Journal of S. Wells. Williams:Expediton to Tientsin and Peking
Journal of S. Wells Williams:Expediton to Tientsin and Peking
I have been thinking to—day of the morning when, justtwenty—five years ago, I first bade goodbye to my father andother dear friends in Utica to sail for China. That day andplace witnessed the only pang of separation I ever had, forI have never regretted the step I then took. I shouId havebeen glad to have had a talk with you to—day on all thathappened then, told you all ! remember of their appearancesand sayings, and then gone over the times and seasonswhich have since passed. Truly God has been good to mein all the path he has led me, and he will always be goodto me if I trust in him and keep his statutes. Tho' I knownot where you are to—day, ! can and do willingly, lovinglycommit you and those children into his hands: may weboth love him more & then we shall serve him better, forlove is the fulfilling of the law. If in all this 25 years I havebeen able to promote the diffusion of the knowledge of thatlove among the people of China, or been the instrumentof leading one of them to hearken to the calls of the HolySpirit to repent and believe, I have not altogether misspentthem. I wish that God may incline the hearts of my childrento work in the same line of things, and preach the gospelto the Chinese; to this end, you and I must likewise set itbefore them, and render it familiar and no hardship to them,but a privilege. I have sometimes faith that such will bethe case with some of them if not all; of their feelings andinclinations you will have the best knowledge, and I trustto you to talk with them of all that concerns the kingdom ofheaven.
We hear that the Allied Admirals have ascended theriver as far as Tientsin, the river is deep but too narrow foreven their small vessels to turn without difficulty. Theyseem not to have encountered any opposition in theirprogress. The people along the river doubtless neverdreamed that vessels of such sort could ever cross the barat the mouth, much less pass the forts which defended thatbar. The forts will soon be heaps of dirt, and by the timethe rains have ceased, they will lose all appearance of everhaving been forts.