(下)11.2 看医生

IDuidChineseTrad.PinyinPinyin With numbersDefinitionImage
12248547舒服舒服 shū fushu1 fu5comfortable; well 0
22248548 téngteng2ache; sore 0
32248549拉肚子拉肚子 zila1 du4 zi5suffer from diarrhea; have an upset stomach 0
42248550可乐可樂 ke3 le4cola 0
52248551 lěngleng3cold 0
62248552 re4hot 0
72248553油腻油膩 yóu you2 ni4greasy; oily 0
82248554吃坏吃壞 chī huàichi1 huai4eat something bad (to get sick) 0
92248555期间期間 jiānqi1 jian1time; period; course 0
102248556发烧發燒 shāofa1 shao1have (or run) a fever 0
112248557之前之前 zhī qiánzhi1 qian2before; prior to 0
122248558 liángliang2measure 0
132248559体温體溫 wēnti3 wen1body temperature 0
142248560 du4degree (angles 0
152248561 de2catch (a disease); obtain; get 0
162248562 bìngbing4disease; illness 0
172248563根据根據 gēn gen1 ju4according to; in line with 0
182248564症状症狀 zhèng zhuàngzheng4 zhuang4symptom 0
192248565肠胃腸胃 cháng wèichang2 wei4stomach and intestine; digestive system 0
202248566感冒感冒 gǎn màogan3 mao4common cold; flu 0
212248567开药開藥 kāi yàokai1 yao4prescribe medicine 0
222248568退烧药退燒藥 tuì shāo yàotui4 shao1 yao4antipyretic 0
232248569检查檢查 jiǎn chájian3 cha2examine; check-up (or out) 0
242248570需要需要 yàoxu1 yao4need; require 0
252248571打针打針 zhēnda3 zhen1give or have an injection 0
262248572 piànpian4measure word for slices 0
272248573 na2take; hold 0
282248574西药西藥 yàoxi1 yao4Western medicine 0
292248575中药中藥 zhōng yàoZhong1 yao4traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) 0
302248576不同不同 tóngbu4 tong2different; not the same 0
312248577药房藥房 yào fángyao4 fang2pharmacy 0
322248578饮食飲食 yǐn shíyin3 shi2food and drink; diet 0
332248579清淡清淡 qīng dànqing1 dan4light (of food, not greasy or strongly flavoured) 0
342248580冷饮冷飲 lěng yǐnleng3 yin3cold drink 0
352248581病假条病假條 bìng jià tiáobing4 jia4 tiao2certificate for sick leave; doctor's note 0
362248582请假請假 qǐng jiàqing3 jia4ask for leave 0
372248583挂号处掛號處 guà hào chùgua4 hao4 chu4 registration office 0
382248584收费处收費處 shōu fèi chùshou1 fei4 chu4 toll office; cashier 0
392248585门诊門診 mén zhěnmen2 zhen3(in hospital) section for outpatients 0
402248586急诊室急診室 zhěn shìji2 zhen3 shi4emergency room 0
412248587住院部住院部 zhù yuàn zhu4 yuan4 bu4in-patient department 0
422248588诊室診室 zhěn shìzhen3 shi4consulting room; doctor's office 0
432248589治疗室治療室 zhì liáo shìzhi4 liao2 shi4 treatment room 0
442248590手术室手術室 shǒu shù shìshou3 shu4 shi4 operating room 0
452248591病房病房 bìng fángbing4 fang2ward 0
462248592内科內科 nèi nei4 ke1department of internal medicine 0
472248593外科外科 wài wai4 ke1department of surgery 0
482248594中医科中醫科 zhōng zhong1 yi1 ke1 department of traditional Chinese medicine 0
492248595眼科眼科 yǎn yan3 ke1department of ophthalmology 0
502248596口腔科口腔科 kǒu qiāng kou3 qiang1 ke1 department of stomatology 0
512248597皮肤科皮膚科 pi2 fu1 ke1department of dermatology 0
522248598耳鼻喉科耳鼻喉科 ěr hóu er3 bi2 hou2 ke1 department of otorhinolaryngology 0