I. International Statistical Yearbook 2008 is an annual comprehensive reference publication on international economic and social statistics. It contains data from as much as 200 countries, regions and territories over the world. More detailed information on the economic and social development of over 40 countries and the key indicators of the world famous companies is also included in the Yearbook.
II. The Yearbook contains the following 16 chapters: China in the World; Geography and Climate; Natural Resources and Environmental Protection; National Accounts; Population; Employment and Wages; Government Finance and Banking; Price Indices; Household Income and Expenditure and Poverty; Agriculture; Industry, Energy and Construction; Transportation and Communication; External Trade and Tourism; Balance of Payments and External Debts; Education, Science and Technology, Culture, Health and Military; Main Indicators of the 500 Largest Companies in the World.
III. Data for most of the foreign countries/territories have been adjusted by international organizations such as the United Nations, and the scope and coverage is therefore comparable.
IV. The latest data for many countries are preliminary or estimated statistics.
V. All data of China do not cover Taiwan Province, Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR except data for the surface area.
VI. The data all from the databases, CD-ROMs, yearbooks and monthly publications of international organizations. The sources of data are given at the top of each table in the Yearbook. Data for China symbol bracket are from China Statistical Yearbook.
VII. Some aggregations or rates/ratios may not add up to the sum of the series because of rounding.
VIII. Unless otherwise indicated, the countries included in the Yearbook are the countries under their present names with the present territories, although the names or the boundaries may have changed during the period covered by the Yearbook.
IX. The meanings of the symbols used in the Yearbook are as following,
"…" indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table;
"(blank)" indicates that data are not available;
"#" indicates the major items of the total;
"|" indicates that the data to the left are not comparable with those to the right because of the adjustment of scope and coverage.
X. Some international organizations and the members included are as following,
Group 7, includes the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and Canada.
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), has 30 members, i.e., Australia (1971), Austria, Belgium, Iceland, Denmark, Germany, France, Finland (1969), Canada, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, United States, Portugal, Japan (1964), Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland, Spain, Greece, Italy, New Zealand (1973), Turkey, United Kingdom, Mexico (Mar. 24, 1994), Czech Republic (Nov. 28, 1995), Hungary (Mar. 29, 1996), Poland (Jul. 11, 1996), Korea (Oct. 11, 1996) and Slovakia (Sep. 2000).
European Union (EU), it expanded to 27 members, i.e., France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg (1951), Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom (1973), Greece (1981), Spain, Portugal (1986), Austria, Finland, Sweden (1995), Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia (2004), Bulgaria, Romania(2007).
European Monetary Union (Euro Area) , member countries are Germany, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg, Ireland, Finland ,Greece and Slovenia, has 13 members. Since the launch of the euro on Jan. 1, 1999, the central rates have been fixed between the euro and the currencies of the participating countries. One euro equals to 1.95583 Deutsch Mark, 40.3399 Belgium Francs, 40.3399 Luxembourg Francs, 166.386 Spanish Pesetas, 6.55967 French Francs, 0.787564 Irish Pounds, 1936.27 Italian Lire, 2.2037 Dutch Guilders, 13.7603 Austrian Schillings, 200.482 Portugal Escudos and 5.94873 Finnish Mark respectively. Greece joined Euro zone on January 1, 2001, adopting the euro as its currency, with a conversion factor of 340.750 drachmas per euro. Since January 1, 2002, the euro has formally substitute the former local currencies of the member countries.
Association of South East Asian Countries (ASEAN), it has 10 members, i.e., the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam (1984), Viet Nam (1995), Myanmar (1997), Lao People's Democratic Republic (1997) and Cambodia (1999).
North American Free Trade Area(NAFTA) , was founded on January 1, 1994, with members unchanged hitherto, i.e., Canada, Mexico and the United States.
XI. Countries (territory) groups and their meanings are as following,
Countries by Income Group According to the criteria by the World Bank, countries and territories (referred to as economies) are classified into high income (higher than $11116), higher middle income (between $3596 and $11115), lower middle income (between $906 and $3595) and low income ($905 and below) groups by their per capita GNI in the year 2006.
Developed and Developing Countries According to the classification standard of the United Nations, developed countries include Canada, the United States, the member countries of the former European Union, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Israel and South Africa The others are developing countries.
Industrial and Developing Countries According to the classification standard of International Monetary Funds, industrial countries include Canada, the United States, the member countries of the former European Union, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. The others are developing countries.
XII. The abbreviations used in this book and their meanings are as following, kilometer,
ha = hectare,
kwh = kilowatt-hour,
g = gram,
kg = kilogram,
TJ = terojoule (1012 joule),
TCE = ton of standard coal equivalent,
TOE = ton of standard oil equivalent,
UNSD = Statistics Division of the United Nations,
IMF = International Monetary Funds,
FAO = Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
UNCTAD = United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,
UNDP = United Nations Development Program,
ILO = International Labor Organization,
WHO = World Health Organization.
Table of Contents
# China in the World
* International Comparison of the Economic and Social Development of China (2006)
* Ranking Position of China for Major Indicators
* Ranking Position of China for Major Agricultural Products
* Ranking Position of China for Major Industrial Products
# Geography and Climate
* The Earth and the Earth's Surface
* Altitude of the Continents
* The Famous Rivers in the World
* The Famous Lakes in the World
* Climatic Conditions of Main Cities in the World
# Natural Resource and Environment Protection
* Area of Territory and Population Density(2006)
* Land Utilization
* Energy Resources and Reserves(2004)
* Deforestation and Freshwater
* Nationally Protected Areas and Biodiversity(2005)
* Commercial Energy Use
* Air Pollution in Major Cities of the World
* Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
# National Accounts
* Gross Domestic Product (local currency)
* Gross Domestic Product (USD)
* Gross National Income (local currency)
* GNI per Capita (USD)
* Main Economic Indicators of National Accounts Based on PPP(2006)
* Growth Rate of GDP
* Growth Rate of GDP per Capita
* Contribution of the Three Strata of Industry to the Growth of GDP
* Contribution of Gross Capital Formation, Final Consumption Expenditure and External Balance on Goods and Services to the Growth of GDP
* Capital Formation Rate
* Consumption Rate
* Composition of Gross Domestic Product by Industries
* Gross Domestic Product by Production Approach
* Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach
* Gross Domestic Product by Income Approach
* Gross Fixed Capital Formation by Kind of Activity
* Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
# Population
* Mid-year Population
* Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of Population(2006)
* Crude Birth Rate, Crude Death Rate and Natural Growth Rate
* Reproductive Health
* Infant Mortality Rate and Life Expectancy at Birth
* Marriage Rate and Divorce Rate
* Urban Population as Percentage of Total
* Agriculture Population as Percentage of Total
* Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
# Employment and Wages
* Economically Active Population
* Employment
* Composition of Employment by Type of Industry
* Employment by Economic Activity
* Unemployment
* Unemployment Rate
* Average Wages of Employees in Non-Agriculture
* Average Wages of Employees in Manufacturing
* Gross Labour Productivity①
* Strikes and Lockouts(2005)
* Educational Composition of Economically Active Population
* Educational Composition of Unemployment
* Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
# Government Finance and Banking
* Central Government Revenue as Percentage of GDP①
* Revenue of Central Government
* Expense of Central Government
* Central Government Outlays by Function as Percentage of Total
* Money Supply
* Annual Average Deposit Rates and Lending Rates
* Treasury Bill Rates and Government Bond Yields
* Exchange Rates(End of Period)
* Dow Jones World Stock Index by Country and Industry①
* Listed Domestic Companies and Market Capitalization of Listed Companies as Percentage of GDP
* Stocks Traded Value as Percentage of GDP and Turnover Ratio of Stocks Traded
* Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
# Price Indices
* Gross Domestic Product Deflator
* Producer Price Indices
* Consumer Price Indices
* Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
# Household Income and Expenditure and Poverty
* Household Consumption Expenditure and Growth Rate
* Personal Income Distribution
* Poverty Line and Population Below Poverty Lines
* Social Indicators of Poverty(2005)
* Composition of Household Final Consumption Expenditure
* Calories, Proteins and Fat per Capita per Day
* Food Consumption per Capita per Day① (2005)
* Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
# Agriculture
* Agricultural Production Indices
* Per Capital Agricultural Production Indices
* Harvest Areas of Major Farm Crops(2006)
* Production of Major Farm Crops(2006)
* Output of Major Forest Products(2006)
* Number of Livestock(2006)
* Output of Livestock Products (2006)
* Fishery Production (2005)
* Ownership of Agricultural Machinery (2003)
* Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers (2005)
* Intensivism Management in Agriculture (2005)
* Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
# Industry, Energy and Construction
* World Industrial Production Indices by Branches of Industry
* Index of Industrial Production by Country or Area
* Main Indicators of Manufacturing
* Main Indicators of Manufacturing continued
* Composition of Value Added in Manufacturing
* Energy Balance Sheet
* Energy Consumption per Unit of GDP
* Net Installed Capacity of Electricity Generating Plants
* Output of Major Industrial Products
* Construction of New Buildings
* Dwellings and Dwelling Facilities
* Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
# Transportation and Communication
* Freight Ton-km and Passenger-km of Road
* Railway Traffic
* International Maritime Freight Loaded and Unloaded
* Freight and Passengers Carried by Air
* Vehicles in Use
* Motor Fuel Prices
* Merchant Shipping: Fleet
* Length of Road
* Road Accidents
* Road Accidents continued
* Annual Receipts from Road User Taxation
* Road Expenditure
* Road Expenditure continued
* Telephone Mainlines and Mobile Phones
* Internet Users
* Households with Television as Percentage of Total
* Expendiure of Information and Communication Technology as Percentage of GDP
* Expenditure of Information and Communication Technology per Capita
* International Internet Bandwidth
* Broadband Subscribers
* Personal Computers per 1000 Persons
* Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
# External Trade and Tourism
* World Imports and Exports
* Merchandise Exports
* Merchandise Imports
* Indices of Export Unit Value and Import Unit Value
* Indices of Export Quantum and Import Quantum
* Export and Import of Goods and Services as Percentage of GDP
* Exports by Commodity Groups (2005)
* Imports by Commodity Groups (2005)
* Imports and Exports of Agriculture Products
* Exports by Destination(2005)
* Imports by Origin(2005)
* Main Commodity Exports of the World as Percentage of All Products Exports
* Main Commodity Exports of the World as Percentage of All Products Exports continued (Developed Countries)
* Main Commodity Exports of the World as Percentage of All Products Exports continued (Developing Countries)
* Exports of Services by Sector(2005)
* Expenditures and Receipts of International Tourism
* Number of Arrivals and Departures of International Tourism
* Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
# Balance of Payments and External Debts
* Summary of International Transactions
* Balance of Payments by Country or Area(2006)
* Foreign Direct Investment
* Total International Reserves and Gold Reserves
* External Debts by Type (2005)
* Risk Indicators on Foreign Debts (2005)
* Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
# Education, Science and Technology, Culture, Health and Military
* Human Development Index (2005)
* Adult Literacy Rate(As Percentage of People Ages 15 and Above)
* Tertiary,Secondary and Primary School Enrollment Ratio
* Expenditure per Student as Percentage of GDP per Capita
* Research and Development Expenditure and Public Spending on Education as Percentage of GDP
* Researchers and Technicians in R&D (per Million People)
* High-technology Exports as Percentage of Manufactured Exports
* Patent Applications
* Percentage of Population with Access to Improved Sanitation Facilities and Water Source
* Health Expenditure as Percentage of GDP and Per Capita Health Expenditure
* Physician and Hospital Bed per 1000 Persons
* Military Expenditure as Percentage of Central Government Expenditure and Gross Domestic Product
* Military Personnel and Those as Percentage of Total Labor Force
* Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
# Main Indicators of the 500 Largest Companies in the World
* The Data of the Largest 500 Companies in the World Aggregated by Country or Area in 2006
* The 500 Largest Companies in the World Sorted by Revenue in 2006
* Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
# Appendix