- Language: Chinese-English
- Format: Papercover
- Page: 114
- Publication Date:
- ISBN: 9787811126181
- Publisher: Yunnan University Press
Editor: Tourism Bureau of Chuxiong Yi-nationality Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan
Located in the heart of Yunnan plateau and with convenient road traffic network, Chuxiong Yi-nationality Autonomous Prefecture is the gateway to the tourism areas in the west and northwest Yunnan.
Chuxiong Yi-nationality Autonomous Prefecture is regarded as "world dinosaur land", the place of origin of Asian peoples, and the epicenter of Chinese Yi Culture. It is a large prefecture with unique multicultural characteristics and is one of the famous birthplaces of humankind. 180-million-year old Lufeng dinosaur fossils, 8-million-year old Lufeng Lama Miocene hominoid fbssils, and 1.7-million-year old fossils of Homo Erectus Yuanmouensis all have been discovered here. The Yi Ten-Month Solar Calendar was created here 5,000 years ago and the earliest dated timbal in China was discovered in Wanjiaba, Chuxiong. The historic fossil remains of paleofauna, palaeohuman, and ancient culture are world-famous and the cultural treasures of all people.
As one of the only two Yi autonomous prefectures in China and with its thousands of years of history, Chuxiong Yi-nationality Autonomous Prefecture is a repository of Yi culture. Epic poems such as "Meige"and "Chamu" are magnificent. The Ten-Month Solar Calendar is comparable in scope and function to the Maya calendar. The 13 sub-groups of 600,000 Yi People living in Chuxiong make for a diverse and colorful set of traditions and customs in singing, dancing, cuisine, costume, architecture, religion, etc. This book will introduce readers to the land and people in Chuxiong.