CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Understanding Chinese Anaphoric Forms 1.2 Taxonomy of Anaphora 1.3 Main Proposals of This Thesis 1.4 Research Methodology and Signiflcances 1.5 Organization of the Thesis CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ON ANAPHORA 2.1 English Anaphora Research from a Discourse Perspective 2.1.1 Functional Approaches 2.1.2 Cognitive Approaches 2.1.3 Anaphora Research with a Semantic Approach 2.1.4 Computational Approaches 2.1.5 Topicality / Saliency / Discourse Structure / Accessibility and Anaphoric Forms 2.2 Chinese Anaphora Research from a Discourse Perspective 2.2.1 Anaphora Research with a Neo—Gricean Approach 2.2.2 Anaphora Research with a Functional Approach 2.2.3 Accessibility Theory 2.2.4 Anaphora Research Influenced by Cognitive Grammar Theory. 2.2.5 Anaphora Research with a CT Approach 2.2.6 Evaluations of Anaphora Research on Chinese 2.3 Summary CHAPTER 3 INTERPRETING CHINESE ANAPHORIC FORMS 3.1 Common Features of the Factors Suggested by the Past Work 3.2 Factors Affecting the Use of Chinese Anaphoric Forms 3.2.1 The Accessibility for the Interpretations of Anaphoric Forms 3.2.2 What Factors Can Affect the Accessibility of the Antecedent 3.2.3 Factors in Interpretations of Chinese Anaphoric Forms 3.3 Discourse Structure and the Accessibility of the Antecedent 3.3.1 Past Work on Discourse Structure 3.3.2 The Construction of Chinese Discourse Structure 3.3.3 How Discourse Structure Affects the Accessibility of the Antecedent 3.4 Topicality and the Accessibility of the Antecedent 3.4.1 Some Previous Discussions on Topicality 3.4.2 Determining of the Topic 3.4.3 The Topicality and the Accessibility of the Antecedent 3.5 Saliency and Accessibility of the Antecedent 3.5.1 Some Discussions on Saliency 3.5.2 The Determination of the Saliency 3.5.3 The Saliency and the Accessibility of the Antecedent 3.6 Referential Distance and the Accessibility of the Antecedent 3.7 Interpreting the Uses of Chinese Anaphoric Forms 3.7.1 Two Difficulties and the Resolutions 3.7.2 The Ranking of Antecedents Based on the Accessibility 3.7.3 The Interpretations of Uses of Chinese Anaphoric Forms 3.8 Summary CHAPTER 4 A CORPUS—BASED STUDY ON CHINESE ANAPHORIC FORMS 4.1 The Corpus 4.2 Distributions of Chinese Anaphoric Forms in the Corpus 4.2.1 Distributions of Zero Pronouns 4.2.2 Distributions of Overt Pronouns 4.2.3 Distributions of Descriptive NPS 4.2.4 Distributions of Full NPS 4.3 A Comparison between the Corpus Distributions and the Conceptual Interpretations of Chinese Anaphoric Forms 4.3.1 Distributions of Anaphoric Forms in Diverse Discourse Structures 4.3.2 Distributions of Anaphoric Forms Based on the Super—node Structures and the AN—pairs 4.4 Summary CHAPTER 5 A BRIEF COMPARISON 5.1 Advantages of the Interpretations of Chinese Anaphoric Forms in This Thesis 5.2 A Brief Comparison of Some Prominent Interpretations on Chinese Anaphoric Forms 5.2.1 A Theoretical Comparison 5.2.2 An Instantiated Comparison 5.3 Summary CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS 6.1 Summary 6.2 Contributions REFERENCES