"China Statistical Abstract 2015" is an annual comprehensive statistical information is concise reflect China's national economy and social development and editing. A collection of 2014 the main indicators of socio-economic data, along with a brief historical data presented since 1978. Paper divided into specific integrated, national accounts, population, employment and wages, fixed assets investment, foreign trade and foreign investment, finance and banking, price index, the people living, agriculture, industry and energy, construction, transport and Posts , domestic trade and tourism, education, science and technology, health, sports, culture, social services and environmental protection, the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region main socio-economic indicators, the main socio-economic indicators and international comparison of Taiwan Province total 17 parts. After the text is accompanied by Main Statistical Indicators. To ensure - book publishing aging, the book in 2014 as part of the data are preliminary statistics, official data later published "China Statistical Yearbook -2015" shall prevail. (Reference)
A comprehensive
Sub-regional administrative divisions l
By Sector Corporate Units 3
Sub-regional body by Three Industries Unit 4
Sub-regional body by Sector Units 5
Of the total national economic and social development indicators8
Economic and social development speed indicator 10
Structural economic and social development indicators 12
Eastern, Central , West, Northeast 13 major economic indicators
Second, the population
Population 15
The birth rate , death rate and natural growth rate , population density and the proportion of the urban population to 16
Population age structure and dependency ratio 17
The resident population of the region at the end of 18
The urban proportion of the population of the region 19
Third, the national accounts
GNI and GDP 20
GDP constitutes 22
GDP index 23
Contribution rate of 26 three industries
Three industries to GDP growth stimulating 26
GDP 27
GDP Index 28
Per capita GDP 29
Per capita GDP index 30
GDP and growth rate 31
Expenditure -based GDP 33
Expenditure -based GDP is mainly composed of 34
Expenditure -based GDP constitutes 35
Three demand to GDP growth in the contribution rate and pulling 36
Consumer level 37
Fourth, employment and wages
By Type of Industry employment 38
By Rural employment 39
The number of registered unemployed and the unemployment rate 40
Payroll employment in urban units and index 40
Employment in urban units and average money wage index 41
Average employment in urban units real wage index 42
Fifth, the price index
Various price indices 43
Various Price Index 44
Consumer Price Index 45
Consumer Price Index by Region 46
Consumer Price Index by Region 47
Retail Price Index 48
Sub-regional price index of agricultural production 49
Agricultural producer price index 50
Sub-regional agricultural producer price index 51
Industrial producer price index 52
Industrial producer price index of 52 categories
By industry industrial producer price index - 53
Pigsty fixed assets investment price index 54
Price index of construction and installation 54
Sub- regional price index of investment in fixed assets 55
Six people's lives
National per capita income and expenses - 56
Per capita income of urban and rural households and index 57
Per capita consumption expenditure of urban and rural households and housing 58
59 RMB savings deposits of urban and rural residents
Average urban household income and expenditure 60
Per 100 Urban Households ownership of consumer durables end 61
Quintile by urban households ' disposable income grouping 61
Sub- regional urban residents per capita disposable income of 62
Residents of urban areas per capita household income and expenditure 63
Rural residents per capita household income and expenditure 64
Per 100 Rural Households at the end of ownership of 65 major consumer durables
Net income of rural households by quintiles grouping 65
Rural per capita net income of households by region 66
Residents of rural areas per capita household income and expenditure 67
Seven, financial
Fiscal balance and debt balance 68
Government Revenue and Expenditure and index 69
Central and local fiscal revenue and expenditure 70
Eight , the environment and energy resources
Environmental basic overview 7l
Total energy production and constitute 72
Total energy consumption and constitute 72
Overall Energy Balance Sheet 73
Energy production elasticity 74
Energy consumption elasticity coefficient 74
Electricity Consumption by Region 75
Electricity Balance Sheet 76
Power generation capacity of 76
Nine , fixed asset investment
Total fixed asset investment 77
Total fixed asset investment in the actual funds 78
According to the composition and affiliation of the total fixed asset investment 79
The whole social housing construction area of 800,000
Per capita consumption expenditure of urban and rural households and housing 58
59 RMB savings deposits of urban and rural residents
Average urban household income and expenditure 60
Per 100 Urban Households ownership of consumer durables end 61
Quintile by urban households ' disposable income grouping 61
Sub- regional urban residents per capita disposable income of 62
Residents of urban areas per capita household income and expenditure 63
Rural residents per capita household income and expenditure 64
Per 100 Rural Households at the end of ownership of 65 major consumer durables
Net income of rural households by quintiles grouping 65
Rural per capita net income of households by region 66
Residents of rural areas per capita household income and expenditure 67
Seven, financial
Fiscal balance and debt balance 68
Government Revenue and Expenditure and index 69
Central and local fiscal revenue and expenditure 70
Eight , the environment and energy resources
Basic Overview 71 Environmental Protection
Total energy production and constitute 72
Total energy consumption and constitute 72
Overall Energy Balance Sheet 73
Energy production elasticity 74
Energy consumption elasticity coefficient 74
Electricity Consumption by Region 75
Electricity Balance Sheet 76
Power generation capacity of 76
Nine , fixed asset investment
Total fixed asset investment 77
Total fixed asset investment in the actual funds 78
According to the composition and the relationship of the session scribe total fixed asset investment 79
The whole social housing construction area of 800,000
Sub- regional total fixed asset investment 81
Types of Registration of fixed asset investment 82
Investment in Fixed Assets by Sector 83
Investment in Fixed Assets by Region 85
86 key indicators of real estate development enterprises
Sub- regional real estate development business investment and housing construction, the completion of the area 87
Sub- regional real estate development companies real estate sales and sales 88
Sub- regional real estate development company purchased land and transaction price of 89
Ten, foreign trade and foreign investment
The total import and export goods 90
Imports and Exports Classification Amount 91
The total import and export of the region ( according to the location of the business unit ) 92
The total import and export of goods by Region (in the territory of destination, origin of goods points ) 93
Exports and imports of goods by Region 94
The total area of 95 foreign-invested enterprises import and export
The total import and export ( by major country and region ) 96
The amount of the actual use of foreign direct investment ( by major country and region ) 96
The actual use of foreign capital 97
98 Foreign Economic Cooperation
XI, agriculture
Fishery 99
Fishery Index 99
Region Fishery and growth rate 100
The total power of agricultural machinery , irrigation and fertilizer application rate 101 area
The main crop acreage and percentage of 101
Major Agricultural Products 102
Major Forest Products 104
Aquatic products 104
Livestock production 106
Production of major agricultural region 107
Crops affected and inundated area 109
Twelve , industrial
Industrial enterprises above designated size industrial added value growth rate of 110
Industrial enterprises above designated size of major economic indicators 110
By Type of main economic indicators of industrial enterprises above designated size 111
Sub- regional industrial enterprises above designated size l 12 major economic indicators
Main economic indicators of regional industrial enterprises above designated size 114
Major Industrial Products 115
Area of Major Industrial Products 118
Thirteen , construction
Construction Enterprises 120
Completion of construction enterprises producing 120
Sub-regional construction output and housing construction area 121
Construction major efficiency indicators by region 122
XIV, retail sales and tourism
The total retail sales of social consumer goods 123
Retail sales by region 124
125 cases of domestic tourism
Inbound overnight tourists and international tourism receipts 125
Foreign inbound tourists by Country 126
Fifteen , transport and telecommunications
Various transport line length 127
Locomotives, 127 passenger van ownership
128 civilian car ownership
Civil Transport Vessels 128
Passenger 129
Passenger turnover 129
Sub- regional passenger traffic and passenger turnover . 130
131 cargo
Cargo turnover 131
Sub- regional freight and cargo turnover 132
Scale coastal cargo throughput of 133 major ports
Civil aviation routes and number of aircraft 133
The number of outlets and Telecommunication circuit 135
136 posts and telecommunications equipment ownership
136 posts and telecommunications service
Sixteen , financial
Financial institutions and foreign currency deposits and loans 137
138 RMB Credit Funds of Financial Institutions
RMB deposits and loans of financial institutions and the money supply 139
Financial institutions RMB deposit and loan balances and the 140 -year growth rate of money supply
One-year deposit and lending interest rates of RMB 141
Financial institutions deposit rate adjustment schedule 142
Lending rates of financial institutions to adjust the schedule 142
The average exchange rate of RMB against major currencies Year: 143
144 gold and foreign exchange reserves
BASIC stock market l45
BASIC Insurance 146
Economic and Technical Indicators of Insurance Companies 146
BOP Overview 147
BoP 148
State foreign debt and foreign debt risk indicators 149
Seventeen , technology and education
Science and technology development l50
Public economic enterprises, professional and technical personnel ~ 15l
Public economy by industry professional and technical personnel of enterprises 151
Number of schools 152
152 full-time teachers
Enrollment l53
Number of Students 153
154 graduates
154 graduate students and students
155 cases of private education
Student enrollment and graduation rates 156
Schools at all levels of students per 100,000 population number 156
Eighteen , health, social services, culture and sport
The number of health institutions and medical beds 157
Number 158 health agency personnel
The basic situation of social services 159
Social services provided accommodation beds 160
Cultural heritage institutions in l61
Books , periodicals and newspapers published in 161 cases
And access to a world record 162 World Championships
Nineteen , Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region of the main socio-economic indicators
The main socio-economic indicators SAR 163
Macao Special Administrative Region of the main socio-economic indicators 167
Twenty , Taiwan Province of major socio-economic indicators
The main socio-economic indicators , Taiwan 169
Twenty-one, a major international socio-economic indicators
GDP of the world's major countries and regions , and per capita GDP 172
The world's major national and regional economic growth l73
The world's major countries and regions in the consumer price index 174
The main structure of employment and unemployment in the world 175
Import and export trade volume in the world, 176
Ten thousand U.S. dollars of GDP energy consumption l77
China's major economic indicators and major industrial and agricultural products in the world ranking l78
Appendix I
Mainly around 179 meter Indicators
Appendix II
184 Main Statistical Indicators SAR explained
Appendix III
Macao Special Administrative Region 186 Main Statistical Indicators