Preface 系统介绍威海剪纸艺术的资料书,正式同大家见面了。这是全区文化生活中的一件喜事,值得庆贺。 Paper-cut Art in Weihai is published officially as a data book which systematically introduces the paper-cut art in Weihai. This is a happy event worth celebrating in the cultural life of the whole district. 剪纸是一种历史悠久的艺术形式,承载着一个区域的风土人情和文化内涵,体现了一方群众的生活习俗和精神品质。威海秀美的山川、广阔的大海,养育了勤劳、诚信、自强、忠厚的人们,培养了一大批聪明智慧、心灵手巧的民间剪纸艺人,形成了粗犷大方、朴实流畅、独具风格的剪纸艺术。《威海剪纸艺术》作为民间艺术的精品力作,收纳的剪纸作品思想源远博大,感情深厚细腻,艺术纯熟精湛,是威海剪纸创作的宝贵记录,必将为剪纸艺术的传承和发展起到积极作用。 As an artistic form, paper-cut has a long history with local customs and culture, reflecting local folks’ lives and spiritual quality. The beautiful mountains, rivers and sea in Weihai have brought up diligent, honest, self-independent and tolerant folks and cultivated numerous dexterous and talented paper-cut artists. The paper-cut art here is rustic yet decent, plain yet specific. This book is a collection of paper-cut works with profound ideas, deep and delicate feelings and excellent art. It is a valuable record of Weihai’s paper-cut works and definitely plays an essential role in inheritance and development of paper-cut art. 近年来特别是党的十七届六中全会以来,环翠区委、区政府高度重视文化建设,大力发展特色文化产业,着力弘扬优秀传统文化,深入挖掘整理革命文化和民俗文化,主动保护开发非物质文化遗产,积极传承具有代表性的民间艺术,为文化大发展大繁荣营造良好的环境。相信继《威海剪纸艺术》之后,更多更好的文艺创作会不断涌现,为扎实推进文化强区建设作出更大贡献。 In recent years, especially since the Sixth Plenary Session the seventeenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Huancui District Party Committee and District Government have highly valued the cultural construction, developed characteristic cultural industries, promoted excellent traditional culture, explored revolutionary culture and folk culture, volunteered to preserve and develop non-material cultural heritage, and inherited the representative folk arts actively to create a good environment for a cultural development and prosperity. I firmly believe that after the publication of the book, more and better artistic works will continue to emerge to make greater contributions to the construction of a strong cultural district. 中共威海市环翠区委书记孙开连 Sun Kailian Secretary of Huancui District Party Committee of the Communist Party of China in Weihai City 2012年6月 June, 2012