New Age Chinese-English Dictionary (2nd Edition)

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阿拉伯数字=阿拉伯数码Arabic numerals(1,2,3,……) 
阿拉伯湾=波斯湾the Arab/Peman Guif 
阿拉伯宇母(表)the Arabic alphabet 
阿拉法特 Yasser Ararat(1929~2004).Palestinian leader and first chairman of the Palestinian Authority 
阿拉木图 Alma-Ata,biggest city and former caDltal Kazakhstan,a Central Asian country 
阿拉斯加 Alaska:~湾the Gulf of Alaska~半岛/山脉 
the Alaska Peninsula/Mountains ~拖橇狗 an Alaskan malamute 
阿兰若 =兰若Aranyakah-a Buddhist temPle 
阿里山 Mount Ali(in Taiwan) 
阿丽亚娜火箭 (Western Europe)the Arianerocket 
阿联酋 阿拉伯联合酋长国。
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by siew on 2015-04-07 01:49:25
1) Book arrived in good times (abt 3 weeks).
2) Book qrrived in good condition.
3) Good work Purple Culture!
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New Age Chinese-English Dictionary (2nd Edition)