Shan Shi graduated from the University 0f Southern California in 2005 with a Bachelor 0fArts in Theatre.She speaks fluent Mandarin and-furkmen,and she excels in multi——lingualeducation.Du ring college,she studied abroad in Athens,Greece and Edinburgh,Scotland.This ignited her passion for work abroad.FrOm2008 to 2009,she taught in Yushu's intensive English Tibetan Program,a local NGO's initiative to provide educational opportunities to gifted students from across Yushu Prefecture.Michael Cavey was born in no rth.cent raIWisconsin in 1982.After graduating from theUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison,he began his own career ln public education.In MadisonMr.Cavey worked at two elementary schooIs。managmg a volunteer_based tutoring program。Upon completion of his Peace Corps duties,Mr.Cavey spent a few months in SoutheastAsia,slowly working his way to China QinghaiProvince,and finally Yushu.John James Chapman,Born in Minnesota,John James Chapman movedwith his Canadian parents to Southern Californiain 1953.Raised in Los Angeles,he attended inLos Angeles City College majoring in English andTheatre Arts.In 2005,with the help of his Son hecame to Xining to teach oral English to children.He has lived there now for over 4 years and stillloves what he does and feels rewarded every dayas he helps over 200 students a week learn thelanguage of the world。