<div>如果说中国上下五千年的文明犹如一条长河,波澜壮阔却难以观其全貌,我们就把它分解成一条条涓涓细流,细细品味。《中华文化关键词挂图》用细腻生动的笔触,从“中华风度”、“中华风骨”、“中华风雅”、“中华风趣”、“中华风尚”、“中华风云”、“中华风物”、“中华风光”等八个维度勾画灿烂悠久的华夏文明。刘备三顾茅庐、神农尝百草、苏武牧羊……一个个鲜活的故事让我们对自强、诚信、重义等中华文化的精髓有了更深切的理解。</div><div><br/></div><div>本套挂图共16张,可供老师作为补充材料授课使用,也具有很强的装饰作用和收藏价值。</div><div><br/></div><div>If Chinese civilization’s five thousand year history is like a mighty river, surging forward with great momentum but hard to view as a whole, then the details can be seen and savored in the tiny trickles and individual drops.Using delicate and vivid descriptions, theChinese Culture Keyword Flip Chartoutlines the splendors of ancient Chinese civilization, including points which describe “Chinese style”, “Chinese spirit”, “Chinese manners”, “Chinese humor”, “Chinese fashion”, “Chinese influence”, “Chinese sights” and “Chinese landscapes”. Vivacious historical stories such as “Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage”, “Shen Nong Tasting Hundreds of Herbs” and “Su Wu Tending Sheep” give us a profound understanding of the qualities of self-improvement, integrity and loyalty in Chinese culture.</div><div><br/></div><div>Containing 16 charts, this set could be served as supplementary Chinese teaching materials with strong decorative and collecting value. </div>