The book tried to faithfully keep the narrator's words in three
interviews. The first interview was from July 31, zoo6 to August 3,
2006, the second was from October 23, 2006 to October 27, 2007, and the
third was from March 12, zoo7 to March i4, 2007. The interview spots
were Mr. Meng's office in Tongchuan Porcelain Institute, Mr. Meng's
home, Chenlu Town and Chengcheng County Only the interview spots are
marked in the following but without the time.
Table of Contents
Preface A Brief Introduction of the Narrator Meng Shufeng Chapter One Born in Chenlu Chapter Two My College Life Chapter Three The Long Seven Hard Years as the Porcelain Factory Director Chapter Four Porcelain in My Hometown Chenlu Chapter Five Blending of Earth and Fire Chapter Six Celadon Comes from Practice Chapter Seven A New Life of the Age-old Kiln Appendixes 1.Other Works of Mr. Meng Shufeng 2.Inscriptions of Famous Persons 3.Mr. Meng Shufeng's Chronology of Events 4.Awards of Mr. Meng Shufeng Postscript