In 2002 sample survey on population change, whole country is regarded as population and every province, autonomous region and municipality is regarded as sub-population. The sample technique of stratified, multi-stage and cluster sampling, with probability proportionate to size is applied. There are 1.26 million persons in sample size, 981 counties (or resident groups), 3600 township (towns or streets), 6064 village groups (or resident groups) are included in the sample of 31 provinces, autonomous re- gions and municipalities of whole country. From weighting tabulation, population in China in the end of 2002 is 1284.53 millions. In 2002, the crude birth rate is 12.86%0, and the number of birth is 16.47 million; the crude death rate is 6.41%0; the crude of natural increase is 6. 45%0, and the number of natural increase is 8.26 million. The most of tabulation in the part of yearbook is sample data (except table 1-1) .The sampling fraction in the whole country is 0. 988%0.
The 2000 population census covered all persons with the nationality of, and a permanent residing place in, the People's Republic of China. The census took the de jure approach by which each person should be enumerated at his/her permanent residence and should be enumerated at only one place. The reference time for the census was zero hour on November 1,2000. Data for the 2000 popultion census referred to the permanent population at the reference time. Data for the 2000 population census were calculated from results of the computer tabulation and were not adjusted.In order to meet the needs of different departments and institution, the book contain the data from various sources, such as the national population change survey in 2002, 2000 population census, household registration, as the definition and method of data collection are not same as well as some other reason, the data under the same or similar heading may be different. When using the data, readers should payattentionto this.
Plenty of data were collected in the 2000 population census, but only apart of the data were published every year due to the limited space of the yearbook.Unless specified, all the data refer to the total population of the 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities of China excluding the military personnel, the population of Hong Kang /Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan province.
We would express our thanks to the Department of Planning and Financing of the State Family Planning Commission, the Third Bureau of the Public Security Minis- try and other departments for providing the data for this yearbook.Part 2 Figures of the Population Census in 2000 (71-197)
Part 3 Figures of Population Statistics over the Past Year (197-205)Part 4 Figures of the Household Registration in 2002 (205-231)
Part 5 Figures of the Family Planning Statistic in 2002 (231-245)Part 6 Demographic Data for some Countries of the World (245-255)
Part 7 Papers on Population Statistics (255-272)