The Chinese System of Public Education

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Table of Contents

Beginnings of educational effort
Institution of the examination syetem
creation of offices of public education
Earliest schools and colleges on record
Content of ancient education
Method of ancient education
Aims of ancient education

Name,location,and character of schools
Content of education
Career of a boy
Career of a girl
Method of education
School age term,aud year
School offices
Number of schools
Administration of education
The examination or selective system
Ancient school system in its stages of decadence and transition

Development of education under the Han dynasty
Development of edocation from the Han to the Tang dynasty
Development of education under the T'ang dynasty
Development of education during the sung dynasty
Development of education under the Yiian or Mongol dynasty
Development of education under the Ming dynasty
Development of education under the Ching or Mauchu dynasty
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Upon their incessant demands his successor, Hui-ti revoked in the year 191 A.D.the edict of Ch'in Shih Huang which prohibited the reading of Confucian classics.In the year 136 A.D.a special commission was named to search for manuscripts of these classics with a view to restoring their texts.Great zeal was scholars in searching for the lost writings, Texts of the Confucian.Canon were rescued from hiding-places in which they had been concealecl, editing committees were appointed; and great e:fforts were put forth to repair the injury sustained by literature and education at the hands of Ch'in Shih Huang.The scholars of the day expounded the teachings of Confucius as set forth in these texts, and although their explanations were set aside in the twelfth century when an entirely new set of interpret,ations became the accepted standard of students, it is due mostly to those early efforts that the Confucian Canon has exercised such a cleep and lasting infiuence over the minds of the Chinese people.In the miclst of this great renaissance, the art of making paper from the inner bark of trees was discovered by Tsai Lun.This new invention, together with the art, of writing characters with the camel's hair brush discovered under the reign of Ch'in Shih Huang, gave an ex:tra impetus to the new intellectual movement.
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