Developing Chinese (2nd Edition) Elementary Reading and Writing Course (I)

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Usage Advice: 2 class hours for each of the 15 lessons

Level: Beginner, Elementary

Developing Chinese (2nd Edition) is a set of nationally planned textbook for higher education during the “Eleventh Five-Year”. Based on the well-designed structure of the first edition, this edition adds more elements in tune with the times.
It includes 28 volumes with altogether 34 books. Combining the cultivation of integrated language skills with the training of specific language skills in its compilation, this set of textbooks can be divided into three levels (elementary, intermediate and advanced) and five series (comprehensive, listening, speaking, reading and writing), among which the comprehensive series is the bulk and the others are the accompanying series. The overall purpose is to develop and improve the students’ Chinese language skills, Chinese communication skills, integrated Chinese capabilities as well as enhance their interest and ability in learning Chinese.
Developing Chinese (2nd Edition) – Elementary  Speaking and Writing Course Ⅰ, at the same level with Elementary Comprehensive Course Ⅰ, Elementary Speaking Course Ⅰ and Elementary Listening Course Ⅰ, is suitable for entry-level learners or elementary-level learners capable of easiest communications in Chinese to use together with other relevant textbooks in the series. It is also a choice for beginners who have already learned or are learning the basic knowledge of Chinese pronunciation, characters and grammar. This book has altogether 15 lessons in it, each taking about two class hours. It is an intensive supporting textbook designed in consideration of the actual needs in Chinese teaching and learning at the elementary level so as to help students lay a solid Chinese foundation and reduce the gap between the elementary level and intermediate level. The book has the following features: (1) By highlighting the teaching of lexical chunks such as phrases, clauses and structures, it can effectively reduce the burden on learners during the elementary stage of language input and output; (2) It pays much attention to the reoccurrence, reinforcement, intensification and expansion in the teaching of pronunciation, characters and grammatical structures centering around the Elementary Comprehensive Course at the elementary stage; (3) It emphasizes the training on practical reading and writing through the intensive and extensive reading materials to meet the current needs of learners and help them rapidly improve their practical Chinese reading skills and their language use in various situations.

About the Author
Li Quan is professor and tutor of Ph.D. candidates in the School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China. He is a member of the Chinese Language Society, standing director of China TCFL Society, director of The International Society for Chinese Language Teaching, editorial board member of Chinese Teaching in the World and member of the National Steering Committee of the Postgraduate Programs of International Chinese Education. Professor Li is the editor-in-chief of the authors’ committee of Developing Chinese (2nd Edition).
Wang Shuhong is a lecturer in the School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China, specializing in teaching Chinese as a foreign language and promoting Chinese in other countries. Ms. Wang is a chief member of the authors’ committee of Developing Chinese (2nd Edition) and the person in charge of the Speaking series.
Yao Shujun is an associate professor in the School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China, member of China TCFL Society, examiner of the National Putonghua Proficiency Test. Ms. Yao is the associate editor-in-chief of the authors' committee of Developing Chinese (2nd Edition) and the person in charge of the Comprehensive and Writing series.
Table of Contents
Thank You 
My Teacher Is Chinese 
Write Chinese Characters and Read Texts 
Nice to MeetYou 
Come to China to Study Chinese 
From Shandong to Shanxi 
We Are All Earth People 
I Study Chinese,and I Write Chinese Characters 
Busy,Tired,but Happy 
I Like Eating Dumplings 
Spring,Summer,Autumn and Winter 
Make New Friends,but Don't Forget the Old Ones 
Make a Call to Ask Him 
Once There Was a Mountain 
附录 汉字笔画名称表
Sample Pages Preview
Sample pages of Developing Chinese (2nd Edition) Elementary Reading and Writing Course (I) (ISBN:9787561933602) 

2.为左面的句子选择合适的回应句Choose the right answers for the sentences on the left. 
例如:(1)星期天上午,你有什么安排? (A ) A我想去图书馆看书。 
(2)这么漂亮的礼物,是给我的吗? ( ) B我教你包吧。 
(3)我的自行车怎么没有了? ( ) C我也这么觉得。 
(4)你最近怎么样? ( ) D当然。 
(5)这照片真有意思! ( ) E别着急,我和你一起找。 
(6)饺子真好吃! ( ) F不错呀。 
3.选择合适的词语填空Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks. 
份 辆 门 口 个 本 支 种 件 部 
Copy the following paragraph and write a paragraph of your own following it. 
Developing Chinese (2nd Edition) Elementary Reading and Writing Course (I)