Learn Chinese through English

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Sample pages of Learn Chinese through English (ISBN:9787561770030,7561770030)

Sample pages of Learn Chinese through English (ISBN:9787561770030,7561770030)
The first day of the first monthin the Chinese lunar calendar(LateJanuary,early February in theGregorian calendar).The C:hinesecelebrate it with the lion and dragondance,and they eat dumplings andglutinous rice cake.
The 15th of the first month in the Chinese lunar calendar.The Chinese celebrate it bywatchinglanterns and eating glutinous rice balls.
The fifth of the fourth month of the Chinese lunar calendar.The Chinese pay attributes to their ancestors'tombs and eat glutinous rice balls with green color.
The fifth day of the fifth month inthe Chinese lunar calendar.The Chinese have dragon boat races and eat rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves·
The 15moftheeighthmonthinthe Chinese lunar calendar.The Chinese will hold activities,like watching the full moon and eating the moon cake.
The ninth ofthe ninth month in the Chinese lunar calendar.People climb mountains and eat cakes specially made for this day.
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