Spinal Orthopedics in Chinese Medicine

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Spinal Orthopedics in Chinese Medicine is a groundbreaking book thateffectively integrates our current knowledge of spinal biomechanics with thetime-honored theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine.This book also serves as the main text for the Advanced Training Program inChinese Chiropractic Medicine.Evidence-based medical research shows that in the treatment of neck andback pain, secondary spinal canal stenosis often occurs. To address this fact,applications of the ancient principle "treat the lower body to benefit the upperregion" are fully elucidated here. This protocol treats cervical disorders throughfirst aligning the lumbar and thoracic curvatures.The foundation of Chinese Spinal Orthopedics includes three maintherapeutic principles: Regulating Tendons and Muscles, Adjusting Curvature,and Therapeutic Exercise. When these principles are integrated with the fourTCM orthopedic methods of Hand Manipulation, Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine,and Functional Exercise, a most powerful system of healing emerges.Several provocative new theories are also presented here:1. Principles of Spinal Circular Motion.2. Theory of Spinal Cylinders and Pivots.3. Parallelogram Equilibrium of Spinal Contour.4. Spinal Curvatures.The applications of these principles have shown great improvement in theclinical treatment of spinal conditions. This innovative book is bound to producefar-reaching influences on the modernization of TCM and the field of spinalorthonedics.

About Author
Dr. Wei Yi-zong was born in China in 1946. He now servesas president, vice superintendent, and chief editor at the GuangxiInstitute of TCM Orthopedics and Traumatology, the GuangmingSchool of TCM Orthopedics and Traumatology, and the ChinaJournal of Traditional Chinese Orthopedics, respectively. Healso holds the positions of president and chief physician at theBeijing Guangming Orthopedic Hospital, and concurrently actsas a visiting professor and tutor for masters and doctoral levelstudents attending the Guangxi TCM University Institute ofOrthopedics and Traumatology and Changchun University ofChinese Medicine. Furthermore, he serves as executive chairmanand secretary general of the China Association of TCM Spinal Orthopedics.
In 1993, Dr. Wei went abroad to serve as an administrator for several academicinstitutions, personally training 195 orthopedic and traumatology specialists from SoutheastAsia. In 1997, he established the World Traditional Chinese Orthopedics Association. Healso organized World Symposiums in Beijing, Sydney, Hong Kong and Germany, with theattending representatives reaching nearly 3,000 people from 24 countries and regions. At thesame time, the English version of "The World Journal of Traditional Chinese Orthopedics" wasinitiated with Dr. Wei as chief editor. His extensive collection of academic papers includes 548articles, all of which have contributed greatly to the global advancement of TCM Orthopedics.
Dr. Wei has been engaged in clinical practice, teaching, and scientific study of Chinesemedicine for over 40 years. In addition to 62 research papers, he has also published 9 booksthat have sold over 240,000 copies. "The Technical History of Chinese Orthopedics" is anespecially important contribution to the field of orthopedics.
He has also contributed to the clinical texts "Prescriptions for Wound Healing and BoneSetting", "Collected Empirical Prescriptions for Surgery", "Secretly Handed-down SurgicalPrescriptions", "Secret Prescriptions for Injuries from Falls", "Secret Points for RescuingInjuries", "Hui Prescriptions for Fractures and Injuries", and "The Secretly TransmittedMedical Formulary of Traumatology'.
Dr. Wei assumed the post of chief editor for the textbooks, "Chinese Orthopedics andTraumatology" in 1988, "The Chinese Dictionary of Orthopedics and Traumatology" in 2001,and "Modern Chinese Traditional Orthopedics and Traumatology" in 2003.
Table of Contents
History of Traditional Chinese Spinal Orthopedic Techniques
Early Understandings of Spinal Column Injury (2nd century BC-6th century AD)
Maturity of Traditional Chinese Spinal Orthopedic Therapy
(c. 7th century to 16~ century AD)
Development and Spreading of Traditional Chinese Spinal Orthopedic Therapy
(after the 17th century)

Chapter1 Functional Anatomy of the Spine
Formation, Development and Degeneration of the Spine
Spinal Origin and Development
A. Embryo develops into notochord
B. Notochord develops into vertebrae
C. Vertebrae develops into ossification
Degeneration of the Vertebral Body and Articular Cartilage
A. Osteoporosis and hyperostosis
B. Structure and degeneration of the articular cartilage
Formation and Degeneration of IVD
A. IVD formation
B. Degeneration of IVD
C. The result of a degenerative intervertebral disc
Maturation of the Spine and Relationships between Structure and Function
Genes and Morphology
Relationship of Functional Demand and the Formation of C&L Lordosis
Vertebral Body Structure and Pressures From Erect Standing
Relationship of Vertebral Body Apophyseal Ring Arrangement and
Spinal Curve Pressure
Systems of the Spine from a Holistic Viewpoint
Static Spinal Architecture System
A. Static vertebral body structure
B. Static articular structures
Dynamic Motor System
A. Muscular system
B. Ligament supporting system
Control System
A. Spinal cord
B. Spinal nerves
D. Kidney control and the spine

Chapter2 Kinematics and Biomechanics of the Spine
Si Wei Curved Structures of the Spine and the Pattern of Circular Motion
The Concept of Four in Traditional Chinese Culture
A. The concept of four and circular motion
B. The concept of four and the pattern of circular motion of the spine
The Kinematics of Si Wei Curved Structures of the Spine
A. Si Wei curvatures of the spine and kinematics
B. Local Si Wei structures of the spine and kinematics
Theory of Cylinders and Pivots
Use of the Terms Cylinders and Pivots when Observing Spinal Motions
Unique Structures of Pivot Joints
A. The structure and the function of the facet joint of the pivot
B. The vertebral body of the pivot joint and the structure and
function of the central axis
Kinematics and the Theory of Spinal Manipulation
A. The line of action of kinematic pivotal force
B. The theory of cylindrical pivots
Theory of Si Wei Parallel Forces on Spinal Contour
Illustration of Action Forces on Spinal Contour According to the Theory of Evolution
Chapter3 The General Concept to Spinal Orthopedic Therapy
Chapter4 Diagnosis and Treatment of Spinal Disorders
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Sample pages of Spinal Orthopedics in Chinese Medicine (ISBN:7117127260,9787117127264)

Sample pages of Spinal Orthopedics in Chinese Medicine (ISBN:7117127260,9787117127264)

In the Sui (581-618 AD) and Tang (618-907 AD) dynasties, the imperial hospitalspecifically set up a massage department for functional exercises (Dao Yin) training andtreatment of fracture and other external injuries. The later dynasties (c. 10th to 16th centuryAD) further divided the department into the department of massage, department oftraumatology (Song Dynasty, 960-1279 AD), and department of bone-setting (Yuan andMing dynasties, 1279-1644 AD). Consequently, a unique system of diagnosis and treatmentof spinal column diseases came into being in China.APPLICATIONS OF MANIPULATION METHODS FOR SPINAL COLUMN DISEASES In 610 AD, in his book Treatise on the Origins and Manifestations of Various Diseases(诸病源候论), Chao Yuan-fang (c. 575-636 AD) introduced somemanipulating methods for problems of the neck and lumbus, including stretching,extending, shaking, trembling, pressing, and pulling. In 640 AD, in his book ImportantFormulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces for Emergency (备急千金要方), Sun Si-miao (581-682 AD) introduced Laozi's Manipulating Methods to treatproblems of the spinal column as well as the limbs. The manipulating methods includepushing, pressing, twisting, digging, turning, thinning, embracing, supporting with thepalm, drawing, trembling, shaking, grasping, and stretching(Fig. 4). These manipulatingmethods have continued to be used to the present.
Spinal Orthopedics in Chinese Medicine