The Wisdom of the East Series: Xunzi (Selections)

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The inborn nature of a gentleman does not differ from that of other people; a gentleman is just good at making use of external things
He who takes advantage of a horse and carriage will not necessarily accelerate his walking speed, but he could travel 1000 miles. He who takes advantage of a boat and paddles will not necessarily be a good swimmer, but he could sail across rivers and seas. The inborn nature of a gentleman does not differ from that of other people; A gentleman is just good at making use of external things.
Xunzi; Exhortation to Learning; Chapter 1.3
If an indolent attitude causes the neglect of one’s self-cultivation, calamity and misfor¬tune will occur
There must be a reason for every type of phenomenon that occurs. The arrival of honor or disgrace must be emblematic of one’s moral beings. Maggots will grow out of rotting meat; a dead fish will produce worms. If an indolent attitude causes the neglect of one’s self-cultivation, calamity and misfortune will occur.
Xunzi; Exhortation to Learning; Chapter 1.5
If you start carving, and never give up, even metal and stone can be engraved
If you start carving, but give up halfway, even a rotting piece of wood will stay intact. If you start carving, and never give up, even metal and stone can be engraved.
Xunzi; Exhortation to Learning; Chapter 1.6
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