Literati Gardens: Poetic Sentiment & Picturesque Allure

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Table of Contents
绪论 Introduction
前言 Preface
译者絮语 Notes from the Translator
Ⅰ.造园准则与美学 Garden—Making Precepts and Aesthetic
说园 On Gardens 1
续说园 On Gardens 2
说园(三) On Gardens 3
说园(四 )On Gardens 4
说园(五) On Gardens 5
园日涉以成趣 Joy of Daily Rambling of Gardens
中国诗文与中国园林艺术 Poetry and Prose and the Craft of Gardens
园林与山水画 Gardens and Landscape Painting
园林分南北 景物各千秋 Gardens South and North Differ in Scenery
园林美与昆曲美 Gardens and Kunqu Opera: Beauty’s Tour de Force
建筑中的“借景” View Borrowing in Garden Architecture
村居与园林 Country Dwellings and Gardens
Ⅱ.天人合一 Where Nature Is Humored
扬州园林与住宅 Yangzhou Gardens and Dwellings
扬州园林近年发展 Appendix: Yangzhou Gardens Today
瘦西湖漫谈 Slender West Lake, Yangzhou
扬州片石山房—石涛叠山作品 Small—Rock Mountain Abode
苏州园林概述 Suzhou Gardens: An Overview
苏州网师园 Master—of—Nets Garden, Suzhou
苏州沧浪亭 Dark Blue Waves Pavilion, Suzhou
同里退思园 Retreat and Reflection Garden, Tongli
上海的豫园与内园 Gratification Garden, Inner Garden, Shanghai
西湖园林风格漫谈 West Lake Gardens, Hangzhou
绍兴的沈园与春波桥 Shen’s Garden, Vernal Waves Bridge, Shaoxing
恭王府小记 Notes on Prince Gong’s Mansion
颐和园 Summer Palace, Beijing
避暑山庄 Mountain Summer Resort, Chengde
陈从周生平 Chen Congzhou Timeline
人物Authors, Artists and Garden Owners
著作 Works of Literature and Art
园林与景点 Gardens and Scenic Views
建筑名称 Architecture Terminology
索引 Index
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Sample pages of Literati Gardens: Poetic Sentiment & Picturesque Allure (ISBN:9787513555142)

Sample pages of Literati Gardens: Poetic Sentiment & Picturesque Allure (ISBN:9787513555142)
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