Books written by "Luo Zhewen"

China's Museums - Culture China Series (Ebook)
ISBN: 9787508506036 | Publisher: China Intercontinental Press | Published on 10/2004 | Series: Culture China Series | Reviews:
Ebook in PDF format, sample can be found here China has an ancient civilization with a very long history.Understanding it solely throuth the study...

World Heritage Sites in China: Nature and Culture (English)
ISBN: 7119034014 | Publisher: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press | Published on 02/2004 | Series: World Heritage of China Series
World Heritage of China Series is composed of four volumes: Imperial Relics; Man-made Relics; Religious Relics; Natural and Cultural Relics. It deals...

World Heritage Sites in China: Human Relic (English)
ISBN: 7119034022 | Publisher: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press | Published on 02/2004 | Series: World Heritage of China Series
World Heritage of China Series is composed of four volumes: Imperial Relics; Man-made Relics; Religious Relics; Natural and Cultural Relics. It deals...

World Heritage Sites in China: Imperial Relic (English)
ISBN: 7119034030 | Publisher: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press | Published on 01/2006 | Series: World Heritage of China Series
World Heritage of China Series is composed of four volumes: Imperial Relics; Man-made Relics; Religious Relics; Natural and Cultural Relics. It deals...

World Heritage Sites in China: Religious Sites (English)
ISBN: 9787119034003 | Publisher: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press | Published on 01/2004 | Series: World Heritage of China Series | Reviews:
World Heritage of China Series is composed of four volumes: Imperial Relics; Man-made Relics; Religious Relics; Natural and Cultural Relics. It deals...

World Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites (English)
ISBN: 7119030590 | Publisher: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press | Published on 10/2002
As a world-renowned country with an ancient civilization, China boasts a wealth of cultural relics and historical sites, such as the ten thousand-li...

China's Museums (English)
ISBN: 7508506030 | Publisher: China Intercontinental Press | Published on 10/2004 | Reviews:
Museums are a facet of ethnic culture. This book introduces 50 museums selected from China’s 2,000, with the aim of bringing Chinese...

Patrimoine Mondial en Chine: Sites Imperiaux
ISBN: 9787119044125 | Publisher: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press | Published on 10/2006 | Series: Patrimoine Mondial
Le patrimoine mondial est extremement précieux pour I'humanité, Il est d'une importance capitale de le protéger, de l'étudier et de le mettre en val...

Patrimoine Mondial en Chine: Sites Naturels
ISBN: 9787119044101 | Publisher: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press | Published on 10/2006 | Series: Patrimoine Mondial
Le patrimoine mondial est extremement précieux pour I'humanité, Il est d'une importance capitale de le protéger, de l'étudier et de le mettre en val...

Patrimoine Mondial en Chine: Sites Religieux
ISBN: 9787119044095 | Publisher: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press | Published on 10/2006 | Series: Patrimoine Mondial
Le patrimoine mondial est extremement précieux pour I'humanité, Il est d'une importance capitale de le protéger, de l'étudier et de le mettre en val...