China Statistical Yearbook 2014 (with 1 CD-ROM)

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Table of Contents
一、综 合
General Survey
Brief Introduction
1-1 全国行政区划 (2013年底) 3
Divisions of Administrative Areas in China (End of 2013)
1-2 国民经济和社会发展总量与速度指标 4
Principal Aggregate Indicators on National Economic and Social Development and Growth Rates
1-3 国民经济和社会发展结构指标 12
Composition Indicators on National Economic and Social Development
1-4 国民经济和社会发展比例和效益指标 16
Indicators on National Economic and Social Development
主要统计指标解释 18
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
二、人 口
Brief Introduction
2-1 人口数及构成 25
Population and Its Composition
2-2 人口出生率、死亡率和自然增长率 26
Birth Rate, Death Rate and Natural Growth Rate of Population
2-3 流动人口数 26
Floating Population
2-4 人口年龄结构和抚养比 27
Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of Population
2-5 分地区年末人口数 28
Population at Year-end by Region
2-6 分地区年末城镇人口比重 29
Proportion of Urban Population at Year-end by Region
2-7 分地区人口的城乡构成和出生率、死亡率、自然增长率 (2013年) 30
Total Population by Urban and Rural Residence and Birth Rate, Death Rate, Natural Growth Rate by Region (2013)
2-8 按年龄和性别分人口数 (2013年) 31
Population by Age and Sex (2013)
2-9 分地区户数、人口数、性别比和户规模 (2013年) 32
Household, Population, Sex Ratio and Household Size by Region (2013)
2-10 分地区分性别、户口登记状况的人口(2013年) 34
Population by Sex, Household Registration Status and Region (2013)
2-11 分地区人口年龄构成和抚养比 (2013年) 36
Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of Population by Region (2013)
2-12 分地区按性别和婚姻状况分的人口(2013年) 37
Population by Sex, Marital Status and Region (2013)
2-13 分地区按性别和受教育程度分的人口 (2013年) 39
Population by Sex, Educational Attainment and Region (2013)
2-14 分地区按性别分的15岁及以上文盲人口 (2013年) 41
Illiterate Population Aged 15 and Over by Sex and Region (2013)
2-15 分地区按家庭户规模分的户数 (2013年) 42
Family Households by Size and Region (2013)
2-16 育龄妇女分年龄、孩次的生育状况(2012年11月1日至2013年10月31日) 43
Age-specific Fertility Rate of Childbearing Women by Age of Mother and Birth Order (2012.11.1-2013.10.31)
主要统计指标解释 44
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
National Accounts
Brief Introduction
3-1 国内生产总值 50
Gross Domestic Product
3-2 国内生产总值构成 51
Composition of Gross Domestic Product
3-3 不变价国内生产总值 52
Gross Domestic Product at Constant Prices
3-4 国内生产总值指数(上年=100) 53
Indices of Gross Domestic Product(preceding year=100)
3-5 国内生产总值指数(1978年=100) 54
Indices of Gross Domestic Product(year of 1978=100)
3-6 第三产业增加值 55
Value-added of the Tertiary Industry
3-7 第三产业增加值构成 56
Composition of Value-added of the Tertiary Industry
3-8 第三产业不变价增加值 57
Value-added of the Tertiary Industry at Constant Prices
3-9 第三产业增加值指数(上年=100) 58
Indices of Value-added of the Tertiary Industry(preceding year=100)
3-10 第三产业增加值指数(1978年=100) 59
Indices of Value-added of the Tertiary Industry(year of 1978=100)
3-11 分行业增加值 60
Value-added by Sector
3-12 三次产业贡献率 61
Share of the Contributions of the Three Strata of Industry to the Increase of the GDP
3-13 三次产业对国内生产总值增长的拉动 61
Contribution of the Three Strata of Industry to GDP Growth
3-14 地区生产总值和指数 62
Gross Regional Product and Indices
3-15 人均地区生产总值和指数 63
Per Capita Gross Regional Product and Indices
3-16 按三次产业分地区生产总值 (2013年) 64
Gross Regional Product by Three Strata of Industry (2013)
3-17 地区生产总值收入法构成项目 (2012年) 67
Income Approach Components of Gross Regional Product (2012)
3-18 支出法国内生产总值 68
Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach
3-19 支出法国内生产总值及构成 69
Components of Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach
3-20 支出法地区生产总值 (2013年) 70
Gross Regional Product by Expenditure Approach (2013)
3-21 分地区资本形成总额及构成 (2013年) 71
Gross Capital Formation and Its Composition by Region (2013)
3-22 分地区最终消费支出及构成 (2013年) 72
Final Consumption Expenditure and Its Composition by Region (2013)
3-23 居民消费水平 73
Household Consumption Expenditure
3-24 三大需求对国内生产总值增长的贡献率和拉动 73
Contribution Share and Contribution of the Three Components of GDP to the Growth of GDP
3-25 分地区居民消费水平 (2013年) 74
Household Consumption Expenditure by Region (2013)
3-26 资金流量表 (实物交易,2012年) 75
Flow of Funds Accounts (Physical Transaction, 2012)
3-27 资金流量表 (金融交易,2012年) 77
Flow of Funds Accounts (Financial Transaction, 2012)
3-28 国际收支平衡表 (2013年) 79
Balance of Payments (2013)
主要统计指标解释 80
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Employment and Wages
Brief Introduction
4-1 就业基本情况 89
4-2 按城乡分就业人员数 (年底数) 90
Number of Employed Persons at Year-end in Urban and Rural Areas
4-3 按三次产业分就业人员数 (年底数) 91
Number of Employed Persons at Year-end by Three Strata of Industry
4-4 按登记注册类型和行业分城镇单位就业人员数 (2013年底) 92
Number of Employed Persons in Urban Units at Year-end by Status of Registration and Sector in Detail (2013)
4-5 按行业分城镇单位就业人员数(年底数) 93
Number of Employed Persons in Urban Units at Year-end by Sector
4-6 分地区按行业分私营企业和个体就业人数(2013年底) 96
Number of Engaged Persons in Private Enterprises and Self-employed Individuals at Year-end by Sector
and Region (2013)
4-7 分地区按行业分城镇私营企业和个体就业人数(2013年底) 97
Number of Engaged Persons in Urban Private Enterprises and Self-employed Individuals at Year-end by Sector
and Region (2013)
4-8 分地区私营企业就业人数(2013年底) 98
Number of Engaged Persons in Private Enterprises at Year-end by Region (2013)
4-9 分地区个体就业人数(2013年底) 99
Number of Self-employed Individuals at Year-end by Region (2013)
4-10 城镇单位就业人员工资总额和指数 100
Total Wage Bill of Employed Persons in Urban Units and Related Indices
4-11 城镇单位就业人员平均工资和指数 101
Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units and Related Indices
4-12 按登记注册类型分城镇单位就业人员平均工资 103
Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Status of Registration
4-13 按行业分城镇单位就业人员工资总额 104
Total Wage Bill of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Sector
4-14 按登记注册类型和行业分城镇单位就业人员平均工资 (2013年) 107
Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Status of Registration and Sector in Detail (2013)
4-15 按行业分城镇单位就业人员平均工资 108
Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Sector
4-16 分地区按行业分城镇私营单位就业人员平均工资(2013年) 111
Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Private Units by Sector and Region (2013)
4-17 分地区城镇登记失业人员及失业率 114
Registered Unemployed Persons and Unemployment Rate in Urban Area by Region
主要统计指标解释 115
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
五、价 格
Brief Introduction
5-1 各种价格指数 123
Price Indices
5-2 各种价格定基指数 123
Fixed-base Price Indices
5-3 居民消费价格分类指数 (2013年) 124
Consumer Price Indices by Category (2013)
5-4 商品零售价格分类指数 (2013年) 126
Retail Price Indices by Category (2013)
5-5 分地区居民消费价格指数和商品零售价格指数 127
Consumer Price Indices and Retail Price Indices by Region
5-6 分地区居民消费价格分类指数 128
Consumer Price Indices by Category and Region
5-7 分地区商品零售价格分类指数 136
Retail Price Indices by Category of Commodities by Region
5-8 分地区农业生产资料价格分类指数 139
Price Indices for Means of Agricultural Production by Category and Region
5-9 农产品生产者价格指数 141
Producer Price Indices for Farm Products
5-10 分地区农产品生产者价格指数 142
Producer Price Indices for Farm Products by Region
5-11 按工业行业分工业生产者出厂价格指数 143
Producer Price Indices for Industrial Products by Sector
5-12 分地区工业生产者出厂价格指数 144
Producer Price Indices for Industrial Products by Region
5-13 工业生产者出厂价格分类指数 145
Producer Price Indices for Industrial Products by Category
5-14 工业生产者购进价格指数 145
Purchasing Price Indices for Industrial Producers
5-15 固定资产投资价格指数 146
Price Index for Investment in Fixed Assets
5-16 分地区固定资产投资价格指数 147
Price Indices for Investment in Fixed Assets by Region
5-17 建筑安装工程价格指数 148
Price Indices of Construction and Installment
5-18 进出口商品价格指数 148
Price Indices of Imports and Exports of Commodity
5-19 分行业进出口商品价格指数 149
Price Index Number of Commodity Imports and Exports by Industry
主要统计指标解释 150
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
People's Living Conditions
Brief Introduction
6-1 全国居民人均收支情况 156
Per Capita Income and Consumption Expenditure Nationwide
6-2 全国居民人均主要食品消费量 157
Per Capita Consumption of Major Foods Nationwide
6-3 全国居民平均每百户年末主要耐用消费品拥有量 157
Main Durable Goods Owned Per 100 Households Nationwide
6-4 城乡居民人均收入及恩格尔系数 158
Per Capita Income and Engel's Coefficient of Urban and Rural Households
6-5 城镇居民人均收入与支出 159
Per Capita Income and Expenditure of Urban Households
6-6 东、中、西部及东北地区城镇居民人均可支配收入 160
Per Capita Disposable Income of Urban Households in Eastern, Central, Western and Northeastern Regions
6-7 按收入五等份分组的城镇居民人均可支配收入 161
Per Capita Disposable Income of Urban Households by Income Quintile
6-8 城镇居民人均购买主要食品数量 162
Per Capita Purchases of Major Foods of Urban Households
6-9 城镇居民平均每百户年末主要耐用消费品拥有量 162
Ownership of Major Durable Consumer Goods Per 100 Urban Households at Year-end
6-10 农村居民家庭基本情况 163
Basic Conditions of Rural Households
6-11 农村居民按人均纯收入分组的户数占调查户比重 164
Percentage of Rural Households Grouped by Per Capita Net Income
6-12 农村居民人均收入与支出 165
Per Capita Income and Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households
6-13 东、中、西部及东北地区农村居民人均纯收入 166
Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households in Eastern, Central, Western and Northeastern Regions
6-14 按收入五等份分组的农村居民人均纯收入 167
Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households by Income Quintile
6-15 农村居民人均主要食品消费量 168
Per Capita Consumption of Major Foods by Rural Households
6-16 农村居民平均每百户年末主要耐用消费品拥有量 168
Number of Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Rural Households at Year-end
6-17 城乡新建住宅面积和居民住房情况 169
Floor Space of Newly Built Residential Buildings and Housing Conditions of Urban and Rural Residents
6-18 农村居民家庭住房情况 169
Housing Conditions of Rural Households
6-19 农村贫困状况 170
Poverty Conditions in Rural Areas
6-20 分地区全体居民人均收支情况(2013年) 171
Per Capita Income and Consumption Expenditure of Nationwide by Region(2013)
6-21 分地区城镇居民人均可支配收入 172
Per Capita Disposable Income of Urban Households by Region
6-22 分地区城镇居民人均收入来源 (2013年) 173
Per Capita Income of Urban Households by Sources and Region (2013)
6-23 分地区城镇居民人均现金消费支出 174
Per Capita Cash Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households by Region
6-24 分地区城镇居民人均现金消费支出 (2013年) 175
Per Capita Cash Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households by Region (2013)
6-25 分地区农村居民人均纯收入 176
Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households by Region
6-26 分地区按来源分农村居民人均纯收入 (2013年) 177
Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households by Sources and Region (2013)
6-27 分地区农村居民人均消费支出 178
Per Capita Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households by Region
6-28 分地区农村居民人均消费支出 (2013年) 179
Per Capita Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households by Region (2013)
6-29 分地区农村居民人均现金消费支出 180
Per Capita Cash Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households by Region
6-30 分地区农村居民人均现金消费支出 (2013年) 181
Per Capita Cash Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households by Region (2013)
主要统计指标解释 182
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
七、财 政
Government Finance
Brief Introduction
7-1 公共财政收支总额及增长速度 190
Public Government Revenue and Expenditure and Their Increase Rates
7-2 中央和地方公共财政主要收入项目 (2013年) 191
Main Items of Public Government Revenue of the Central and Local Governments (2013)
7-3 中央和地方公共财政主要支出项目 (2013年) 192
Main Items of Public Government Expenditure of Central and Local Governments (2013)
7-4 各项税收 193
7-5 分地区公共财政收入 (2013年) 194
Public Government Revenue by Region (2013)
7-6 分地区公共财政支出 (2013年) 197
Public Government Expenditure by Region (2013)
7-7 中央财政债务余额情况 200
Outstanding of Debts of Central Government
7-8 外债余额 200
Outstanding of External Debts
7-9 外债风险指标 201
Risk Indicators on External Debts
7-10 全国政府性基金收入决算表(2013年) 202
Final Accounts for Revenue of Government Funds (2013)
7-11 全国政府性基金支出决算表(2013年) 203
Final Accounts for Expenditure of Government Funds (2013)
7-12 全国国有资本经营收入决算表(2013年) 204
Final Accounts of Operation Revenue of State-owned Capital (2013)
7-13 全国国有资本经营支出决算表(2013年) 205
Final Accounts for Operation Expenditure of State-owned Capital (2013)
主要统计指标解释 206
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Resources and Environment
Brief Introduction
8-1 土地状况 211
Land Characteristics
8-2 主要河流基本情况 211
Major Rivers
8-3 河流流域面积 212
Drainage Area of Rivers
8-4 主要矿产基础储量 213
Ensured Reserves of Major Minerals
8-5 分地区主要能源、黑色金属矿产基础储量 (2013年) 214
Ensured Reserves of Major Energy and Ferrous Metals by Region (2013)
8-6 分地区主要有色金属、非金属矿产基础储量 (2013年) 215
Ensured Reserves of Major Non-ferrous Metals and Non-metal Minerals by Region (2013)
8-7 主要城市平均气温(2013年) 216
Monthly Average Temperature of Major Cities (2013)
8-8 主要城市平均相对湿度 (2013年) 217
Average Relative Humidity of Major Cities (2013)
8-9 主要城市降水量 (2013年) 218
Monthly Precipitation of Major Cities (2013)
8-10 主要城市日照时数 (2013年) 219
Monthly Sunshine Hours of Major Cities (2013)
8-11 水资源情况 220
Water Resources
8-12 供水用水情况 221
Water Supply and Water Use
8-13 分地区废水中主要污染物排放情况 (2013年) 222
Main Pullutant Emission in Waste Water by Region (2013)
8-14 主要城市废水中主要污染物排放情况 (2013年) 224
Main Pullutant Emission in Waste Water in Main Cities (2013)
8-15 分地区废气中主要污染物排放情况 (2013年) 225
Main Pullutant Emission in Waste Gas by Region (2013)
8-16 主要城市废气中主要污染物排放情况 (2013年) 226
Main Pullutant Emission in Waste Gas in Main Cities (2013)
8-17 分地区固体废物处理利用情况 (2013年) 227
Disposal and Utilization of Industrial Solid Wastes by Region (2013)
8-18 主要城市固体废物处理利用情况(2013年) 228
Disposal and Utilization of Industrial Solid Wastes in Main Cities (2013)
8-19 环保重点城市空气质量情况 (2013年) 229
Ambient Air Quality in Key Cities of Environmental Protection (2013)
8-20 分地区城市生活垃圾清运和处理情况 (2013年) 230
Collection, Transport and Disposal of Consumption Wastes in Cities by Region (2013)
8-21 环保重点城市道路交通噪声监测情况 (2013年) 232
Monitoring of Urban Road Traffic Noise in Key Cities of Environmental Protection (2013)
8-22 环保重点城市区域环境噪声监测情况 (2013年) 233
Monitoring of Urban Environment Noise in Key Cities of Environmental Protection (2013)
8-23 分地区土地利用情况 (2008年) 234
Land Use by Region (2008)
8-24 分地区森林资源情况 235
Forest Resources by Region
8-25 造林面积 236
Area of Afforestation
8-26 分地区草原建设利用情况(2013年) 237
Grassland Construction and Utilization by Region (2013)
8-27 分地区湿地面积 238
Area of Wetlands by Region
8-28 分地区自然保护基本情况 (2013年) 239
Basic Situation of Natural Protection by Region (2013)
8-29 分地区自然灾害损失情况(2013年) 240
Loss Caused by Natural Disasters by Region (2013)
8-30 地质灾害及防治情况 242
Geological Disasters and Prevention and Cure
8-31 森林火灾情况(2013年) 243
Forest Fires (2013)
8-32 林业有害生物防治情况 244
Prevention of Forest Biological Disasters
8-33 突发环境事件情况(2013年) 246
Environmental Emergencies (2013)
8-34 地震灾害情况 247
Earthquake Disasters
8-35 主要海洋灾害情况 (2013年) 247
Major Marine Disasters (2013)
8-36 全海域未达到第一类海水水质标准的海域面积(2013年) 248
Sea Area with Water Quality Not Reaching Standard of Grade 1 (2013)
8-37 环境污染治理投资 248
Investment in the Treatment of Environmental Pollution
8-38 工业污染治理投资完成情况 249
Investment Completed in the Treatment of Industrial Pollution
8-39 林业投资资金来源情况(2013年) 250
Sources of Funds of Forestry Investment (2013)
8-40 林业投资完成情况(2013年) 251
Forestry Investment Completed (2013)
主要统计指标解释 252
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
九、能 源
Brief Introduction
9-1 能源生产总量及构成 261
Total Production of Energy and Its Composition
9-2 能源消费总量及构成 261
Total Consumption of Energy and Its Composition
9-3 综合能源平衡表 262
Overall Energy Balance Sheet
9-4 石油平衡表 263
Petroleum Balance Sheet
9-5 煤炭平衡表 264
Coal Balance Sheet
9-6 电力平衡表 264
Electricity Balance Sheet
9-7 能源生产弹性系数 265
Elasticity Ratio of Energy Production
9-8 能源消费弹性系数 265
Elasticity Ratio of Energy Consumption
9-9 按行业分能源消费量 (2012年) 266
Consumption of Energy by Sector (2012)
9-10 能源加工转换效率 268
Efficiency of Energy Conversion
9-11 平均每天能源消费量 268
Average Daily Energy Consumption by Type of Energy
9-12 生活能源消费量 269
Average Annual Energy Consumption for Households
9-13 人均生活能源消费量 269
Annual per Capita Energy Consumption of Households
9-14 分地区电力消费量 270
Electricity Consumption by Region
9-15 发电装机容量 271
Installed Capacity of Power Generation
9-16 平均每万元国内生产总值能源消费量 272
Energy Intensity by GDP
主要统计指标解释 273
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Investment in Fixed Assets
Brief Introduction
10-1 全社会固定资产投资主要指标 278
Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country
10-2 全社会固定资产投资和全社会住宅投资 279
Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country and Total Investment in Residential Buildings in the
Whole Country
10-3 分地区按登记注册类型分全社会固定资产投资(2013年) 280
Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country by Status of Registration and Region (2013)
10-4 全社会固定资产投资实际到位资金和按构成分固定资产投资 282
Actual Funds for Investment and Structure of Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country
10-5 全社会固定资产投资实际到位资金 283
Actual Funds for Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country
10-6 按主要行业分的全社会固定资产投资 284
Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country by Sector
10-7 全社会房屋施工、竣工面积和价值 287
Value and Floor Space of Buildings under Construction and Completed in the Whole Country
10-8 固定资产投资(不含农户)实际到位资金和按隶属关系分固定资产投资(不含农户) 288
Investment in Fixed Assets (Excluding Rural Households) by Sources of Actual Funds and by Jurisdiction of
10-9 按构成和建设性质分固定资产投资(不含农户) 289
Investment in Fixed Assets (Excluding Rural Households) by Composition of Funds and Type of Construction
10-10 各行业按建设性质和构成分固定资产投资(不含农户)(2013年) 290
Investment in Fixed Assets (Excluding Rural Households) by Sector, Type of Construction and Composition
of Funds (2013)
10-11 各行业按隶属关系、登记注册类型和控股情况分固定资产投资(不含农户)(2013年) 294
Investment in Fixed Assets(Excluding Rural Households) by Sector, Jurisdiction of Management, Registration Status
and Holding Type (2013)
10-12 固定资产投资(不含农户)各行业实际到位资金和新增固定资产 (2013年) 298
Actual Funds for Investment and Newly Increased Fixed Assets (Excluding Rural Households) by Sector (2013)
10-13 按行业分固定资产投资(不含农户) 302
Investment in Fixed Assets (Excluding Rural Households) by Sector
10-14 按项目规模分固定资产投资(不含农户) 305
Investment in Fixed Assets (Excluding Rural Households) by Size of Construction
10-15 能源工业固定资产投资(不含农户) 306
Investment in Energy Industry (Excluding Rural Households)
10-16 固定资产投资(不含农户)房屋施工、竣工面积和房屋竣工价值 307
Value and Floor Space of Buildings under Construction and Buildings Completed (Excluding Rural Households)
10-17 固定资产(不含农户)按行业分新增固定资产 308
Newly Increased Fixed Assets (Excluding Rural Households) by Sector
10-18 固定资产投资(不含农户)施工、投产项目个数 311
Number of Construction Projects (Excluding Rural Households) under Construction and Put into Use
10-19 固定资产投资(不含农户)新增固定资产及交付使用率 312
Newly Increased Fixed Assets and Rate of Projects of Fixed Assets (Excluding Rural Households) Completed and
Put into Use
10-20 固定资产投资(不含农户)按行业分施工、投产项目个数 (2013年) 313
Number of Construction Projects under Construction and Projects Completed and Projects Put into Use (Excluding
Rural Households) by Sector (2013)
10-21 新增主要产品生产能力 315
Newly Increased Production Capacity of Major Products
10-22 全社会主要产品建设规模 (2013年) 317
Construction Size of Main Production Capacity in the Whole Country (2013)
10-23 农村农户固定资产投资和建房 319
Farm Households Investment in Fixed Assets and Buildings Construction in Rural Area
主要统计指标解释 320
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
Brief Introduction
11-1 对外经济贸易基本情况 328
Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
11-2 货物进出口总额 329
Total Value of Imports and Exports of Goods
11-3 出口货物分类金额 330
Exports Value by Category of Goods
11-4 进口货物分类金额 331
Imports Value by Category of Goods
11-5 进出口货物分类金额 332
Value of Imports and Exports of Goods by HS Section and Division
11-6 我国同各国(地区)海关货物进出口总额 337
Value of Imports and Exports by Country (Region) of Origin/Destination
11-7 出口主要货物数量和金额 341
Main Exported Goods in Volume and Value
11-8 进口主要货物数量和金额 344
Main Imported Goods in Volume and Value
11-9 分地区货物进出口总额(2013年) 346
Total Value of Imports and Exports of Goods by Region (2013)
11-10 分地区外商投资企业货物进出口总额 347
Value of Imports and Exports of Goods of Foreign-funded Enterprises by Region
11-11 服务进出口总额 348
Total Value of Imports and Exports of Services
11-12 服务进出口分类金额 348
Total Value of Imports and Exports of Services by Sector
11-13 利用外资概况 349
Utilization of Foreign Capital
11-14 按国别(地区)分实际外商投资额 350
Foreign Investment Actually Utilized by Countries or Regions
11-15 按方式分外商投资额 353
Amount of Foreign Investment by Form
11-16 按行业分外商直接投资 (2013年) 353
Foreign Direct Investment by Sector (2013)
11-17 按行业分外商投资企业年底注册登记情况 (2013年) 354
Registration Status of Foreign Funded Enterprises by Sector at Year-end (2013)
11-18 分地区外商投资企业年底注册登记情况 355
Registration Status of Foreign Funded Enterprises by Region at Year-end
11-19 按主要国别(地区)分对外直接投资 356
Overseas Direct Investment by Countries or Regions
11-20 按行业分对外直接投资 357
Overseas Direct Investment by Sector
11-21 对外经济合作 358
Economic Cooperation with Foreign Countries or Regions
11-22 按国别(地区)分对外经济合作(2013年) 359
Economic Cooperation with Foreign Countries or Regions (2013)
主要统计指标解释 363
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
十二、农 业
Brief Introduction
12-1 农业生产条件与农作物播种面积 368
Agricultural Production Basic Conditions and Sown Area of Farm Crops
12-2 主要农牧渔业生产情况 369
Output of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishery
12-3 农、林、牧、渔业总产值及指数 370
Gross Output Value of Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery and Related Indices
12-4 主要农业机械拥有量 (年底数) 371
Major Agricultural Machinery at Year-end
12-5 有效灌溉面积和农用化肥施用量 372
Irrigated Area and Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers
12-6 灌溉、水库和除涝治水情况 373
Irrigation, Reservoirs, Flood Prevention, Water and Soil Conservation
12-7 分地区水利设施和除涝面积 (2013年) 374
Water Conservancy Facilities and Area with Flood Prevention Measures by Region (2013)
12-8 农作物播种面积 375
Sown Areas of Farm Crops
12-9 主要农作物种植结构 378
Planting Structure of Major Farm Crops
12-10 主要农产品产量 379
Output of Major Farm Products
12-11 主要农产品单位面积产量 382
Output of Major Farm Products Per Hectare
12-12 主要林产品产量 383
Output of Major Forest Products
12-13 牲畜饲养情况 384
Number of Livestock
12-14 畜产品产量 386
Output of Livestock Products
12-15 水产品产量 388
Output of Aquatic Products
12-16 人均主要农产品产量 390
Per Capita Output of Major Farm Products
12-17 国有农场基本情况 391
Basic Statistics on State Farms
主要统计指标解释 392
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
十三、工 业
Brief Introduction
13-1 规模以上工业企业主要指标 (2013年) 397
Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size (2013)
13-2 按行业分规模以上工业企业主要指标 (2013年) 398
Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Industrial Sector (2013)
13-3 分地区规模以上工业企业主要指标 402
Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Region
13-4 分地区国有及国有控股工业企业主要指标 405
Main Indicators of State-owned and State-holding Industrial Enterprises by Region
13-5 按行业分国有及国有控股工业企业主要指标 (2013年) 408
Main Indicators of State-owned and State-holding Industrial Enterprises by Industrial Sector (2013)
13-6 按行业分私营工业企业主要指标 (2013年) 412
Main Indicators of Private Enterprises by Industrial Sector (2013)
13-7 分地区私营工业企业主要指标 416
Main Indicators of Private Industrial Enterprises by Region
13-8 分地区外商投资和港澳台商投资工业企业主要指标 419
Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Funds by Region
13-9 按行业分外商投资和港澳台商投资工业企业主要指标 (2013年) 422
Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Funds by Industrial
Sector (2013)
13-10 按行业分大中型工业企业主要指标 (2013年) 426
Main Indicators of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises by Industrial Sector (2013)
13-11 分地区大中型工业企业主要指标 430
Main Indicators of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises by Region
13-12 工业产品产量 433
Output of Industrial Products
13-13 分地区工业产品产量 435
Output of Industrial Products by Region
13-14 人均主要工业产品产量 440
Per Capita Output of Main Industrial Products
13-15 全国规模以上工业主要产品生产能力 440
Main Industrial Products above Designated Size
主要统计指标解释 441
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
14-1 建筑业企业概况 447
Main Indicators on Construction Enterprises
14-2 按登记注册类型分建筑业企业主要经济指标 (2013年) 448
Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises by Registration Status (2013)
14-3 分地区总承包建筑业企业主要经济指标 (2013年) 449
Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises of General Contractors by Region (2013)
14-4 分地区专业承包建筑业企业主要经济指标 (2013年) 450
Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises of Professional Contractors by Region (2013)
14-5 分地区建筑业增加值 451
Value-added of Construction by Region
14-6 分地区建筑业劳动生产率(2013年) 452
Labor Productivity of Construction by Region(2013)
14-7 分地区按登记注册类型分建筑业企业单位数 (2013年) 453
Number of Construction Enterprises by Registration Status and Region (2013)
14-8 分地区按登记注册类型分建筑业企业从业人员 (2013年) 454
Number of Staff and Workers in Construction Enterprises by Registration Status and Region (2013)
14-9 分地区建筑业总产值 (2013年) 455
Total Output Value of Construction by Region (2013)
14-10 分地区按登记注册类型分建筑业总产值 (2013年) 456
Total Output Value of Construction by Registration Status and Region (2013)
14-11 分地区按行业分建筑业总产值 (2013年) 457
Total Output Value of Construction by Branch and Region (2013)
14-12 分地区按资质等级分总承包建筑业企业总产值 (2013年) 458
Total Output Value of Construction Enterprises of General Contractors by Qualification Criteria and by Region (2013)
14-13 分地区按资质等级分专业承包建筑业企业总产值 (2013年) 459
Total Output Value of Construction Enterprises of Professional Contractors by Qualification Criteria and by
Region (2013)
14-14 分地区建筑业企业签订合同和承包工程完成情况 (2013年) 460
Contracts Signed and Completion of Contracted Projects by Construction Enterprises by Region (2013)
14-15 建筑业企业房屋建筑面积 461
Floor Space of Buildings Constructed by Construction Enterprises
14-16 勘察设计机构基本情况 (2013年) 462
Conditions of Prospecting and Designing Institutions (2013)
14-17 工程招标代理机构基本情况 (2013年) 463
Conditions of Project Bidding Agencies (2013)
14-18 建设工程监理企业基本情况(2013年) 464
Conditions of Construction Project Supervision Enterprises (2013)
主要统计指标解释 465
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Real Estate
Brief Introduction
15-1 房地产开发企业主要指标 469
Main Indicators of Enterprises for Real Estate Development
15-2 房地产开发企业个数 470
Number of Enterprises for Real Estate Development
15-3 房地产开发企业土地开发及购置 471
Land Development and Purchase of Enterprises for Real Estate Development
15-4 房地产开发企业投资总规模及完成情况(2013年) 472
General Scale of Construction and Actually Completed Investment of Enterprises for Real Estate Development (2013)
15-5 按用途分房地产开发企业完成投资 473
Investment Actually Completed by Enterprises for Real Estate Development by Use
15-6 房地产开发企业实际到位资金 474
Actual Funds in Place of Enterprises for Real Estate Development
15-7 房地产开发企业房屋建筑面积和造价 475
Floor Space and Cost of Buildings Developed by Enterprises for Real Estate Development
15-8 按用途分房地产开发企业房屋新开工面积 476
Floor Space of Buildings Started This Year by Enterprises for Real Estate Development by Use
15-9 按用途分商品房销售面积 477
Floor Space of Commercialized Buildings Sold by Use
15-10 按用途分商品房销售额 478
Total Sale of Commercialized Buildings Sold by Use
15-11 按用途分商品房平均销售价格 479
Average Selling Price of Commercialized Buildings by Use
15-12 分地区按项目规模分房地产开发完成投资 (2013年) 480
Investment Actually Completed by Enterprises for Real Estate Development by Size of Projects and Region (2013)
15-13 房地产开发企业成套住宅竣工与销售情况 481
Number of Flats of Residential Buildings Completed and Sold by Enterprises for Real Estate Development
15-14 35个大中城市主要指标完成情况 (2013年) 482
Main Indicators of Real Estate Projects in 35 Large and Medium-sized Cities (2013)
主要统计指标解释 484
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Wholesale and Retail Trades
Brief Introduction
16-1 批发和零售业情况 489
Basic Conditions of Wholesale and Retail Trades
16-2 按登记注册类型和行业分限额以上批发业企业主要指标(2013年) 490
Main Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Status of Registration and Sector (2013)
16-3 分地区限额以上批发业企业主要指标(2013年) 494
Main Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region (2013)
16-4 按登记注册类型和行业分限额以上零售业企业主要指标(2013年) 496
Main Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Status of Registration and Sector (2013)
16-5 分地区限额以上零售业企业主要指标(2013年) 500
Main Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region (2013)
16-6 按登记注册类型分连锁零售企业基本情况(2013年) 502
Basic Conditions of Chain Retail Enterprises by Status of Registration (2013)
16-7 按行业和业态分连锁零售企业基本情况(2013年) 503
Basic Statistics of Chain Retail Enterprises by Sector and Business Categories (2013)
16-8 分地区连锁零售企业基本情况 504
Basic Conditions of Chain Retail Enterprises by Region
16-9 亿元以上商品交易市场基本情况(2013年) 505
Basic Statistics on Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan (2013)
16-10 亿元以上商品交易市场摊位分类情况 (2013年) 507
Classification of Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan (2013)
16-11 分地区亿元以上商品交易市场基本情况 508
Basic Statistics on Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan by Region
16-12 社会消费品零售总额 509
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods
主要统计指标解释 510
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Hotels, Catering Services and Tourism
Brief Introduction
17-1 住宿和餐饮业情况 515
Basic Conditions of Hotels and Catering Services
17-2 按登记注册类型和行业分限额以上住宿业企业主要指标(2013年) 516
Main Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Status of Registration and Sector (2013)
17-3 分地区限额以上住宿业企业主要指标(2013年) 518
Main Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region (2013)
17-4 按登记注册类型和行业分限额以上餐饮业企业主要指标(2013年) 520
Main Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Status of Registration and Sector (2013)
17-5 分地区限额以上餐饮业企业主要指标(2013年) 522
Main Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region (2013)
17-6 按登记注册类型分连锁餐饮企业基本情况(2013年) 524
Basic Conditions of Chain Catering Enterprises by Status of Registration (2013)
17-7 按行业分连锁餐饮企业基本情况(2013年) 525
Basic Conditions of Chain Catering Enterprises by Sector (2013)
17-8 分地区连锁餐饮企业基本情况 526
Basic Conditions of Chain Catering Enterprises by Region
17-9 旅游发展情况 527
Development of Tourism
17-10 国内旅游情况 527
Domestic Tourism
17-11 国际旅游(外汇)收入及构成 528
Foreign Exchange Earnings from International Tourism and Composition
17-12 入境外国游客分组构成 528
Number of Overseas Visitor Arrivals by Sex, Age and Purpose
17-13 按国别分外国入境游客 529
Number of Oversea Visitor Arrivals by Country/Region
17-14 分地区国际旅游(外汇)收入 530
Foreign Exchange Earnings from International Tourism by Region
17-15 分地区接待入境过夜游客 531
Number of Oversea Visitor Arrivals by Region
主要统计指标解释 532
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Transport, Postal and Telecommunication Services
Brief Introduction
18-1 分地区交通运输、仓储和邮政业就业人员数(2013年底) 539
Number of Employed Persons in Transport, Storage and Post at Year-end by Region (2013)
18-2 交通运输业基本情况 540
Basic Conditions of Transport
18-3 运输线路长度 541
Length of Transportation Routes
18-4 分地区运输线路长度 (2013年底) 542
Length of Transport Routes at Year-end by Region (2013)
18-5 运输线路质量 543
Quality of Transport Routes
18-6 客运量 543
Passenger Traffic
18-7 旅客周转量 544
18-8 货运量 545
Freight Traffic
18-9 货物周转量 545
Freight Ton-Kilometers
18-10 旅客运输平均运距 546
Average Transport Distance of Passengers
18-11 货物运输平均运距 546
Average Transport Distance of Freight
18-12 分地区客运量 (2013年) 547
Passenger Traffic by Region (2013)
18-13 分地区旅客周转量 (2013年) 548
Passenger-kilometers by Region (2013)
18-14 分地区货运量 (2013年) 549
Freight Traffic by Region (2013)
18-15 分地区货物周转量 (2013年) 550
Freight Ton-kilometers by Region (2013)
18-16 国家营业铁路基本情况 551
Basic Statistics on National Railways in Operation
18-17 铁路机车拥有量 551
Number of Railway Locomotives
18-18 国家铁路客、货车拥有量 552
Number of National Railway Passenger Coaches and Freight Cars Owned
18-19 按货类分国家铁路货物运输量 553
National Railway Freight Traffic by Category of Cargo
18-20 高速铁路基本情况 553
Basic Statistics of High Speed Railway
18-21 铁路主要干线客货运输量 (2013年) 554
Passenger and Freight Traffic of Principal Trunk Railways (2013)
18-22 国家铁路主要车站旅客发送量 555
Number of Passengers Dispatched from Principal Railway Stations
18-23 国家铁路主要车站货物发送量 556
Volume of Freight Dispatched from Principal Railway Stations
18-24 国家铁路运输主要技术经济指标 557
Principal Economic and Technical Indicators of National Railway Transport
18-25 民用汽车拥有量 558
Possession of Civil Vehicles
18-26 私人汽车拥有量 560
Possession of Private Vehicles
18-27 新注册民用汽车数量 562
Statistics on New Registrations of Civil Vehicles
18-28 公路营运汽车拥有量 564
Possession of Vehicles for Highway Business Transportation
18-29 民用运输船舶拥有量 565
Possession of Civil Transport Vessels
18-30 沿海规模以上港口分货类吞吐量 566
Volume of Freight Handled in Coastal Ports above Designated Size by Type of Freight
18-31 沿海主要规模以上港口货物吞吐量 566
Volume of Freight Handled in Main Coastal Ports above Designated Size
18-32 沿海主要规模以上港口码头泊位数 (2013年底) 567
Number of Berths in Main Coastal Ports above Designated Size at Year-end (2013)
18-33 内河主要规模以上港口码头泊位数 (2013年底) 567
Number of Berths in Main Ports of Inland Rivers above Designated Size at Year-end (2013)
18-34 民用航空航线及飞机架数 568
Number of Civil Aviation Routes and Civil Aircrafts
18-35 民用航空运输量及通用航空飞行时间 569
Civil Aviation Traffic and Flying Time of General Aviation
18-36 邮电业务基本情况 570
Basic Conditions of Postal and Telecommunication Services
18-37 邮电业务量 571
Business Volume of Postal and Telecommunication Services
18-38 快递业务量 575
Business Volume of Express Services
18-39 邮政业网点及邮递线路 (年底数) 576
Postal Offices and Postal Delivery Routes at Year-end
18-40 电信主要通信能力 (年底数) 578
Main Communication Capacity of Telecommunications at Year-end
18-41 电信通信服务水平 (年底数) 579
Telecommunication Services Available at Year-end
18-42 邮政通信服务水平 (年底数) 580
Postal Services Available at Year-end
18-43 互联网主要指标发展情况(年底数) 581
Main Indicators on Internet Development at Year-end
18-44 软件和信息技术服务业主要经济指标 583
Main Indicators on Software and Information Technology Services
18-45 按行业分企业信息化及电子商务情况(2013年) 584
Informatization and E-Commerce of Enterprises by Industrial Sector(2013)
18-46 分地区企业信息化及电子商务情况(2013年) 585
Informatization and E-Commerce of Enterprises by Region (2013)
主要统计指标解释 686
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Financial Intermediation
Brief Introduction
19-1 货币供应量 (年底余额) 593
Money Supply at Year-end
19-2 货币供应量同比增长率 593
Rate of Increase of Money Supply over the Previous Corresponding Period
19-3 社会融资规模及构成 594
Statistics on Social Financing and Its Composition
19-4 金融机构法定存款利率 594
Official Interest Rates of Deposits of Financial Institutions
19-5 金融机构法定贷款利率 594
Official Interest Rates of Loans of Financial Institutions
19-6 黄金和外汇储备 595
Gold and Foreign Exchange Reserves
19-7 人民币汇率 (年平均价) 595
Reference Exchange Rate of Renminbi (Period Average)
19-8 货币当局资产负债表 (年底余额) 596
Balance Sheet of Monetary Authority (Balance at Year-end)
19-9 其他存款性公司资产负债表 (年底余额) 596
Balance Sheet of Other Depository Corporations (Balance at Year-end)
19-10 外资银行资产负债表 (年底余额) 597
Balance Sheet of Foreign-funded Banks at Year-end
19-11 金融机构人民币信贷收支表(年底余额)(资金来源) 598
Balance Sheet of Credit Funds of Financial Institutions at Year-end (Funds Sources)
19-12 金融机构人民币信贷收支表(年底余额)(资金运用) 598
Balance Sheet of Credit Funds of Financial Institutions at Year-end (Funds Uses)
19-13 分地区居民人民币储蓄存款 (年底余额) 599
Savings Deposit of Households by Region at Year-end
19-14 证券市场基本情况 600
General Statistics on Securities Markets
19-15 上市公司数量 601
Number of Listed Companies
19-16 股票发行量和筹资额 601
Issued Share and Raised Capital
19-17 股票交易情况 602
Trading Summary for Stocks
19-18 保险系统机构、人员数 (年底数) 603
Number of Institutions and Employed Persons in Insurance System at Year-end
19-19 保险公司业务经济技术指标 603
Economic and Technical Indicators of Insurance Companies Funded with Chinese and Foreign Capital
19-20 保险公司资产情况 604
Situations of Assets of Insurance Companies
19-21 保险公司资金运用情况 604
Fund Uses of Insurance Companies
19-22 分地区原保险保费收入和赔付支出情况 (2013年) 605
Premium of Primary Insurance and Payment by Region (2013)
主要统计指标解释 606
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Science and Technology
Brief Introduction
20-1 科技活动基本情况 611
Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities
20-2 科学研究与开发机构基本情况 612
Basic Statistics on Scientific Research and Development Institutions
20-3 高等学校科技活动情况 613
Basic Statistics on Higher Education for Science and Technology Activities
20-4 规模以上工业企业的科技活动基本情况 614
Basic Statistics on Science and Technology Activities of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
20-5 按登记注册类型分规模以上工业企业研究与试验发展(R&D)活动及专利情况(2013年) 615
Statistics on R&D Activities and Patents of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Registration Status (2013)
20-6 按行业分规模以上工业企业研究与试验发展(R&D)活动及专利情况(2013年) 616
Statistics on R&D Activities and Patents of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Industrial Sector (2013)
20-7 分地区规模以上工业企业研究与试验发展(R&D)活动及专利情况(2013年) 617
Statistics on R&D Activities and Patents of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Region (2013)
20-8 按登记注册类型分规模以上工业企业新产品开发及生产情况(2013年) 618
New Products Development and Production of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Registration Status (2013)
20-9 按行业分规模以上工业企业新产品开发及生产情况(2013年) 619
New Products Development and Production of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Industrial Sector (2013)
20-10 分地区规模以上工业企业新产品开发及生产情况(2013年) 620
New Products Development and Production of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Region (2013)
20-11 高技术产业基本情况 621
Basic Statistics on High-tech Industry
20-12 高技术产业生产经营情况 (2013年) 622
Statistics on Production and Management in High-tech Industry(2013)
20-13 国内外三种专利申请受理数和授权数 626
Three Kinds of Patent Applications Accepted and Granted
20-14 分地区国内三种专利申请受理数和授权数 (2013年) 627
Three Kinds of Domestic Patent Applications Accepted and Granted by Region (2013)
20-15 按国别(地区)分国外专利申请受理数及授权数 (2013年) 628
Three Kinds of Foreign Patent Applications Accepted and Granted by Country (Region) (2013)
20-16 按国际标准分类的发明和实用新型专利申请受理数与授权数 629
Inventions and Utility Models of Patent Applications Accepted and Granted by International Classifications
20-17 国外主要检索工具收录我国科技论文按学科分布(2012年) 632
Chinese Scientific Papers Taken by Major Foreign Referencing Systems by Discipline (2012)
20-18 高技术产品、工业制成品和初级产品的进出口贸易额 633
Imports and Exports of High-tech Products, Manufactured Goods and Primary Goods
20-19 开发区高新技术企业主要经济指标 (2013年) 634
Main Economic Indicators of High-tech Enterprises in Development Areas (2013)
20-20 分地区技术市场成交额 636
Transaction Value in Technical Markets by Region
20-21 分地区测绘资料提供情况 (2013年) 637
Statistics on Output of Surveying and Mapping Materials by Region(2013)
20-22 分地区地震监测情况 (2013年) 638
Situation of Earthquake Monitoring (2013)
20-23 分地区气象业务站点及观测项目情况 (2013年) 639
Status of Operational Meteorological Stations and Their Observation Items (2013)
20-24 产品质量国家监督抽查情况(2013年) 640
Results of Sampling Check under State Supervision on the Quality of Products (2013)
20-25 分地区产品质量情况 (2013年) 640
Quality of Products by Region (2013)
20-26 产品质量省级监督抽查情况(2013年) 641
Results of Sampling Check under Provincial Supervision on the Quality of Products (2013)
20-27 中国科协系统科技活动情况(2013年) 642
Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities of China Associations for Science and Technology (2013)
20-28 分地区出入境货物检验检疫情况(2013年) 644
General Statistics on Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of Freight by Region(2013)
主要统计指标解释 645
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
二十一、教 育
Brief Introduction
21-1 各级各类学校、教职工和专任教师情况 (2013年) 651
Number of Schools, Educational Personnel and Full-time Teachers by Type and Level (2013)
21-2 各级各类学历教育学生情况 (2013年) 652
Number of Students of Formal Education by Type and Level (2013)
21-3 各级各类非学历教育学生情况(2013年) 653
Number of Students of Non-formal Education by Type and Level (2013)
21-4 各级各类民办教育情况(2013年) 653
Number of Non-government Schools by Types and Levels(2013)
21-5 各级各类学校情况 654
Number of School by Type and Level
21-6 各级各类学校专任教师情况 654
Number of Full-time Teachers of Schools by Type and Level
21-7 各级各类学校招生情况 655
Number of Entrants of Formal Education by Type and Level
21-8 各级各类学校在校学生情况 655
Number of Enrolments of Formal Education by Type and Level
21-9 各级各类学校毕业生情况 656
Number of Graduates of Formal Education by Type and Level
21-10 研究生和留学人员情况 656
Statistics on Postgraduates and Students Studying Abroad
21-11 分学科研究生情况 (2013年) 657
Number of Postgraduate Students by Academic Field (2013)
21-12 高等教育学校(机构)情况(2013年) 658
Number of Higher Education Institutions (2013)
21-13 高等教育学校(机构)学生数 (2013年) 658
Number of Students in Higher Education Institutions (2013)
21-14 普通本科分学科学生情况 (2013年) 659
Number of Regular Students for Normal Courses in HEIs by Discipline (2013)
21-15 普通专科分学科学生情况 (2013年) 659
Statistics on Students in Undergraduate and Junior Colleges by Field of Study (2013)
21-16 成人本科分学科学生情况 (2013年) 660
Number of Adult Students for Normal Courses in HEIs by Discipline (2013)
21-17 成人专科分学科学生情况 (2013年) 660
Number of Adult Students for Short-cycle Courses in HEIs by Discipline (2013)
21-18 网络本科分学科学生情况 (2013年) 661
Number of Web-based Students for Normal Courses in HEIs by Discipline (2013)
21-19 网络专科分学科学生情况 (2013年) 661
Number of Web-based Students for Short-cycle Courses in HEIs by Discipline(2013)
21-20 普通高中情况 (2013年) 662
Number of Regular Senior Secondary Schools and Students (2013)
21-21 中等职业学校(机构)情况 (2013年) 662
Number of Secondary Vocational Schools (2013)
21-22 中等职业学校分学科学生情况 (2013年) 663
Number of Students by Field of Education in Secondary Vocational Schools (2013)
21-23 职业技术培训机构情况 (2013年) 663
Statistics on Vocational-Technical Training Institutions (2013)
21-24 技工学校情况 664
Statistics on Skilled Workers Schools
21-25 初中情况 (2013年) 664
Statistics on Junior Secondary Schools (2013)
21-26 分年级初中学生情况 (2013年) 665
Number of Students in Junior Schools by Grade (2013)
21-27 普通小学情况 (2013年) 665
Statistics on Primary Schools (2013)
21-28 普通小学学生情况 (2013年) 666
Number of Students in Primary Schools (2013)
21-29 小学学龄儿童净入学率和各级普通学校毕业生升学率 666
Net Enrolment Ratio of School-age Children in Primary Schools and Promotion Rate of Graduates of Regular
School by Levels
21-30 分地区普通本专科学生情况 (2013年) 667
Number of Regular Students Enrolled in Normal and Short-cycle Courses in Regular Higher Education by Region (2013)
21-31 分地区普通高等学校(机构)情况 (2013年) 669
Situations on Educational Personnel in Regular Schools (Institutions) of Higher Education by Region (2013)
21-32 分地区普通高中情况 (2013年) 670
Statistics on Regular Senior Secondary Schools by Region (2013)
21-33 分地区中等职业学校情况 (2013年) 671
Statistics on Secondary Vocational Schools by Region (2013)
21-34 分地区中等职业学校(机构)教职工情况(2013年) 672
Statistics on Educational Personnel in Secondary Vocational Schools (Institutions) by Region (2013)
21-35 分地区初中情况 (2013年) 673
Statistics on Regular Junior Secondary Schools by Region (2013)
21-36 分地区普通小学情况 (2013年) 674
Statistics on Regular Primary Schools by Region (2013)
21-37 分地区特殊教育情况 (2013年) 675
Statistics on Special Education by Region (2013)
21-38 分地区各级学校生师比 676
Student-Teacher Ratio by Level of Regular Schools by Region
21-39 每十万人口各级学校平均在校生数 677
Number of Students Per 100 000 Population by Level
21-40 教育经费情况 678
Basic Statistics on Educational Funds
主要统计指标解释 679
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Public Health and Social Services
Brief Introduction
22-1 医疗卫生机构 683
Health Care Institutions
22-2 卫生人员 685
Employed Persons in Health Care Institutions
22-3 每千人口卫生技术人员 686
Others Also Purchased
China Statistical Yearbook 2014 (with 1 CD-ROM)