(1) General Survey(2) National Economic Accounting
(3) Population and Employment(4) Investment in Fixed Assets
(5) Energy Consumption(6) Living Standards and Prices
(7) Urban construction and Environmental Protection(8) Various Markets
2. INDUSTRY CHAPTER(9) Agriculture and Rural Economy
(10) Industry(11) Construction
(12) Transportation, Postal and Telecommunication Services(13) Domestic Trade
(14) Foreign Economic Relations, Trade and Tourism(15) Finance, Banking and Insurance
(16) Education, Science, Technology and Culture(17) Public Health, Social Welfare, Sports and Others
3. DISTRICT AND COUNTY CHAPTER(18) Districts and Counties
4. ENTERPRISE CHAPTER(19) Enterprises
5. SPECIAL TOPIC CHAPTER(20) High-tech Industry
(21) Second Census of Basic Units in Chongqing in 2001(22) Enterprises Groups and Business Survey
(23) Resettlement of Chongqing Reservoir Area of Three Gorges ProjectAPPENDIX