Basically, this function allows you to send a copy of the conversion result to your kindle Devices for further reading.
1. Read Chinese text annotated with Pinyin or Zhuyin or even just the tone marks to practice tones.
2. Show phonetics annotations on selected words only
Unlike Kindle's build-in Pinyin function, our tool provides more flexibility on the display of phonetics annotations.Before "Send to Kindle", you can use the "View" option on conversion result page to show/hide phonetics annotation based on HSK levels, or just by hovering your mouse over the words. How to use
Step 1: Visit your Kindle's settings page.
Step 2: Add to the approved email list.
Step 3: Visit, click on the “Send to Kindle” tab, add your kindle's email address
Now, you can start pushing articles to your Kindle device on Chinese to Pinyin converter and Chinese Reader pages.
If you don't want to set up the Kindle email, you can also use the Export to MOBI and/or Eeport to EPUB function, which allows you to export conversion results to a .mobi / .epub file. You can then copy the file to your Kindle device to view it.