生肖名片 12-symbolic-animal cards 生肖讲坛 12-symbolic-animal forum 生肖 The dog and the 12 symbolic animals 民俗 The dog and China’S folkways 文化 Remarks on the folk culture of the dog 文学艺术 The dog and literature and art 生肖语典 A glossary of the 12 symbolic animals 词语 Dog terms 成语 Dog idioms 谚语俗语 Proverbs and common sayings about dog 歇后语俏皮话 Witty remarks about dog 名言警句诗句 Famous epigrams and poems about dog 楹联 Dog couplets 谜语 Dog riddles 绕口令 Dog tongue twisters 生肖诗词歌谣 Verses,ditties,odes,and songs about the 12 symbolic animals 诗词歌赋 Verses,ditties,odes and songs 儿歌童谣 Folk songs and nursery rhymes 生肖故事 Stories about the 12 symbolic animals 寓言故事 Fabiles 成语故事 Proverbial stories 哲理智慧故事 Philosophy and wisdom 童话故事 Fairy tales 民I司故事 Folk tales 小说散文 Fiction and essay 楹联故事 Couplet stories 笑话幽默 Jokes and humor 趣I司轶事 Anecdotes 生肖名人榜 A list of 12-symbolic-animal celebrities 后记 Epilogue