《汉语字词教学》从语言学、心理学、认知和交际语言教学的角度深入阐述了西方学习者习得汉语字词的过程、认知模式和特点。《汉语字词教学》共九 章,前六章重点讨论汉语作为外语字词教学的理论及应用(用汉英双语撰写)。后三章介绍了30种教学方法(用汉语撰写)。《汉语字词教学》提出了一个适合不 同教学水平的汉语作为外语字词教学的基本模式,用30种新颖的教学方法来展示该模式在各教学阶段的应用,并配有真实的课堂教学示范录像方便读者观摩。《汉 语字词教学》应会受到汉语作为外语教学者和研究者的欢迎,同时也是一本对外汉语专业学生的理想教材。
Table of Contents
chapter 1 characters, radicals, words, and vocabulary knowledge
1.1 what are characters?
1.2 what are radicals?
1.3 what are words?
1.4 what is the scope of word knowledge?
chapter 2 orthographic knowledge acquisition and instruction
2.1 phonological awareness in character recognition and pinyin learning
2.2 orthographic awareness and character learning
2.3 the role of the first language in chinese word acquisition
chapter 3 cognitive and psycholinguistic models for chinese vocabulary acquisition
3.1 cognitive processing models for word acquisition
3.2 psycholinguistic models on lexical access
chapter 4 cognitive theories and vocabulary learning
4.1 dual coding theory
4.2 cognitive load theory
4.3 level-of-processing theory
4.4 multisystem account
4.5 competition theory
chapter 5 character learning strategies and training
5.1 vocabulary learning strategies: concept and scope
5.2 studies on chinese vocabulary learning strategies
5.3 identifying and training on vocabulary learning strategies
chapter 6 a framework for cfl vocabulary instruction
6.1 fostering meaningful word learning
6.2 promoting skill automatization
6.3 adopting a three-tiered instructional approach
chapter 7 vocabulary instruction methods demonstration: beginning level
chapter 8 vocabulary instruction methods demonstration: intermediate level
chapter 9 vocabulary instruction methods demonstration: advanced level
appendix a
appendix b
appendix c
appendix d
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Within a short period of intensive studying of the Pinyin sounds at the initial stage of learning, students can fluently read pinyin and syllables, but this does not mean that they can also accurately and fluently read words. It takes time to make a connection between a Pinyinsound and a particular character. After initial Pinyin instruction, instructors should adopt the oral reading method during normal classroom teaching sessions, especially in the beginninglevel class. Oral reading means asking students to read lessons out loud. This is a traditionalteaching method r
oted in its linguistic, cultural, and social grounds (Tao & Zuo 1997).Somescholars consider oral reading lead to be a form of rote memorization, but this is amisconception. Oral reading can be meaningful if used appropriately. Oral reading has two major purposes: one is to practice accurate pronunciation of each word and to establish sound to script connections; the other is to aid text comprehension. For lower level language classes, the
esson contents usually are not difficult, so oral reading mainly helps developphonological awareness of individual words, allowing accurate and fluent pronunciation of words. As Chinese has no sound-script connections in written form, it takes much more effort for learners to establish a sound-shape connection for a character. When students sound out the word, they can actually hear the sound. This aural effect will help build connections in the learner' s brain between a particular pronunciation and its corresponding character. In the classroom we may observe that western learners are not sensitive to the lexical tone that eachpiny in word carries, because this feature is absent from their native language. Reading out loud can help the instructor detect if students have pronounced the character with accuratet one, so that their pronunciation errors can be noticed. In addition, as we mentioned earliersince phonetic radicals bear no lexical tones, the best method for reading a character withaccurate tone is actually to say it out loud frequently.