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A Glimpse of International Buildings in ShanghaiISBN: 9787208103948 | Published on 03/2012 This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the cultural elements of Eurapean and American architecture contained in international buildings in... |
$9.60 |
An Overall Collection of China Blue Calico Vein PatternsISBN: 9787208055537 | Published on 05/2005 Blue calico is one of Chinese traditional handicrafts. With simple but elegant characteristics, it contains Chinese people's aesthetic... |
$100.78 |
China and the G20: The Interplay Between and Emerging Power and an Emerging InstisutionISBN: 7208127387, 9787208127388 | Published on 04/2015 Since the first leaders' summit, G20, which is comprised of developed states and developing states, has been founded for five years. As a member... |
$10.00 |
China'Roots:A Brief Introduction to Chinese CivilizationISBN: 9787208088832 As the title suggests, the book describes how China and the Chinese people came to be what they are today through a chronological retelling of... |
$9.60 ... more info |
Chinese TeaISBN: 9787208088764 | Published on 06/2010 On a sunny or a drizzling afternoon, after driving for about half anhour out of the city along a winding but smooth highway, you willsee a quiet but... |
$9.60 ... more info |
Collection of Chinese Ancient Jadewares in Shanghai MuseumISBN: 9787208081734 | Published on 12/2009 |
$64.00 |
Collection of Dunhuang Grottoes: Gratitude Sutra 9ISBN: 9787208038363 | Published on 12/2001 | Series: Collection of Dunhuang Grottoes |
$100.80 |
Collection of Dunhuang Grottoes: Picture of the Lotus Sutra 7ISBN: 9620752651 | Published on 06/2000 | Series: Collection of Dunhuang Grottoes 《敦煌石窟全集7:法华经画卷》系二十八卷本《敦煌石窟全集》之一部,为国家文物局重点出版项目。《敦煌石窟全集7:法华经画卷》论述的对象为敦煌石窟中以《法华经》、《涅槃经》、《维摩诘经》为依据而创作的各种经变画与塑像艺术,各部分大体按隋代、初唐、盛唐、中唐、归义军时期等几个阶段,对各期绘塑艺术的内容、形... |
$120.93 |
Collection of Dunhuang Grottoes: Stories of Eastern Spread of Buddhism 12ISBN: 7208033994 | Published on 06/2000 | Series: Collection of Dunhuang Grottoes 敦煌历史故事画是传教的方法之一,种类颇多,曾有不同称呼,如感应故事画、史迹画等,本卷暂称以较易理解的“佛教东传故事画”,大抵包括感应化现的传说、高僧事迹与佛教有关的历史人物故事、像图等。它是佛教艺术内容的一大类,但鲜有学者研究,有待研究的课题还很多。 |
$120.93 |
Origins of Chinese CharactersISBN: 9787208087040 | Published on 07/2009 |
$6.00 |
Products | Date Expected |
China Statistical Yearbook 2024 (with CD-Rom) | 10/15/2024 |