<b>Level: </b>Advanced, Adults<br/>
This book is divided into two parts: "SemanticStructures and Lexical Space Studies" and "Modification of Words andStudies of the Change of Word Usages", which explores the theoretical and practical issues of lexical semanticscombining two cognitive views in contemporary times, i.e., the cognition (i.e.,calculation) based on the horizon of cognitive science, and the cognition basedon the perspective of Embodied (i.e., cognition) Philosophy. It closely examines the structural process of the generated lexicalmeanings, the modification mechanism of lexical system and the dynamicdevelopment of semantic space, focuses on the change of lexical meanings andthe construction of development analysis mode, thus endeavoring to makeexplorations on human brain's behavior and competence to learn things andknowledge. This study reflects a refine holism (or reductionism) principle ofmethodology: it focuses on the entirety, emphasizes reduction but not onlytaking it into account, and strengthens the holistic mechanism analysis of themulti-facet interaction.<br/>
<b>About the Author</b><br/>
Dr. Shi Chunhong is a researcher in the Center forStudies of Chinese as a Second Language. His research interests lie in Chinesegrammar, lexical semantics, language application and theoretical linguistics.He has published more than 50 papers and works including Normalizing Language in Communication (2005), Research on Syntactic Function and Semantic Relationof Chinese Verb-Resultative Construction (2008), Basics of Chinese Language (Grammar)(2011). Hehas presided over "Studies on the Interaction between the Constructions and Meaningsof Sentence Patterns", a project supported by National Social ScienceFoundation and many other syntactic and lexical projects. He also assumes thechief responsibilities in the "Pilot Course Reform of the Introduction toLinguistics", a teaching reform pilot project of the university.<br/>
Cognitive Studies on the Semantic Structures and Modifications of Words