The Selected Canons of Chinese Culture

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Table of Contents

第一章 文学Chapter I Literature
第一节 《诗经》Section 1 The Book of Songs
1.关雎 The Grebes Coo
2.桃夭 The Peach
3.击鼓 War Drums
4.式微 It's Dark
5.黍离 Millet Droops Low
6.子衿 Your Blue Collar
7.蒹葭 The Reeds
8.无衣 No Clothes
9.蜉蝣 Ephemeron
10.鹿鸣 The Deer Bleat
11.常棣 Cherry Blossoms
12.采薇 Vetch We Pick
第二节 《楚辞》Section 2 Ch'u Verse
2.少司命(节选)Life God Junior(excerpt)
3.惜往日(节选)Missing the Bygone Day (excerpt)
4.橘颂Ode to the Orange
5.天问(节选)Asking the Sky(excerpt)
6.渔父 The Fisherman
第三节 《文心雕龙》Section 3 Carve the Dragon with Your Literary Heart
1.原道 Back to the Word
第四节 李白诗歌Section 4 Pai Li's Poems
1.静夜思 Night Thought
2.清平调(其一)Pure Peace Tune,No
3.峨眉山月歌 A Song of the Moon o'er Mt.Brow
4.黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵 Seeing off Haojan Meng to Broadridge at Yellow Crane Tower
5.宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云 Seeing Off Yün,My Uncle, a Collator, on T'iao Hsieh's Tower in Hsuan
6.长相思Long Longing
7.赠汪伦 To Lun Wang
8.上李邕To Yung Li
9.将进酒Do Drink Wine
10.蜀道难 The Shu Way Is Hard
第五节 杜甫诗歌Section 5 Fu Tu's Poems
1.春望A View of Spring
2.赠花卿 To Hua, a General
3.月夜忆舍弟Missing My Brothers on a Moonlit Night
第二章 史学
第三章 经学
第四章 儒家
第五章 道家
第六章 墨家
第七章 法家
第八章 兵家
第九章 佛家
The Selected Canons of Chinese Culture