Established in 1982, the Blossom Press under China International Publishing Group (CIPG) is a publisher of books in Chinese and foreign languages.Books published in foreign languages by the Blossom Press, usually with Chinese texts, are picture albums, readers for young people and academic works presenting traditional Chinese culture. Books in the Chinese language published by the Blossom Press are mainly books on education for young people's all-round development and humanities including literature and arts. Over last years, the Blossom Press has put out books whose total price amounts to 120 million to 150 million Yuan. The sales volume of books on education published by the Blossom Press tops China's market of books of this kind. Literary works published by the Press has sales from 50,000 to 300,000 copies. In terms of the volume of sales, the Blossom Press takes the 70th place of nearly 600 publishing companies in China.
ISBN: 9787505407084 | Publisher: Blossom Press | Published on 03/2009 Recopilado y pintado por la Compania de Desarrollo Tecnologico Kelin, del Instituto de Acupuntura y Moxibustion de la Academia de Medicina...