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The Liver Channel of Foot-Jueyin:It starts at point Dadun(LR 1)on the great toe,passesthrough the medial aspect of the lower limb and abdomen and ends at point Qimen(LR 1 4)onthe chest. Dadun(LR 1):At the Iaterall/4 of the nail root of the big toe. Xingjian(LR 2):Anterior to the metatarsophaIangeaI joint,between the first and secondtoe. Taichong(LR 3):Posterior to the metatarsophaIangeaI joint,between the 1 st and 2nd meta-tarsaI bone. Zhongfeng(LR 4):On the medial side of the tendon of m.extensor hallucis,level with thetIp of the medial malleolus. Ligou(LR 5):5 cun above the tlp of the medial malleolus,on the medial side of the tibia. Zhongdu(LR 6):7 cun above the tip of the medial malleolus,on the medial side of thetibia. Xiguan(LR 7):In the posterior and inferior aspect of the medial condyle of the tibia,1 CUrtposterior to Yinlingquan(SP 9).Ququan(LR 8):In the depression between the upper border of the medial epicondyle ofthe femur and the tendon of m.semimembranosus. Yinbao(LR 9):4 cun above Ququan(LR 8),on the border of m.vastus medialis.Wuli(LR10):2 CUrt below Jimai(LR 12).Yinlian(LR 11):1 cun below Jimai(LR 12).Jimai(LR 12):2.5cun lateral to the midpoint of the inferior border of the pubic symphysis,at the inguinal groove.Zhangmen(LR 1 3):At the free end of the 11 th rib.Qimen(LR 1 4):2 ribs below the nipple,inthe i ntercostal space. Howto locate thepoints ofthis channel? Contact the tibiaI bone. Ligou(LR 5)and Zhongdu(LR 6)on the medial surface of the tibia. 4.111e Summing-up of the Three Yin Channels of Foot Accordingt0 Difierent Parts ofthe body
1.Foot:The sole and the corner of the nai l root.