This series of books introduces the most famous and well-known Chinese fables and folk tales that have entertained children in China for generations. Now illustrated in color, these books are perfect bedtime companions for young children. Ages 4+.
《中国传统故事美绘本》精选了十二个中国传统故事,根据流传的原貌提炼加工后编写而成。在这里,你们将了解世界万物的形成,认识力大无比富有献身精神 的盘古,抟土捏人创造人类的女娲,开弓射日为民除害的后羿,身老志坚永不放弃的愚公,女扮男装代父从军的木兰,不畏艰难英勇救母的沉香;还有脚踩风火轮的 哪吒,聪明机智的神笔马良,美丽孤独的嫦娥,勤劳善良的田螺姑娘……他们就像万花筒里倏忽闪现的缤纷图景,给你们稚嫩的心灵带去一片瑰丽与神奇。 全书中英文双语,并配以精美的绘图,力求以生动活泼的文字、地道流畅的英文、引人入胜的故事、图文并茂的形式引导大家轻松阅读。
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All of a sudden, black clouds gathered overhead and it began to rain. Seeing the two girls getting soaked in the downpour, Xu invited them to take shelter in his boat.While chatting, Bai Suzhen learned that Xu had lost his parents as a child and was now staying with his elder sister and that he was still single.The two hearts fell in tune with one another as they chatted. The boat arrived at the Qingbo Gate where Bai Suzhen and her maid had to get ashore.But it was still raining, so Xu lent them his umbrella.Once on shore, Xiaoqing turned back and said, "Mr Xu,we are staying at the entrance of Shuangchafang Lane near the Arrow Bridge.Would you please come and get your umbrella tomorrow? " "Yes, you may count on it, come rain or shine," Xu replied.