Encounters: Chinese Language and Culture 1 Screenplay

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Welcome to Encounters, a groundbreaking Chinese language program that features a framatic series filmed entirely in China. The program's highly communicative approach immerses learners in the Chinese language and culture through video episodes that directly correspond to units in the textbook. By combining a compelling story line with a wealth of educational materials, Encounters weaves a tapestry of Chinese language and culture rich in teaching and learning opportunities. Encounters follows a carefully structured and cumulative approach. Students progress from listening and speaking to the more difficult skills of reading and writing Chinese characters, building grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation skills along the way.
Table of Contents
第1集 四海一家
第2集 一见如故
第3集 不见不散
第4集 相见恨晚
第5集 亲朋好友
第6集 安居乐业
第7集 各有所求
第8集 旱睡早起身体好
第9集 一分价钱一分货
第10集 价廉物美
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Sample pages of Encounters: Chinese Language and Culture 1 Screenplay (ISBN:9787513802321)
Sample pages of Encounters: Chinese Language and Culture 1 Screenplay (ISBN:9787513802321)
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Encounters: Chinese Language and Culture 1 Screenplay