Perform Chun Cao: A Multimedia Advanced Chinese Course

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Spring Grass: A “Performed Culture” Approach to Advanced Mandarin is a set of advanced Chinese learning materials based on Chinese writer Qiu Shanshan’s novel Spring Grass and a 33-episode TV series of the same name, which aims to improve learners’ oral and written communication skills.There are 28 units in this textbook, and each unit has 5 sections, including listening, speaking, reading, writing in various languages and cultural activities. This design is mainly aimed at an advanced Chinese course of about 30 weeks in a school year, with 5 sections in a unit for 5 class hours.The first 14 units of study focus on listening and speaking, with an emphasis on developing students’ oral narrative skills. Teaching materials are mainly based on TV dramas, supplemented by novels. The focus of the last 14 units gradually changes from spoken to written language. Novel is the main source for students to obtain the plot of the story. Reading ability and written narrative ability are the focuses of this stage.The five sections in each unit correspond to five learning sessions, including: (1) questions and answers between the teacher and students for TV drama plots or novel chapters; (2) retelling activities based on story plots from the perspective of different characters; (3) in-depth discussions of literary techniques used in the novel and other topics; (4) discussions of cultural topics led by students; (5) writing tasks in different literary styles.In addition, in the last 14 units which focus on developing students’ written narrative skills, the textbook also adds the sixth activity: adaptation and performance of the television version of Spring Grass. Through these well-designed teaching activities, this textbook aims to help learners to continuously optimize the learning process and master the learning strategies for reading the original Chinese novels.

About Author

Zeng Zhini, Assistant Professor, Department of Modern Languages, University of Mississippi. She majored in Chinese as a Foreign Language at Shanghai International Studies University as an undergraduate. After graduating, she went to the United States to study under Wu Weike, Professor of the Department of East Asian Languages and Literature of Ohio State University. She obtained master’s and doctoral degrees in 2011 and 2015, respectively. Her research interests include: training and assessment of Chinese language professional skills, cross-cultural research in the “third space”, development of advanced Chinese language textbooks, curriculum development of study abroad programs in China, and discourse analysis. She has rich practical experience in teaching. When she taught at Ohio State University and University of Michigan, she developed many advanced Chinese courses for undergraduates like Chinese media courses, modern Chinese literature, ancient Chinese, and Sino-American interpersonal relationships. She was a training officer for the Teaching Training Institute of Chinese and Japanese language at ALLEX in the United States, and was the resident director of a number of overseas study programs in China, including the Critical Language Scholarship Program of State Department (2014), the Chinese Flagship Program of Ohio State University (2009-2013) , and Project GO officer program in the United States (2016-2018). She participated in the design of program curriculum, development of teaching material, and training of local Chinese teachers in China. She is also an Examiner of the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) certified by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), and actively provides professional assessments of oral Chinese proficiency to Chinese learners in the industry.
Table of Contents

第一单元 重男轻女
第二单元 妈妈的“小棉袄”
第三单元 父母之命,媒妁之言
第四单元 一见钟情的邂逅
第五单元 许诺与等待
第六单元 门当户对
第七单元 八字不合
第八单元 寄人篱下
第九单元 “脸皮薄”和“脸皮厚”
第十单元 无师自通的本事
第十一单元 一分耕耘,一分收获
第十二单元 人往高处走,水往低处流
第十三单元 春草的生意头脑
第十四单元 衣锦还乡
第十五单元 祸从天降
第十六单元 天无绝人之路
第十七单元 贵人相助
第十八单元 梦中的手
第十九单元 不同寻常的“成就感”
第二十单元 物是人非
第二十一单元 尽孝
第二十二单元 请神容易送神难
第二十三单元 股市有风险
第二十四单元 水远的背叛
第二十五单元 人穷志不穷
第二十六单元 浪子回头金不换
第二十七单元 一念之差
第二十八单元 苦尽甘来

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Sample pages of Perform Chun Cao: A Multimedia Advanced Chinese Course (ISBN:9787521311747)
Sample pages of Perform Chun Cao: A Multimedia Advanced Chinese Course (ISBN:9787521311747)
Sample pages of Perform Chun Cao: A Multimedia Advanced Chinese Course (ISBN:9787521311747)
Sample pages of Perform Chun Cao: A Multimedia Advanced Chinese Course (ISBN:9787521311747)
Sample pages of Perform Chun Cao: A Multimedia Advanced Chinese Course (ISBN:9787521311747)





Perform Chun Cao: A Multimedia Advanced Chinese Course