Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education: Chinese Character Writing Manual (hereinafter referred to as Chinese Character Writing Manual), written in accordance with the "List of Chinese Characters for Handwriting" in Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education (GF0025- -2021) (hereinafter referred to as The Standards) co-released by China's Ministry of Education and State Language Commission, is a practical Chinese character learning, writing and practice book for Chinese language learners. Following the new orientation towards“the appropriate separation between Chinese character reading and writing, and the gradual progress
in the number of Chinese characters for handwriting" specified in The Standards, the Chinese Character Writing Manual aims at improving learners' Chinese character writing skills, increasing their Chinese character learning efficiency, and making Chinese character learning more to the point.
The Chinese Character Writing Manual is composed of three volumes - elementary, intermediate, and advanced, respectively including 300, 400, and 500 of the Chinese characters for handwriting listed in The Standards, i.e, 1,200 in total. Within each volume, every 20 Chinese characters form one unit, which learners can finish learning and practicing in one
day; at the end of each unit is a test to check mastery of the Chinese characters in this unit. To help learners better learn, understand and use Chinese characters, the Chinese characters in the Chinese Character Writing Manual are arranged in ascending order of number of strokes and difficulty to write and are introduced from the aspects of“pronunciation", “English definition",“level",“example word of the same level", “strokes and stroke order", “other pronunciations", etc.
Grids are provided for learners to copy Chinese characters so as to synchronize“recognizing”, “writing" and“memorizing”.
1) The pronunciations of the characters are defined according to The Standards. For characters with more than one pronunciation, the pronunciation is provided additionally at the end of the line.
2) In terms of meaning, rather than explaining each character from all aspects, the book gives only one definition that is directly related to the character so as to alleviate learners' burden of recognition and memorization. An example word which exactly matches the definition is given to facilitate learners' understanding; the word is picked from the“vocabulary
list" of the level that the character belongs to. If there is no such match in the“vocabulary list" or the meaning of the character is quite clear by itself, no example word will be provided.
3) Each character is provided with a stroke-by-stroke demonstration to make it easier for learners to copy; most of the characters are also provided with a QR code via which learners can view an animated demonstration, making Chinese character writing more fun and directly perceivable. .
In addition to the part of Chinese character writing, the Chinese Character Writing Manual also provides an alphabetically ordered index of Chinese characters (in both simplified and traditional Chinese characters) and grid sheets for practice. The grid sheets at the end of the book are designed to meet learners' needs to practice on their own or reinforce their writing
practice. Learners can write or do such exercises as copying or dictation on the grid sheets. To help learners understand knowledge related to Chinese characters and lay a solid foundation for Chinese character learning, the elementary volume has a section of“Chinese basics" for learners' reference.
As“Chinese characters" are an important part of the“four-dimension benchmarks", this book caters to learners' practical Chinese character writing needs and uses The Standards as a guideline in the hope that learners can master the method of writing Chinese characters efficiently and concretely, improve their Chinese character writing skills, and strengthen their
proficiency at Chinese characters.