My Colorful Childhood is a collection of novellas written by children literature writer Ren Daxing, which includes his 10 representative works such as “The Legend of the Spiked Boot,” “Three Copper Coins’ Tofu,” and “The Big Jujube Tree in the Garden.” The “Three Copper Coins’ Tofu” has won the National Best Children Literature Award. It tells that, in one summer, an old Granny prepared three copper coins’ tofu specially for his two grandsons who followed their mother to visit her. Many years passed, the three copper coins’ tofu remained the most delicious food in the two grandsons’ memory. Spiced with humor, the author presents the old Granny’s deep love toward her two grandsons. Ren Daxing’s works are based on his lifetime moments in his childhood, full of local color. Via his book, children can appreciate the homeland feelings, kindred feelings, and the innocent, simple friendships in that era, which will not change with time passing by.
01 The Big Jujube Tree in the Garden
07 The Broken Prize
28 The Night When the Nine-headed Bird Flew Past
33 Encountering a Black-tailed Snake
38 A Swallow with a Color Thread
42 A Little Soul Which Was Squeezed into a Wicker Basket
47 Three Copper Coins’ Tofu
57 The Legend of the Spiked Boot
86 Brother Sticky
92 My Childhood Girlfriend