Chongqing Statistical Yearbook 2012

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Chongqing Statistical Yearbook 2012 "compiled by the Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Statistics and the National Bureau of Chongqing Survey Organization, China Statistics Press published a comprehensive record of the the Chongqing economic construction and social development situation of a large annual issued. The book is a collection of Chongqing important year in history, and the economic and social aspects of the 2011 statistics, and the statistics of the various districts (counties).
The book is 22 chapters, including integration; 2 national accounts; 3. Population and employment; 4. Investment in fixed assets; 5. Energy consumption; 6. Finances; 7 people's lives and prices; 8 cities and towns ; 9. resources and the environment; 10. factor markets; 11. agriculture and the rural economy; 12. industry; 13. construction sector; 14. transport and communications; 15. domestic trade; 16. foreign economic relations and trade and tourism; 17. The financial industry; 18 education, science and technology and cultural industries; 19 health, sports and other social activities; 20 counties; 21. Gorges Reservoir area in Chongqing, the Three Gorges Project; 22. Directory of library. At the same time the Appendix a chapter: the country and the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) statistics. Set before each chapter a brief description of the main content of the chapter and information sources, with the end of the chapter "Main Statistical Indicators.
The Yearbook of Statistics: mostly from Statistics Annual Report, some from sample surveys.
The units of measurement used in the Yearbook are used internationally standard measurement units; various classification standards for the use of national harmonization of classification criteria.
Chongqing Statistical Yearbook 2012