Studies on Rusheng Characters in Jianghuai Mandarin

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<b>Usage Advice: </b>Areference book for studying and teaching dialectology and phonetics<br/>
Rusheng is a rathercomplex issue in Chinese tones which deserves explorations. Jianghuai Mandarinis a kind of dialect, whose most striking characteristics is that it independentlyexists. This book employs traditional dialectology, sociolinguistics, geographicallinguistics and historical comparative linguistics as the research methods, takesRusheng in Jianghuai Mandarin as the research target, and acquires thefirst-hand materials based on the author's field work. Combining the previousresearch findings, it categorizes and describes the linguistic facts, then itdiachronically and synchronically reorganizes the glottal stop dropping inJianghuai Mandarin, the types of vowels and the tail vowels in Rushengcharacters, summarizes the Rusheng tones in Jianghuai Mandarin and the vowel evolutionrules in Rusheng characters, thus helping explain the disappearance of Rushengin Chinese dialect, the formation of Mandarin, and other important issues.<br/>
<b>About the Author</b><br/>
ShiShaolang, born in Sihong, Jiangsu Province, graduated from Peking Universitywith a Doctor of Arts degree in 2007. He now works at the Institute for ChineseLanguage Policies and Standards, Beijing Language and Culture University, andhis research interest focuses on Chinese dialectology and sociolinguistics. Hehas been studying the linguistic and cultural resources in Beijing and has beenworking as an editor of Journal ofLanguage Planning in recent years.<br/>
Studies on Rusheng Characters in Jianghuai Mandarin