate Indicators on National Economic and Social Development in Ethnic Minority Autonomous Regions
1-11 Geographic Distribution of Ethnic Minorities
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
National Accounts
Brief Introduction
2-1 Gross Domestic Product
2-2 Composition of Gross Domestic Product
2-3 Gross Domestic Product at Constant Prices
2-4 Indices of Gross Domestic Product
2-5 Indices of Gross Domestic Product
2-6 Value-added of the Tertiary Industry
2-7 Composition of Value-added of the Tertiary Industry
2-8 Value-added of the Tertiary Industry at Constant Prices
2-9 Indices of Value-added of the Tertiary Industry
2-10 Indices of Value-added of the Tertiary Industry
2-11 Value-added by Sector
2-12 Share of the Contributions of the Three Strata of Industry to the Increase of the GDP
2-13 Contribution of the Three Strata of Industry to GDP Growth
2-14 Gross Regional Product and Indices
2-15 Gross Regional Product by Three Strata of Industry (2009)
2-16 Income Approach Components of Gross Regional Product (2009)
2-17 Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach
2-18 Components of Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach
2-19 Household Consumption
2-20 Contribution Share and Contribution of the Three Components of GDP to the Growth of GDP
2-21 Gross Regional Product by Expenditure Approach (2009)
2-22 Gross Capital Formation and Its Composition by Region (2009)
2-23 Final Consumption Expenditure and Its Composition by Region (2009)
2-24 Household Consumption Expenditure
2-25 Household Consumption Expenditure by Region (2009)
2-26 Intermediate Use Part of 2007 Input-Output Table
2-27 Final Use Part of 2007 Input-Output Table
2-28 Direct Input Coefficients of Input-Output Table (2007)
2-29 Total Input Coefficients of Input-Output Table (2007)
2-30 Flow of Funds Accounts (Physical Transaction, 2004)
2-31 Flow of Funds Accounts (Physical Transaction, 2005)
2-32 Flow of Funds Accounts (Physical Transaction, 2006)
2-33 Flow of Funds Accounts (Physical Transaction, 2007)
2-34 Flow of Funds Accounts (Physical Transaction, 2008)
2-35 Flow of Funds Accounts (Financial Transaction, 2008)
2-36 Balance of Payments (2009)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
3-1 Population and Its Composition
3-2 Birth Rate, Death Rate and Natural Growth Rate of Population
3-3 Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of Population
3-4 Total Population by Urban and Rural Residence and Birth Rate, Death Rate,Natural Growth Rate by Region (2009)
3-5 Basic Statistics on National Population Census in 1953, 1964, 1982, 1990 and 2000
3-6 Population Life Expectancy by Region
3-7 Population by Age and Sex (2009)
3-8 Household, Population, Sex Ratio and Household Size by Region (2009)
3-9 Population by Sex, Household Registration Status and Region
3-10 Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of Population by Region (2009)
3-11 Population by Sex, Marital Status and Region (2009)
3-12 Population by Sex, Educational Attainment and Region (2009)
3-13 Illiterate Population Aged 15 and Over by Sex and Region (2009)
3-14 Family Households by Size and Region (2009)
3-15 Age-specific Fertility Rate of Childbearing Women by Age of Mother and Birth Order (2008.11.1-2009.10.31)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Employment and Wages
Brief Introduction
4-1 Employment
4-2 Number of Employed Persons at Year-end in Urban and Rural Areas
4-3 Number of Employed Persons at Year-end by Three Strata of Industry
4-4 Number of Employed Persons at Year-end by Three Strata of Industry and Region (2009)
4-5 Number of Employed Persons in Urban Units at Year-end by Status of Registration and Sector in Detail (2009)
4-6 Number of Employed Persons in Urban Units at Year-end by Sector and Region
4-7 Number of Engaged Persons in Private Enterprises and Self-employed Individuals at Year-end by Sector and Region (2009)
4-8 Number of Engaged Persons in Urban Private Enterprises and Self-employed Individuals at Year-end by Sector and Region (2009)
4-9 Number of Engaged Persons in Private Enterprises at Year-end by Region (2009)
4-10 Number of Self-employed Individuals at Year-end by Region (2009)
4-11 Total Wage Bill of Employed Persons in Urban Units and Related Indices
4-12 Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units and Related Indices
4-13 Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Status of Registration and Region
4-14 Total Wage Bill of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Sector and Region
4-15 Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Sector in Detail (2009)
4-16 Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Sector and Region
4-17 Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Private Units by Sector and Region (2009)
4-18 Situations of Job Services by Region (2009)
4-19 Registered Unemployed Persons and Unemployment Rate in Urban Area by Region
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Investment in Fixed Assets
Brief Introduction
5-1 Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country
5-2 Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country by Rural and Urban Areas
5-3 Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country by Status of Registration and Region (2009)
5-4 Sources of Funds for Investment and Structure of Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country
5-5 Sources of Funds for Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country by Region
5-6 Total Investment in Residential Buildings in the Whole Country by Region
5-7 Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country by Region and Sector
5-8 Total Investment in Construction in the Whole Country by Region
5-9 Value and Floor Space of Buildings under Construction and Completed in the Whole Country by Region
5-10 Sources of Funds and Investment in Fixed Assets by Jurisdiction of Management in Urban Area
5-11 Investment in Fixed Assets in Urban Area by Composition of Funds and Type of Construction
5-12 Total Investment in Fixed Assets of Construction in Urban Area
5-13 Investment in Fixed Assets in Urban Area by Sector and Total Investment in Construction (2009)
5-14 Investment in Fixed Assets in Urban Area by Sector, Jurisdiction of Management and Registration Status (2009)
5-15 Sources of Funds of Investment and Newly Increased Fixed Assets in Urban Area by Sector (2009)
5-16 Investment in Fixed Assets in Urban Area by Region and Sector
5-17 Investment in Fixed Assets in Urban Area by Size of Construction and Region
5-18 Investment in Energy Industry in Urban Area by Region
5-19 Value and Floor Space of Buildings under Construction and Buildings Completed in Urban Area by Region
5-20 Newly Increased Fixed Assets in Urban Area by Region and Sector
5-21 Number of Construction Projects over 500 Thousand Yuan under Construction and Put into Use in Urban Area
5-22 Newly Increased Fixed Assets and Rate of Projects of Fixed Assets Completed and Put into Use in Urban Area
5-23 Number of Construction Projects over 500 Thousand Yuan under Construction and Projects Completed and Projects Put into Use in Urban Area by Sector (2009)
5-24 Newly Increased Production Capacity of Major Products
5-25 Construction Size of Main Production Capacity in the Whole Country (2009)
5-26 Farm households Investment in Fixed Assets and Buildings Construction in Rural Area
5-27 Main Indicators of Enterprises for Real Estate Development
5-28 Number of Enterprises for Real Estate Development
5-29 Number of Employed Persons in Enterprises for Real Estate Development
5-30 Land Development and Purchase of Enterprises for Real Estate Development
5-31 General Scale of Construction and Actually Completed Investment of Enterprises for Real Estate Development (2009)
5-32 Investment Actually Completed by Enterprises for Real Estate Development by Use
5-33 Sources of Funds of Enterprises for Real Estate Development
5-34 Floor Space and Cost of Buildings Developed by Enterprises for Real Estate Development
5-35 Floor Space of Buildings Started This Year by Enterprises for Real Estate Development by Use
5-36 Sale of Commercialized Buildings
5-37 Floor Space of Commercialized Buildings Sold by Use
5-38 Average Selling Price of Commercialized Buildings by Use
5-39 Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises for Real Estate Development
5-40 Operating Statistics on Enterprises for Real Estate Development
5-41 Investment Actually Completed by Enterprises for Real Estate Development by Size of Enterprise (2009)
5-42 Number of Flats of Residential Buildings Completed and Sold by Enterprises for Real Estate Development
5-43 Main Indicators of Real Estate Projects in 35 Large and Medium-sized Cities (2009)
5-44 Basic Situation of Large Projects under Construction (2009)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
Brief Introduction
6-1 Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
6-2 Reference Exchange Rate of Renminbi (Period Average)
6-3 Total Value of Imports and Exports
6-4 Exports Value by Category of Commodities
6-5 Imports Value by Category of Commodities
6-6 Value of Imports and Exports by HS Section and Division
6-7 Value of Imports and Exports by Country (Region) of Origin/Destination
6-8 Main Export Commodities in Volume and Value
6-9 Main Import Commodities in Volume and Value
6-10 Total Value of Imports and Exports by Location of Importers/Exporters
6-11 Import Value of Commodities by Place of Destination and Export Value of Commodities by Place of Origin in China
6-12 Value of Imports and Exports of Foreign-funded Enterprises by Region
6-13 Utilization of Foreign Capital
6-14 Foreign Investment Actually Utilized by Countries or Regions
6-15 Amount of Foreign Investment by Form
6-16 Foreign Direct Investment by Sector (2009)
6-17 Registration Status of Foreign Funded Enterprises by Sector at Year-end (2009)
6-18 Registration Status of Foreign Funded Enterprises by Region at Year-end
6-19 Oversea Direct Investment by Countries or Regions
6-20 Oversea Direct Investment by Sector
6-21 Economic Cooperation with Foreign Countries or Regions
6-22 Turnover of Economic Cooperation with Foreign Countries or Regions
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
7-1 Total Production of Energy and Its Composition
7-2 Total Consumption of Energy and Its Composition
7-3 Overall Energy Balance Sheet
7-4 Petroleum Balance Sheet
7-5 Coal Balance Sheet
7-6 Electricity Balance Sheet
7-7 Elasticity Ratio of Energy Production
7-8 Elasticity Ratio of Energy Consumption
7-9 Consumption of Energy by Sector (2008)
7-10 Efficiency of Energy Conversion
7-11 Average Daily Energy Consumption by Type of Energy
7-12 Average Annual Energy Consumption for Households
7-13 Annual per Capita Energy Consumption of Households
7-14 Electricity Consumption by Region
7-15 Indicators of Energy Consumption by Region (2009)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Government Finance
Brief Introduction
8-1 National Government Revenue and Expenditure and Their Increase Rates
8-2 Taxes
8-3 National Government Revenue and Ratio of the Central and Local Governments
8-4 National Government Expenditure and Ratio of Central and Local Governments
8-5 Main Items of National Government Revenue of the Central and Local Governments (2009)
8-6 Main Items of National Government Expenditure of Central and Local Governments (2009)
8-7 Government Revenue by Region (2009)
8-8 Government Expenditure by Region (2009)
8-9 Outstanding of Debts of Central Government
8-10 Extra-budgetary Revenue by Item
8-11 Extra-budgetary Expenditure by Item
8-12 Total Extra-budgetary Revenue and Expenditure and Ratio of the Central Government and Local Governments
8-13 Outstanding of External Debts
8-14 Risk Indicators on External Debts
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Price Indices
Brief Introduction
9-1 Price Indices
9-2 Fixed-base Price Indices
9-3 Consumer Price Indices by Category (2009)
9-4 Retail Price Indices by Category (2009)
9-5 Consumer Price Indices and Retail Price Indices by Region
9-6 Consumer Price Indices by Category and Region
9-7 Retail Price Indices by Category of Commodities by Region
9-8 Price Indices for Means of Agricultural Production by Category and Region
9-9 Producers' Price Indices for Farm Products
9-10 Producers' Price Indices for Farm Products by Region
9-11 Producer Price Indices for Manufactured Goods by Sector
9-12 Producer Price Indices for Manufactured Goods by Sector
9-13 Producer Price Indices for Manufactured Goods by Region
9-14 Producer Price Indices for Manufactured Goods by Category
9-15 Purchasing Price Indices for Raw Materials, Fuels and Power
9-16 Price Indices for Investment in Fixed Assets by Region
9-17 Price Indices for Real Estate
9-18 Price Indices for Real Estate in 70 Large and Medium-sized Cities
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
People's Living Conditions
Brief Introduction
10-1 Basic Statistics on People's Living Conditions
10-2 Per Capita Annual Income and Engel's Coefficient of Urban and Rural Households
10-3 Savings Deposit of Urban and Rural Household
10-4 Savings Deposit of Urban and Rural Households by Region at Year-end
10-5 Basic Conditions of Urban Households
10-6 Basic Conditions of Urban Households in Eastern, Central, Western and Northeastern Regions (2009)
10-7 Basic Conditions of Urban Households by Income Percentile (2009)
10-8 Per Capita Annual Living Expenditure of Urban Households by Income Percentile (2009)
10-9 Per Capita Annual Purchases of Major Commodities of Urban Households
10-10 Ownership of Major Durable Consumer Goods Per 100 Urban Households at Year-end
10-11 Per Capita Annual Purchases of Major Commodities of Urban Households in Eastern, Central, Western and Northeastern Regions (2009)
10-12 Ownership of Durable Consumer Goods Per 100 Urban Households in Eastern, Central, Western and Northeastern Regions at Year-end (2009)
10-13 Per Capita Annual Purchases of Major Commodities of Urban Households by Level of Income (2009)
10-14 Ownership of Durable Consumer Goods Per 100 Urban Households at Year-end by Level of Income (2009)
10-15 Per Capita Annual Income of Urban Households by Sources and Region (2009)
10-16 Per Capita Annual Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households by Region (2009)
10-17 Ownership of Major Durable Consumer Goods Per 100 Urban Households at Year-end by Region (2009)
10-18 Basic Conditions of Rural Households
10-19 Percentage of Rural Households Grouped by Per Capita Annual Net Income
10-20 Per Capita Annual Net Income of Rural Households
10-21 Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households by Region
10-22 Per Capita Annual Net Income of Rural Households by Sources and Region (2009)
10-23 Basic Conditions of Rural Households by Income Quintile (2009)
10-24 Per Capita Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households by Income Quintile (2009)
10-25 Composition of Per Capita Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households
10-26 Per Capita Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households by Region (2009)
10-27 Per Capita Cash Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households by Region (2009)
10-28 Basic Conditions of Rural Households of Eastern, Central, Western and Northeastern Regions (2009)
10-29 Per Capita Consumption of Major Foods by Rural Households
10-30 Number of Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Rural Households at Year-end
10-31 Per Capita Major Foods Consumption of Rural Households in Eastern, Central, Western and Northeastern Regions (2009)
10-32 Ownership of Durable Consumer Goods per 100 Rural Households at Year-end in Eastern, Central, Western and Northeastern Regions (2009)
10-33 Per Capita Consumption of Major Foods by Rural Households by Region (2009)
10-34 Ownership of Durable Consumer Goods Per 100 Rural Households by Region at Year-end (2009)
10-35 Floor Space of Newly Built Residential Buildings and Housing Conditions of Urban and Rural Residents
10-36 Housing Conditions of Rural Households
10-37 Housing Conditions of Rural Households by Region (2009)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
General Survey of Cities
Brief Introduction
11-1 Number of Cities at Prefecture Level and Above (2009)
11-2 Main Social and Economic Indicators of Open Coastal Cities and Cities in Special Economic Zones (2009)
11-3 Main Social and Economic Indicators of Provincial Capitals and Cities Specially Designated in the State Plan (2009)
11-4 Main Indicators of National Economic and Social Development of Cities at Prefecture Level and Above (2009)
11-5 Basic Statistics on City Public Utilities
11-6 Statistics on City Construction by Region (2009)
11-7 Basic Statistics on Tap Water Supply in Cities by Region (2009)
11-8 Basic Statistics on Supply of Gas in Cities by Region (2009)
11-9 Basic Statistics on Heating in Cities by Region (2009)
11-10 Basic Statistics on Municipal Infrastructure in Cities by Region (2009)
11-11 Basic Statistics on Public Transportation in Cities by Region (2009)
11-12 Basic Statistics on Parks and Green Areas in Cities by Region (2009)
11-13 Basic Statistics on Urban Sanitation in Cities by Region (2009)
11-14 Level of Public Facilities in Cities by Region (2009)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Resources and Environment
Brief Introduction
12-1 Natural Conditions
12-2 Land Characteristics
12-3 Main Mountain Ranges
12-4 Major Rivers
12-5 Drainage Area of Rivers
12-6 Inland Water Area
12-7 Area of Lakes
12-8 Sea Area, Areas of Fishing Ground and Water Quality
12-9 Seashore Land Area for Cultivation
12-10 Ensured Reserves of Major Mineral
12-11 Ensured Reserves of Major Energy and Ferrous Metals by Region (2009)
12-12 Ensured Reserves of Major Non-ferrous Metal and Non-metal Mineral by Region (2009)
12-13 Monthly Average Temperature of Major Cities (2009)
12-14 Average Relative Humidity of Major Cities (2009)
12-15 Monthly Precipitation of Major Cities (2009)
12-16 Monthly Sunshine Hours of Major Cities (2009)
12-17 Water Resources
12-18 Water Supply and Water Use
12-19 Discharge and Treatment of Industrial Waste Water by Region (2009)
12-20 Discharge and Treatment of Waste Water by Sector (2009)
12-21 Discharge and Treatment of Industrial Waste Water in Major Cities (2009)
12-22 Amount of COD Discharged by Region
12-23 Ambient Air Quality in Major Cities (2009)
12-24 Emission and Treatment of Industrial Waste Gas by Region (2009)
12-25 Emission and Treatment of Industrial Waste Gas in Major Cities (2009)
12-26 Emission and Treatment of Waste Gas by Sector (2009)
12-27 Volume of Sulphur Dioxide Emisson by Region
12-28 Production, Treatment and Utilization of Industrial Solid Wastes by Region (2009)
12-29 Production, Treatment and Utilization of Industrial Solid Wastes by Sector (2009)
12-30 Emission and Treatment of Industrial Sold Waste in Major Cities (2009)
12-31 Collection, Transport and Disposal of Consumption Wastes in Cities by Region (2009)
12-32 Monitoring of Urban Road Traffic Noise in Major Cities under National Control Programme (2009)
12-33 Monitoring of Urban Environment Noise in Major Cities under National Control Programme (2009)
12-34 Land Use by Region (2008)
12-35 Forest Resources by Region
12-36 Area of Afforestation
12-37 Area of Key Afforestation Projects
12-38 Area of Wetlands by Region
12-39 Site Classification and Area of Sharpleaf Mangrove (Rhizophora Apiculata)
12-40 Basic Situation of Natural Protection by Region (2008)
12-41 Geological Disasters and Prevention and Cure
12-42 Forest Fires (2009)
12-43 Prevention of Forest Diseases, Pests and Rats
12-44 Environmental Accidents (2009)
12-45 Earthquake Disasters
12-46 Major Marine Disasters (2009)
12-47 Investment in the Treatment of Environmental Pollution
12-48 Sources of Investment in the Treatment of Industrial Pollution (2009)
12-49 Investment Completed in the Treatment of Industrial Pollution
12-50 Funds Allocated to Afforestation
12-51 Investment Completed for Afforestation in Forest System
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
13-1 Agricultural Production Basic Conditions
13-2 Output of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishery
13-3 Area of Cultivated Land at Year-end by Region (2008)
13-4 Gross Output Value of Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery and Related Indices
13-5 Major Agricultural Machinery at Year-end
13-6 Irrigated Area, Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers and Rural Hydropower Stations and Electricity Consumption in Rural Areas
13-7 Rural Hydropower Construction and Amount of Electric Power Generation
13-8 Irrigation, Reservoirs, Flood Prevention, Water and Soil Conservation
13-9 Water Conservancy Facilities and Area with Flood Prevention Measures by Region (2009)
13-10 Original Value of Productive Fixed Assets of Rural Household at Year-end
13-11 Number of Major Productive Fixed Assets Per 100 Rural Households at Year-end
13-12 Area of Land Managed by Rural Households at Year-end by Region (2009)
13-13 Total Sown Areas of Farm Crops
13-14 Planting Structure of Major Farm Crops
13-15 Output of Major Farm Products
13-16 Output of Major Farm Products Per Hectare
13-17 Output of Major Forest Products
13-18 Number of Livestock
13-19 Output of Livestock Products
13-20 Output of Aquatic Products
13-21 Per Capita Output of Major Farm Products
13-22 Per Capita Major Farm Products Sold by Rural Households
13-23 Sales of Livestock, Poultry, Small Animals and Fishery Per Capita Rural Household
13-24 Output of Major Agricultural Products in Comparison with Peak Year Prior to 1949
13-25 Areas Covered and Affected by Natural Disaster
13-26 Basic Statistics on State Farms
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
14-1 Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size (2009)
14-2 Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Industrial Sector (2009)
14-3 Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Industrial Sector (2009)
14-4 Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Region
14-5 Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Region (2009)
14-6 Main Indicators of State-owned and State-holding Industrial Enterprises by Industrial Sector (2009)
14-7 Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of State-owned and State-holding Industrial Enterprises by Industrial Sector (2009)
14-8 Main Indicators of State-owned and State-holding Industrial Enterprises by Region
14-9 Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of State-owned and State-holding Industrial Enterprises by Region (2009)
14-10 Main Indicators of Private Enterprises by Industrial Sector (2009)
14-11 Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of Private Industrial Enterprises by Industrial Sector (2009)
14-12 Main Indicators of Private Industrial Enterprises by Region
14-13 Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of Private Industrial Enterprises by Region (2009)
14-14 Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Funds by Industrial Sector (2009)
14-15 Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of Industrial Enterprises with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Funds by Industrial Sector (2009)
14-16 Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Funds by Region
14-17 Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of Industrial Enterprises with Hong Kong,Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Funds by Region (2009)
14-18 Main Indicators of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises by Industrial Sector (2009)
14-19 Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises by Industrial Sector (2009)
14-20 Main Indicators of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises by Region
14-21 Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises by Region (2009)
14-22 Output of Industrial Products
14-23 Output of Industrial Products by Region
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
15-1 Main Indicators on Construction Enterprises
15-2 Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises by Registration Status (2009)
15-3 Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises
15-4 Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises of General Contractors by Region (2009)
15-5 Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises of Professional Contractors by Region (2009)
15-6 Total Output Value of Construction by Region
15-7 Value-added of Construction by Region
15-8 Total Pre-Tax Profits of Construction Enterprises by Region
15-9 Total Profits of Construction Enterprises by Region
15-10 Labor Productivity of Construction Enterprises by Region
15-11 Number of Construction Enterprises by Registration Status and Region (2009)
15-12 Number of Staff and Workers in Construction Enterprises by Registration Status and Region (2009)
15-13 Number and Power of Machinery and Equipment Owned by Construction Enterprises
15-14 Number and Power of Machinery and Equipment Owned by State-owned Construction Enterprises
15-15 Total Output Value of Construction by Region (2009)
15-16 Total Output Value of Construction by Registration Status and Region (2009)
15-17 Total Output Value of Construction by Branch and Region (2009)
15-18 Total Output Value of Construction of General Contractors by Qualification Criteria and by Region (2009)
15-19 Total Output Value of Construction of Professional Contractors by Qualification Criteria and by Region (2009)
15-20 Contracts Signed and Completion of Contracted Projects by Construction Enterprises by Region (2009)
15-21 Paid-up Capitals of Construction Enterprises by Registration Status and Region (2009)
15-22 Assets of Construction Enterprises by Region (2009)
15-23 Assets of Construction Enterprises by Registration Status and Region (2009)
15-24 Liabilities and Owners' Equity of Construction Enterprises by Region (2009)
15-25 Owners' Equity of Construction Enterprises by Registration Status and Region (2009)
15-26 Liabilities of Construction Enterprises by Registration Status and Region (2009)
15-27 Total Income of Construction Enterprises by Region (2009)
15-28 Total Income of Construction by Registration Status and Region (2009)
15-29 Total Pre-tax Profits of Construction Enterprises by Region (2009)
15-30 Taxes of Construction Enterprises by Registration Status and by Region (2009)
15-31 Total Profits of Construction Enterprises by Registration Status and Region (2009)
15-32 Total Profits of Construction of General Contractors by Qualification Grade and by Region (2009)
15-33 Total Profits of Speciality Contractors in Construction Industry by Qualification Grade and by Region (2009)
15-34 Profits of Project Settlement Accounts of Construction Enterprises by Registration Status and Region (2009)
15-35 Labor Productivity of Construction Enterprises by Region (2009)
15-36 Floor Space of Buildings Constructed by Construction Enterprises
15-37 Main Indicators of Labour Subcontractors in Construction Industry by Region (2009)
15-38 Number of Prospecting and Designing Institutions and Number of Staff and Workers (2009)
15-39 Business Revenue of Prospecting and Designing Institutions (2009)
15-40 Project Bidding Agencies and Its Personnel (2009)
15-41 Business Revenue of Project Bidding Agencies (2009)
15-42 Construction Project Supervision Enterprises and Employees (2009)
15-43 Business Revenue of Construction Project Supervision Enterprises (2009)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Transport, Postal and Telecommunication Services
Brief Introduction
16-1 Number of Employed Persons in Transport, Postal and Telecommunication Services at Year-end by Region (2009)
16-2 Basic Conditions of Transport
16-3 Length of Transport Routes at Year-end by Region (2009)
16-4 Length of Transportation Routes
16-5 Quality of Transport Routes
16-6 Passenger Traffic
16-7 Passenger-Kilometers
16-8 Freight Traffic
16-9 Freight Ton-Kilometers
16-10 Average Transport Distance of Passengers
16-11 Average Transport Distance of Freight
16-12 Passenger Traffic by Region (2009)
16-13 Passenger-kilometers by Region (2009)
16-14 Freight Traffic by Region (2009)
16-15 Freight Ton-kilometers by Region (2009)
16-16 Basic Statistics on National Railways in Operation
16-17 Number of Railway Locomotives
16-18 Number of National Railway Passenger Coaches and Freight Cars Owned
16-19 National Railway Freight Traffic by Category of Cargo
16-20 Passenger and Freight Traffic of Principal Trunk Railways (2009)
16-21 Number of Passengers Dispatched from Principal Railway Stations
16-22 Volume of Freight Dispatched from Principal Railway Stations
16-23 Principal Economic and Technical Indicators of National Railway Transport
16-24 Possession of Civil Vehicles
16-25 Possession of Private Vehicles
16-26 Statistics on New Registrations of Civil Vehicles
16-27 Possession of Vehicles for Highway Business Transportation
16-28 Possession of Civil Transport Vessels
16-29 Volume of Freight Handled in Coastal Ports above Designated Size by Type of Freight
16-30 Volume of Freight Handled in Coastal Ports above Designated Size
16-31 Number of Berths in Coastal Ports above Designated Size at Year-end (2009)
16-32 Number of Berths in Ports of Inland Rivers above Designated Size at Year-end (2009)
16-33 Number of Civil Aviation Routes and Civil Aircrafts
16-34 Civil Aviation Traffic and Flying Time of General Aviation
16-35 Basic Conditions of Postal and Telecommunication Services
16-36 Business Volume of Postal and Telecommunication Services
16-37 Postal Offices and Postal Delivery Routes at Year-end
16-38 Main Communication Capacity of Telecommunications (Year-end)
16-39 Level of Postal and Telecommunication Services
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Wholesale and Retail Trades
Brief Introduction
17-1 Basic Conditions of Wholesale and Retail Trades
17-2 Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale Trade by Types of Registration and Sector (2009)
17-3 Total Purchases, Sales and Stock of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Status of Registration and Sector (2009)
17-4 Basic Condition and Total Purchases, Sales and Stock of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region (2009)
17-5 Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Status of Registration and Sector (2009)
17-6 Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region (2009)
17-7 Main Financial Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Status of Registration and Sector (2009)
17-8 Main Financial Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region (2009)
17-9 Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size in Retail Trade by Types of Registration and Sector (2009)
17-10 Total Purchases, Sales and Stock of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Status of Registration and Sector (2009)
17-11 Basic Conditions and Total Purchases, Sales and Stock of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region (2009)
17-12 Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade (2009)
17-13 Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region (2009)
17-14 Main Financial Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Status of Registration and Sector (2009)
17-15 Main Financial Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region (2009)
17-16 Basic Conditions of Chain Retail Enterprises by Status of Registration (2009)
17-17 Basic Conditions of Chain Retail Enterprises by Sector and Business Categories (2009)
17-18 Basic Conditions of Chain Retail Enterprises by Region
17-19 Basic Statistics on Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan (2009)
17-20 Classification of Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan (2009)
17-21 Basic Statistics on Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan by Region
17-22 Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Hotels, Catering Services and Tourism
Brief Introduction
18-1 Basic Conditions of Hotels and Catering Sevices
18-2 Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels (2009)
18-3 Business of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Status of Registration and Sector (2009)
18-4 Basic Conditions and Business of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region (2009)
18-5 Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Status of Registration and Sector (2009)
18-6 Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region (2009)
18-7 Main Financial Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Status of Registration and Sector (2009)
18-8 Main Financial Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region (2009)
18-9 Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Sevices (2009)
18-10 Business of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Status of Registration and Sector (2009)
18-11 Basic Conditions and Business of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region (2009)
18-12 Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services (2009)
18-13 Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region (2009)
18-14 Main Financial Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Status of Registration and Sector (2009)
18-15 Main Financial Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region (2009)
18-16 Basic Conditions of Chain Catering Enterprises by Status of Registration (2009)
18-17 Basic Conditions of Chain Catering Enterprises by Business Categories (2009)
18-18 Basic Conditions of Chain Catering Enterprises by Region
18-19 Development of Tourism
18-20 Domestic Tourism
18-21 Foreign Exchange Earnings from International Tourism and Composition
18-22 Number of Overseas Visitor Arrivals by Sex, Age and Purpose
18-23 Number of Oversea Visitor Arrivals by Country/Region
18-24 Foreign Exchange Earnings from International Tourism by Region
18-25 Number of Oversea Visitor Arrivals by Region
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Financial Intermediation
Brief Introduction
19-1 Balance Sheet of Credit Funds of Financial Institutions (Funds Sources)
19-2 Balance Sheet of Credit Funds of Financial Institutions (Funds Uses)
19-3 Cash Income of Financial Institutions
19-4 Cash Expenditure of Financial Institutions
19-5 Currency Issue and Cash Withdrawn of Financial Institutions
19-6 Money Supply at Year-end
19-7 Rate of Increase of Money Supply Over the Previous Corresponding Period
19-8 Official Interest Rates of Deposits of Financial Institutions
19-9 Official Interest Rates of Loans of Financial Institutions
19-10 Gold and Foreign Exchange Reserves
19-11 Balance Sheet of Monetary Authority (Balance at Year-end)
19-12 Balance Sheet of Other Depository Corporations (Balance at Year-end)
19-13 Balance Sheet of State-owned Commercial Banks at Year-end
19-14 Balance Sheet of Other State-owned Banks (Balance at Year-end)
19-15 Balance Sheet of Foreign-funded Banks at Year-end
19-16 General Statistics on Securities Markets
19-17 Summary for Number of Listed Companies
19-18 Issued Share and Raised Capital
19-19 Trading Summary for Stocks
19-20 Number of Institutions and Employed Persons in Insurance System at Year-end
19-21 Economic and Technical Indicators of Insurance Companies Funded with Chinese and Foreign Capital
19-22 Situations of Assets of Insurance Company
19-23 Fund Uses of Insurance Company
19-24 Premium of Primary Insurance and Payment by Region (2009)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Education, Science and Technology
Brief Introduction
20-1 Basic Statistics on Schools, Teachers and Staff and Full-time Teachers (2009)
20-2 Basic Statistics on Students by Level and Type of Education (2009)
20-3 Basic Statistics on Students by Level and Type of Non-formal Education (2009)
20-4 Basic Statistics on Private Schools by Level and Type of Schools (2009)
20-5 Number of Schools by Level and Type of School
20-6 Number of Full-time Teachers by Level and Type of School
20-7 Number of New Students Enrollment by Level and Type of School
20-8 Number of Students Enrollment by Level and Type of School
20-9 Number of Graduates by Level and Type of School
20-10 Number of Postgraduates and Students Studying Abroad
20-11 Number of Postgraduate Students by Field of Study (2009)
20-12 Number of Schools or Institutions of Higher Education (2009)
20-13 Number of Students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education (2009)
20-14 Number of Students in Adult Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study (2009)
20-15 Number of Students in Undergraduate and Junior Colleges by Field of Study (2009)
20-16 Number of Students Enrolled in Internet-based Courses by Field of Study (2009)
20-17 Number of Secondary Vocational Schools (2009)
20-18 Students in Secondary Vocational Schools by Field of Study (2009)
20-19 Basic Statistics on Vocational/Technical Training Institutions (2009)
20-20 Statistics on Regular Senior Secondary Schools and Students (2009)
20-21 Statistics on Regular Junior Secondary Schools and Students (2009)
20-22 Statistics on Vocational Junior Secondary Schools and Students (2009)
20-23 Statistics on Regular Primary Schools and Students (2009)
20-24 Number of Technical Schools, Students, Teachers and Staff
20-25 Statistics on Technical Schools (2009)
20-26 Net Enrollment Ratio of Primary Schools and Promotion Rate of Various Schools
20-27 Number of Students in Undergraduate or Specialized Courses in Institutions of Higher Education by Region (2009)
20-28 Situations on Teachers and Staff in Regular Schools (Institutions) of Higher Education by Region (2009)
20-29 Situations on Students in Secondary Vocational Schools (Institutions) by Region (2009)
20-30 Number of Teachers and Staff in Secondary Vocational Schools (Institutions) by Region (2009)
20-31 Basic Statistics on Regular Senior Secondary Schools by Region (2009)
20-32 Basic Statistics on Regular Junior Secondary Schools by Region (2009)
20-33 Basic Statistics on Vocational Junior Secondary Schools by Region (2009)
20-34 Basic Statistics on Regular Primary Schools by Region (2009)
20-35 Basic Statistics on Special Education by Region (2009)
20-36 Student-Teacher Ratio by Level of Regular Schools by Region
20-37 Number of Students Per 100 000 Population by Level
20-38 Basic Statistics on Educational Funds by Region
20-39 Educational Funds in Various School (2008)
20-40 Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities
20-41 Basic Statistics on Scientific Research and Development Institutions
20-42 Basic Statistics on Higher Education for Science and technology Activities
20-43 Basic Statistics on Science and Technology Activities of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
20-44 Basic Statistics on Science and Technology Activities of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises
20-45 Basic Statistics on R&D Activities of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises by Registration Status (2009)
20-46 Basic Statistics on R&D Activities of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises by Industrial Sector (2009)
20-47 Basic Statistics on R&D Activities of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises by Region (2009)
20-48 New Products Development and Production of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises by Registration Status (2009)
20-49 New Products Development and Production of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises by Industrial Sector (2009)
20-50 New Products Development and Production of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises by Region (2009)
20-51 Statistics on Patent of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises by Registration Status (2009)
20-52 Statistics on Patent of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises by Industrial Sector (2009)
20-53 Statistics on Patent of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises by Region (2009)
20-54 Basic Statistics on High-tech Industry
20-55 Statistics on Production and Management in High-tech Industry (2009)
20-56 Statistics on R&D Activities and New Products Development in High-tech Industry (2009)
20-57 Statistics on Patents and New Products Production in High-tech Industry (2009)
20-58 Three Kinds of Applications for Patents Accepted
20-59 Three Kinds of Patents Granted
20-60 Patents Application Accepted and Granted by Region (2009)
20-61 Patents Application Accepted and Granted by Country (Region) (2009)
20-62 Inventions and Utility Models of Patents Application Accepted and Granted by International Classifications
20-63 Chinese Scientific Papers Taken by Major Foreign Referencing Systems by Discipline (2008)
20-64 Imports and Exports of High-tech Products,Manufactured Goods and Primary Goods
20-65 Number of Scientific and Technical Personnel in State-owned and Collective-owned Enterprises and Institutions at the Year-end
20-66 Main Economic Indicators of High-tech Enterprises in Development Areas (2009)
20-67 Transaction Value in Technical Market by Region
20-68 Statistics on Projects Completed by Surveying and Mapping Departments by Region (2009)
20-69 Statistics on Output of Surveying and Mapping Materials by Region (2009)
20-70 Status of Operational Meteorological Stations and Their Observation Items (2009)
20-71 Results of Sampling Check under State Supervision on the Quality of Products (2009)
20-72 Quality of Products by Region (2009)
20-73 Results of Sampling Check under Provincial Supervision on the Quality of Products (2009)
20-74 General Statistics on Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of Freight by Region (2009)
20-75 Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities of China Associations for Science and Technology (2009)
20-76 Situation of Earthquake Monitoring (2009)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Culture, Sports and Public Health
Brief Introduction
21-1 Number of Institutions and Personnel in Culture and Cultural Relics (2009)
21-2 Number of Institutions in Cultural Industry by Region
21-3 Basic Statistics on Performance of Art Troupes (2009)
21-4 Income and Expenditure of Arts Performance Troupes (2009)
21-5 Basic Statistics on National Mass Art Centers and Cultural Centers (Stations) (2009)
21-6 Basic Statistics on Performance in Art Performance Places (2009)
21-7 Statistics on Performance of Art Performance Troupes and Art Performance Places by Region (2009)
21-8 Statistics on Cultural Relics (2009)
21-9 Statistics on Public Library by Region (2009)
21-10 Basic Statistics on Radio and Television Industry
21-11 Length of Radio and Television Programs Produced
21-12 Length of Radio and Television Programs (2009)
21-13 Basic Statistics on Radio Programs Produced and Broadcasted by Region (2009)
21-14 Basic Statistics on TV Program Produced and Broadcasted by Region (2009)
21-15 Basic Statistics on Imported and Exported TV Programs (2009)
21-16 Basic Statistics on Film Production
21-17 Statistics on Books Published in China by Categories (2009)
21-18 Number of Books, Magazines and Newspapers Published in China
21-19 Number of Books Published for Children and Textbooks by Region (2009)
21-20 Publication of Textbooks (2009)
21-21 Statistics on Publication of Video Products by Region (2009)
21-22 Publication of Audio Products by Region (2009)
21-23 Statistics on Imports and Exports of Books, Magazines and Newspapers (2009)
21-24 Statistics on Audio Products and Electronic Publications (2009)
21-25 Statistics on Archive Institutions and Personnel
21-26 Basic Statistics on National Comprehensive Archives
21-27 Statistics on Staff and Workers in Physical Education System (2009)
21-28 World Records Chalked up by Chinese Athletes by Events (2009)
21-29 World Championships Won by Chinese Athletes
21-30 International Communications of Physical Education (2009)
21-31 Health Care Institutions
21-32 Number of Employed Persons in Health Care Institutions
21-33 Medical Technical Personnel in Health Care Institutions per 1000 Persons
21-34 Number of Village Clinics and Employed Personnel
21-35 Beds in Health Care Institutions
21-36 Beds in Health Care Institutions by Region (2009)
21-37 Number of Visits and Inpatients in Medical Institutions (2009)
21-38 Utilization of Beds in Medical Institutions (2009)
21-39 Situations of Medical Services in Township Health Centers
21-40 Medical Services of Community Health Service Centers (Stations)
21-41 Services in Hospitals by Region
21-42 List of 28 Infectious Diseases Reported and Number of Death (2009)
21-43 List of Incidence, Death and Mortality Rates of 28 Infectious Diseases Reported (2009)
21-44 Death Rate of Major Diseases in Urban Areas (2009)
21-45 Death Rate of Major Diseases in Rural Areas (2009)
21-46 Mortality Rate of the Maternal and Children Aged under 5 in Surveillance Areas
21-47 Conditions of New Cooperative Medical System
21-48 Conditions of New Cooperative Medical System by Region (2009)
21-49 Total Health Expenditure
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Social Services and Others
Brief Introduction
22-1 Number of Deputies to All the Previous National People's Congresses
22-2 Number of Deputies to All the Previous Chinese People's Political Consultative Conferences
22-3 Cadres of the Women's Federation
22-4 Basic Statistics on Trade Unions
22-5 The Disposal of Labor Disputes
22-6 Basic Statistics on Lawyers, Notarization and Mediation
22-7 Domestic Notarial Documents by Type
22-8 Foreign-Related Notarial Documents by Type
22-9 Number of Civil Disputes Mediated by Type
22-10 Basic Statistics of Termers in Custody
22-11 Criminal Cases Registered in Public Security Organs and Its Composition
22-12 Cases of Offence Against Public Order Handled by Public Security Organs (2009)
22-13 Basic Statistics on Traffic Accidents (2009)
22-14 Basic Statistics on Traffic Accidents by Region (2009)
22-15 Basic Statistics on Fire Accidents (2009)
22-16 Basic Statistics on Fires by Region (2009)
22-17 Cases under Direct Investigation by People's Procuratorate (2009)
22-18 Arrests of Criminal Suspects and Defendants under Public Prosecution Approved by People's Procuratorate (2009)
22-19 Appeals Handled by People's Procuratorate (2009)
22-20 Public Prosecutions Appearing in Court by People's Procuratorate (2009)
22-21 Criminal Appeals Handled by People's Procuratorate (2009)
22-22 Civil and Administrative Appeals Handled by People's Procuratorate (2009)
22-23 Cases of Reporting, Accusation and Petition Handled by People's Procuratorate (2009)
22-24 Law-breaking Cases Rectified by People's Procuratorate
22-25 First Trial Cases by Courts
22-26 First Trial Criminal Cases Accepted and Settled by Courts (2009)
22-27 Criminal Offenders Heard by Courts
22-28 First Trial Civil Cases of Marriage, Family Affairs and Inheritance Accepted and Settled by Courts (2009)
22-29 First Trial Cases of Contract Disputes Accepted and Settled by Courts (2009)
22-30 First Trial Cases of Disputes of Right, Infringement of Right and Other Civil Affairs Accepted and Settled by Courts (2009)
22-31 First Trial Administrative Cases Accepted and Settled by Courts (2009)
22-32 Statistics on Social Institutions
22-33 Statistics on Social Welfare Residential Institutions
22-34 Basic Conditions of Community Services Facilities by Region (2009)
22-35 Statistics on Social Relief, Preferential Treatment and Resettlement
22-36 Basic Statistics on Social Welfare Enterprises
22-37 Statistics on Welfare Lottery
22-38 Statistics on Social Donations
22-39 Statistics on Social Organization
22-40 Statistics on Autonomy Organizations
22-41 Number of Marriages and Divorces
22-42 Statistics on Funeral and Interment Services
22-43 Revenue, Expenses and Balance of Social Insurance Fund
22-44 Number of People Participated in Urban Basic Pension Insurance
22-45 Basic Statistics of Social Insurance
22-46 Statistics on Urban Basic Pension Insurance by Region (2009)
22-47 Statistics of Unemployment Insurance by Region (2009)
22-48 Persons Covered of Urban Basic Medical Care Insurance by Region (2009)
22-49 Revenue and Expenses of Urban Basic Medical Care Insurance by Region (2009)
22-50 Statistics of Work Injury Insurance by Region (2009)
22-51 Statistics of Maternity Insurance by Region (2009)
22-52 Statistics on Basic Pension Insurance in Rural Areas by Region (2009)
22-53 Basic Information of Person with Disabilities
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Main Social and Economic Indicators of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Brief Introduction
23-1 Summary of Key Statistics
23-2 Land Area of Hong Kong by District Council District
23-3 Land Usage
23-4 Air Quality by Area Type and Roadside Condition (2009)
23-5 Average Solid Waste Quantities by Type
23-6 Main Indicators of Population
23-7 Labour Force and Unemployment
23-8 Employed Persons by Industry
23-9 Employed Persons by Monthly Earnings
23-10 Wage Indices for Employees up to Supervisory Level (Managerial and Professional Employees Are Not Included) by Industry
23-11 Gross Domestic Product
23-12 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Economic Activity at Current Prices
23-13 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Economic Activity in Chained (2008) Dollars
23-14 Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Component
23-15 Gross National Product
23-16 Hong Kong's Balance of Payments Account
23-17 Hong Kong's International Investment Position (Position as at End of Period)
23-18 Electricity, Gas and Water Consumption
23-19 Index of Industrial Production
23-20 Private Buildings Newly Completed by Type of Building
23-21 Private Buildings with Consent to Commence Work by Type of Building
23-22 Number of Permanent Quarters by Type (as at End March of the Year)
23-23 Domestic Households by Tenure of Accommodation
23-24 Inward and Outward Movements of Cargo
23-25 Container Throughput by Main Cargo Handling Location
23-26 Communications and Internet Services
23-27 Total Imports and Exports of Goods
23-28 Imports and Exports of Goods by Major Supplier and Destination
23-29 Re-exports of Goods by Major Origin and Destination
23-30 Trade Involving Outward Processing in the Mainland of China
23-31 Exports and Imports of Services by Major Service Group
23-32 Exports and Imports of Services by Major Destination and Source
23-33 Position and Flow of Inward Direct Investment by Major Investor Country/Territory
23-34 Position and Flow of Outward Direct Investment by Major Recipient Country/Territory
23-35 Number of Regional Headquarters in Hong Kong by Country/Territory of the Parent Company
23-36 Number of Regional Offices in Hong Kong by Country/Territory of the Parent Company
23-37 Visitor Arrivals by Country/Territory of Residence
23-38 Government's Reserve Balances
23-39 Government Revenue (General Revenue Account and Funds)
23-40 Government Expenditure (General Revenue Account and Funds)
23-41 Public Expenditure by Policy Area Group
23-42 Exchange Rates and the Effective Exchange Rate Indices
23-43 Money Supply
23-44 Index of Share Prices, Value of Stock Exchange Turnover and Market Capitalisation
23-45 Consumer Price Indices (Oct. 2004 - Sep. 2005=100)
23-46 Average Monthly Household Expenditure by Commodity/Service Section by Quartile Expenditure Group
23-47 Persons Aged 10 and Over Having Used Personal Computer by Age Group/Educational Attainment/Economic Activity Status
23-48 Persons Aged 10 and Over Having Used Internet Service by Age Group/Educational Attainment/Economic Activity Status
23-49 Establishments using Personal Computers, with Internet Connection or Webpages/Websites by Industry Sector/Employment Size
23-50 Establishments having Ordered or Purchased, Received, Sold or Delivered Goods, Services or Information through Electronic Means by Industry Sector/Employment Size
23-51 Educational Attainment of Population Aged 15 and Above
23-52 Student Enrolment by Type of Educational and Training Institution
23-53 Conditions of Public Health
23-54 Social Security
A Comparison of Common Statistical Terms Used in Publications Compiled by the Census and Statistics Department, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and China Statistical Yearbook
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Main Social and Economic Indicators of Macao Special Administrative Region
Brief Introduction
24-1 Summary of Key Statistics
24-2 Land Area of Macao by Parish
24-3 Main Demographic Indicator
24-4 Labour Force and Unemployment
24-5 Employed Population by Industry
24-6 Median Monthly Employment Earnings by Industry
24-7 Gross Domestic Product (at Current Prices)
24-8 Expenditure-based Gross Domestic Product
24-9 Production-based Gross Domestic Product
24-10 Structure of Production-based Gross Domestic Product
24-11 Consumption of Electricity, Fuels and Water
24-12 Units and Gross Floor Area Completed by End-use
24-13 Units and Gross Floor Area Started by End-use
24-14 Value of Retail Sales
24-15 External Merchandise Trade by Mode of Transport
24-16 Container Flow
24-17 Seaborne Container Throughput
24-18 Communications
24-19 Principal Indicators of External Merchandise Trade
24-20 Value of Merchandise Imports and Exports by Major Country/Region
24-21 Government Revenue
24-22 Government Expenditure
24-23 Money Supply
24-24 Exchange Rates
24-25 Consumer Price Index (April/2008 - March/2009=100)
24-26 Average Biweekly Household Expenditure by Quintile Expenditure Group and Section of Goods and Services
24-27 Educational Attainment of Population Aged 14 and Over
24-28 Students by Type of Educational Institutions
24-29 Health
24-30 Number of Households by Tenure of Accommodation
24-31 Number of Payments and Amount of Subsidy Granted by Social Security Fund
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
APPENDIX I. Main Social and Economic Indicators of Taiwan Province
APPENDIX 1-1 Summary of Key Statistics
APPENDIX 1-2 Main Indicators of Area and Population
APPENDIX 1-3 Labour Force and Employment
APPENDIX 1-4 Gross National Product
APPENDIX 1-5 Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product
APPENDIX 1-6 Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Economic Activity
APPENDIX 1-7 Indices of Agricultural Production
APPENDIX 1-8 Output of Major Crops
APPENDIX 1-9 Indices of Industrial Production
APPENDIX 1-10 Output of Major Industrial Products
APPENDIX 1-11 Production and Consumption of Energy
APPENDIX 1-12 Floor Space of Authorized Construction Projects by Purpose
APPENDIX 1-13 Railway and Highway Passenger and Freight Traffic
APPENDIX 1-14 Post & Telecommunication Services
APPENDIX 1-15 Total Imports and Exports
APPENDIX 1-16 Origin of Imports and Destination of Exports
APPENDIX 1-17 Composition of Exports and Imports
APPENDIX 1-18 Inbound Tourists
APPENDIX 1-19 Consumer Price Indices
APPENDIX 1-20 Net Revenue of Treasury
APPENDIX 1-21 Net Expenditures of Treasury
APPENDIX 1-22 Government Bonds
APPENDIX 1-23 Principal Financial Indicators
APPENDIX 1-24 Transactions of Listed Stock
APPENDIX 1-25 Net Enrolment Rate and Public Expenditure for Education at Current Market Prices
APPENDIX 1-26 Number of Research Staff, Technicians and Supporting Personnel and Expenditures for R&D
APPENDIX 1-27 Medical Facilities and Health Personnel
APPENDIX 1-28 Percent of Families Owning Household Appliances
APPENDIX II. A Comparison of Indicators of Economy and Society Among the People's Republic of China and Other Countries/Regions
Brief Introduction
APPENDIX 2-1 Surface Area and Population
APPENDIX 2-2 Employment by Type of Industry
APPENDIX 2-3 Gross Domestic Product and Its Growth Rate
APPENDIX 2-4 Agricultural Production Indices
APPENDIX 2-5 Industry Production Indices
APPENDIX 2-6 Ranking of China in the World in Terms of Main Indicators
APPENDIX 2-7 Consumer Price Indices
APPENDIX 2-8 Total Imports and Exports
APPENDIX 2-9 Balance of Payments (2009)
APPENDIX 2-10 Foreign Exchange Reserves