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There are five person lost their wallets in the airplane for two months.Who is the thief? Is it a same person or different ones? The police is very anxious,many ways are thought but didn't make it.One day,a police took the list of names with this five times taking by plane,and put it together to check it again and again carefully.Suddenly,his eyes are startled by the middle of one piece of paper.Few days later,the police followed a man to fly to Beijing.
Table of Contents
目 录 Contents
1. 飞机上怎么老丢钱?
How come money is always stolen at airplane?
2. 想出一个好办法
Get a good idea
3. 发现两个线索
Find two clues
4. 是这个导游干的吗?
Was that the tour guide?
5. 是那个山西人干的吗?
Was that the Shanxi guy?
6. 这个导游不简单
The tour guide is not that simple
7. 机场里出现了新情况
A new situation in the airport
8. 一场好戏
A good play
9. 第三只眼睛
The third eye
Vocabulary list
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