A History of Chinese Coffee

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  • Author: Chen Dexin;
  • Language: English
  • Format: 23.4 x 16.8 x 1.8 cm
  • Page: 303
  • Publication Date: 03/2017
  • ISBN: 9787030514110,7030514114
  • Publisher: Science Press
Table of Contents
Chapter Ⅰ The Origin and Development of World Coffee
Section 1: Discovery of Coffee Seeds
Section 2: Diffusion of Coffee Cultivation
Section 3: The Evolution of Coffee From a Medicine to a Beverage
Section 4: The Formation and Propagation of Coffee Culture
Section 5: Contributions of Chinese People to the Spread of Coffee
Section 6: Essentials of the Historical Investigation
Chapter Ⅱ Investigation Into the Early Introduction of Coffee to China
Section 1: Historical Research on the Introduction of Coffee to Taiwan Island
Section 2: Historical Research on the Introduction of Coffee to Nongxian Village and the Jingpo Area of Ruili City
Section 3: The Introduction of Coffee to Zhu Kula Village, Yunnan Province
Section 4: Historical Research on Coffee's Introduction to Hainan Island
Section 5: Contributions ofthe Returned Overseas Chinese to the Realisation of the Industrialisation of Coffee (1935)
Section 6: Essentials of the Historical Investigation
Chapter Ⅲ The Formation and Diffusion of Chinese Coffee Culture
Section 1: A Historical Review
Section 2: Evolution ofthe Chinese Word for "Coffee"
Section 3: The Formation of Coffee Culture in Shanghai
Section 4: The Formation of Coffee Culture on Taiwan Island
Section 5: The Formation of Coffee Culture in Mengzi, China
Section 6: The Formation of Hainan and Nanyang Coffee Culture
Section 7: Coffee and the World War II
Section 8: Essentials ofthe Historicallnvestigation
Chapter Ⅳ The Rise of China's Coffee Industry and the Development of the Coffee Shop Industry
Section 1: Historical Research on the Rise of China's Coffee Industry (1951—2013)
Section 2: The Development ofthe Coffee Shop Industry and Its Vocational Training Program in China
Section 3: The Coffee Diplomacy of China
Appendix 1: Chronology of World Coffee
Appendix 2: Chronology of Chinese Coffee
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Sample pages of A History of Chinese Coffee (ISBN:9787030514110,7030514114)

Sincc the 1960s, the Spice and Bcverage Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (hereinafter rcferred to as SBRI) has endeavoured to import and collect foreign coffee varieties.Its research priority has been on robusta coffee.
In 1974, SBRI imported Mundo Novo from Mexico and the Cameroon variety from Camcroon.In 1978, twenty—three varieties of arabica coffee were introduced to Xinglong for crossbreeding with seedlings from Hainan, Yunnan, Guangxi, Mexico and Malaysia, among which four varieties were from Mexico, one from Malaysia and one from Brazil.They were fit for introduction and cultivation in low altitude regions of Hainan.These varieties had a reasonable size, strong disease resistance, and high yields.
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