New Practical Chinese Reader 4 (3 Books + 1 DVD + 2CDs)

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This set includes: textbook 4, workbook 4, and Instructor's Manual 4, 1DVD and 2 CDs.
New Practical Chinese series!
This series have 6 volumes. Each textbook is accompanied by a Workbook, a Instructor's Manual, some multimedia CDs. This price is for SET 4.
"New Practical Chinese Textbooks" are a new publication for native English speakers and people who take English as their communication language.
"New Practical Chinese Textbooks" keep welcomed features of preceding, "Practical Chinese Textbooks", which were favored by users all over the world and tested by a long time of use. The new publication takes referenced from Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) Syllabus. In order to make Chinese language learning easier and more interesting, these books have a new design, showing much originality and innovation.
1. Students will be transplanted into Chinese cultural environments together with foreign characters Ding Libo (son of Gu Bo and Ding Yun), Lin Na and Ma Dawei. Through happenings between these characters and their Chinese classmates, teachers, journalists and tourist guides, students are able to learn idiomatic Chinese, gain knowledge about Chinese society and culture.
2. Each lesson is headed by introductory remarks that tell students what they will learn from the lesson and what they will do after it so as to evoke their interest.
3. This publication emphasizes task objectives, topics and a function-item study. Students are asked to communicate in Chinese at the very beginning.
4. This publication emphasizes the teaching of pronunciation, characters, grammar, morphemes, words, expressions and sentences. Teaching of them is arranged in cycles. By 4 big ones and many small ones and unit revisions, studying is made at a well-paced steady progress like a spiral escalation. Students are assisted in basic Chinese language structures.
5. Following structural rules of Chinese characters, students will start with strokes in a character, radicals, components and single-elements, and then the method of combing parts into new characters. In this way, they will come to know and learn how to write these wonderful characters.
6. The book emphasizes a comprehensive training and balanced development of skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. It provides a large number of exercise materials for on-class or after-class exercises, including sample advertisements, timetables and headlines from newspapers in 20 varieties.
7. A wide coverage of interesting and absorbing topics. The first two volumes give knowledge of customs and culture closely related to Chinese expressions and understanding. The third and fourth volumes compare Chinese culture with a Western one through interesting and focused topics. The fifth and sixth volumes introduce various aspects of Chinese society, reflecting traditional Chinese culture and a contemporary life.
8. Contents are arranged in a flexible way, highly adaptable to learners on different levels with different needs.
Every lesson includes introductory remarks, a text, new words, additional new words, explanatory notes, exercises and practices, reading and retelling, grammar, characters and cultural knowledge. Texts in original complex form of characters, new words and characters index are given at the end of the book.

Table of Contents
第三十九课 Lesson39 别总说“亲爱的”,好不好
一. 课文 Texts
(一) 别总说“亲爱的”,好不好
(二) 没有说出的“爱”
生词 New Words
二.注释 Notes
VP/S-SP+的+前+TW The construction “VP/S-SP+的+前+TW”
三.练习与运用 Drills and Practices
表示必须 Expressing necessity
夸奖与回答 Praising and making responses
抱怨与解释 Making complaints or explanations
四.阅读和复述 Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing 宁静咖啡屋
五.语法 Grammar
总(是) 终于 必须 究竟
1. 用“A+得多”表示程度 “A+得多”denoting a degree or an extent
2. 一天比一天+A The construction “一天比一天+A”
3. 不是……,而是…… The construction “不是…,而是…”
六.字与词 Chinese Characters and Words
第四十课 Lesson40 “半边天”和“全职太太”
一. 课文 Texts
(一) “半边天”和“全职太太”
(二) 谈谈中国妇女的地位
生词 New Words
二.注释 Notes
“多少”表示不定量 “多少”expressing an indefinite amount
动词“占” The verb “占”
三.练习与运用 Drills and Practices
表示强调 Expressing an emphasis
采访 Interviewing people
演讲 Making a speech
四.阅读和复述 Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing 女农民企业家
五.语法 Grammar
几乎 为了 在……方面 在……中
1. 两次否定 Double negation
2. 要是……,就…… The construction “要是…,就…”
3. 只有……,才…… The construction “只有…,才…”
4. 独立语 The detached phrase
六.字与词 Chinese Characters and Words
第四十一课 Lesson41 我想自己开个律师事物所
一. 课文 Texts
(一) 我想自己开个律师事物所
(二) 招聘男主角
生词 New Words
二.注释 Notes
同位语 Appositives
三.练习与运用 Drills and Practices
表示同意 Expressing agreement
补充说明 Making an additional explanation
顿悟 Expressing a sudden realization
四.阅读和复述 Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing 西部歌王
五.语法 Grammar
靠 关于 受 之内
1. 连动兼语句 Sentences with serial verb phrases and a pivoted word
2. 即使……,也…… The construction “即使…,也…”
3. 不管……,都/也…… The construction “不管…,都/也…”
六.字与词 Chinese Characters and Words
第四十二课 Lesson42 洋姑爷在农村过春节
一. 课文 Texts
(一) 洋姑爷在农村过春节
(二) 远亲不如近邻
生词 New Words
二.注释 Notes
怎么+V+都行 The construction “怎么+V+都行”
V+一声 The construction “V+一声”
三.练习与运用 Drills and Practices
春节祝愿 Spring Festival greetings
反诘 Asking a rhetorical question
不在乎 Expressing mindlessness
四.阅读和复述 Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing 舅舅进城拜年
五.语法 Grammar
好 怪不得 尤其 连忙
1. 反问句(2) The rhetorical question (2)
2. 不但不/没……,反而…… The construction “不但不/没…,反而…”
3. 不是……,就是…… The construction “不是…,就是…”
六.字与词 Chinese Characters and Words
第四十三课 Lesson43 读《孔乙己》
一. 课文 Texts
(一) 读《孔乙己》
(二) 跟巴金先生握手—马大为的日记
生词 New Words
二.注释 Notes
独词句 Sentences of a single word or phrase
要是……就好了 The construction “要是…就好了”
三.练习与运用 Drills and Practices
描写人和物 Describing people or things
表示遗憾 Expressing regret
四.阅读和复述 Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing 我的伯父鲁迅先生
五.语法 Grammar
仍然 还是 那么 ……似的
1. 形容词重叠作谓语 Reduplicated adjectives functioning as a predicate
2. V/A+坏/死了 The construction “V/A+坏/死了”
3. 不/没(有) The construction “不/没(有)”
六.字与词 Chinese Characters and Words
第四十四课 Lesson44(复习 Review) 买的没有卖的精
一. 课文 Texts
(一) 买的没有卖的精
(二) “胖阿姨”文具店
生词 New Words
二.注释 Notes
“是……的”句(1)中宾语的位置 The position of the object of the sentences with “是…的”(1)
三.练习与运用 Drills and Practices
怀疑与不相信 Expressing doubt or disbelief
讲价钱 Bargaining for a good price
四.阅读和复述 Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing 老百姓手里的钱多了
五.语法 Grammar
就○5编 一下子 从来
1. 动词、形容词重叠 Reduplication of verbs and adjectives
2. 表示比较的方法 Ways of expressing comparisons
3. 复句小结(1) Summary of complex sentences (1)
六.字与词 Chinese Characters and Words
第四十五课 Lesson45 马大为求职
一. 课文 Texts
(一) 马大为求职
(二) 一封求职信
生词 New Words
二.注释 Notes
“贵+N”表示尊敬 The construction “贵+N” expressing respect
三.练习与运用 Drills and Practices
表示满意 Expressing satisfaction
求职 Applying for a job
四.阅读和复述 Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing 怎样才能找到理想的工作
五.语法 Grammar
本 一切 成为 根据
1. 介词短语补语(1) The prepositional phrase as a complement(1)
2. “是”字句(3) Sentences with “是”(3)
3. 无论……,都/也…… The construction “无论…,都/也…”
六.字与词 Chinese Characters and Words
第四十六课 Lesson46 现在谁最累
一. 课文 Texts
(一) 现在谁最累
(二) 女儿今年才八岁
生词 New Words
二.注释 Notes
拿……来说 The construction “拿…来说”
三.练习与运用 Drills and Practices
抱怨 Making complaint
承诺 Making a promise
四.阅读和复述 Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing 糊涂县官
五.语法 Grammar
1. 兼语句(3) Pivotal sentences (3)
2. 在……下 The construction “在…下”
3. 要么……,要么…… The construction “要么…,要么…”
六.字与词 Chinese Characters and Words
第四十七课 Lesson47 打工的大学生多起来了
一. 课文 Texts
(一) 打工的大学生多起来了
(二) 我懂得了挣钱不容易
生词 New Words
二.注释 Notes
难+V The structure “难+V”
三.练习与运用 Drills and Practices
不能确定 Unable to say for sure
说明原因 Explaining the reason
四.阅读和复述 Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing 难忘的经历
五.语法 Grammar
基本上 当……时候 也许 却
1. 兼语句(4) Pivotal sentences (4)
2. 在……上 The construction “在…上”
3. 既然……,就…… T he construction “既然…,就…”
六.字与词 Chinese Characters and Words
第四十八课 Lesson48 我是独生子女
一. 课文 Texts
(一) 我是独生子女
(二) “多子多福”与“丁克家庭”
生词 New Words
二.注释 Notes
等等 The word “等等”
近+TW The construction “近+TW”
三.练习与运用 Drills and Practices
表示肯定 Expressing affirmation
估计 Making an estimate
四.阅读和复述 Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing 我家太爷爷
五.语法 Grammar
以来 关系到 一直 其实
1.“是……的”句(2) Sentences with “是…的”(2)
2.双重疑问句 Double interrogative sentences
3.尽管……,还是…… The construction “尽管…,还是…”
六.字与词 Chinese Characters and Words
第四十九课 Lesson49 “头痛医脚”
一. 课文 Texts
(一) “头痛医脚”
(二) 林娜看中医
生词 New Words
二.注释 Notes
“的”用在陈述句句尾 “的”used at the end of a declarative sentence
三.练习与运用 Drills and Practices
劝告 Persuading or dissuading
解释 Giving an explanation
四.阅读和复述 Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing 讳疾忌医
五.语法 Grammar
看来 某 正好 简直
1. 兼语句(5) Pivotal sentences (5)
2. 介词短语补语(2) The prepositional phrase as a complement (2)
3. 一方面……,一方面…… The construction “一方面……,一方面……”
六.字与词 Chinese Characters and Words
第五十课 Lesson50(复习 Review) 我有可能坐中国飞船到太空
一. 课文 Texts
(一) 我有可能坐中国飞船到太空
(二) 公蟹、母蟹和鸡爪
生词 New Words
二.注释 Notes
好+A The structure “好+A”
三.练习与运用 Drills and Practices
叙述 Narrating
希望 Wishing
四.阅读和复述 Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing 有趣的手机短信
五.语法 Grammar
恨不得 从此 左右 进行
1. 强调的方法 Methods for expressing emphasis
2. 语气助词“吧”、“呢”、“了” The modal particles “吧”,“呢” and “了”
3. 复句小结(2) Summary of complex sentences (2)
六.字与词 Chinese Characters and Words
繁体字课文 Texts in the complex Characters
语法术语缩略形式一览表 Abbreviations for Grammar Terms
生词索引(简繁对照) Vocabulary Index (The Simplified Form with the Complex Form of the Chinese Characters)
补充生词索引 Supplementary Word Index
汉字索引 Chinese Character Index
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