Homeland: Russia

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在摄影集《俄罗斯》中,摄影师王瑶以一种深刻的人文精神和独特的文化视角,聚焦于俄罗斯的普通民众,着力反映他们的生存状态和价值追求。在色彩与光影中,呈现出文化传统积淀深厚的俄罗斯今日的转型、嬗变与坚守、奋进。 Homeland is a major serial photographic collection that presents the social visage, folk customs and pluralistic cultures of various nations in the world from an international perspective with modern image vocabulary. In this album, with profound humanistic feelings, the author puts a focus on the ordinary folks of Russia, reflecting their states of lives, their inner worlds, and their pursuits of value of lives.

Editor's Recommendation

As an ancient proverb in Russia goes, “On the same sleigh, there are both pains and joys.” That’s exactly what Wang Yao’s images have recorded. The labor of transformation is pervasive in social life. Beggars in streets, frustration of white collars, there is a sense of alienation and depression spread in the low social strata. However, Russia will not become degenerated, nor will it be degraded. With one image, Wang Yao conveyed this message: Amid interwoven wires of the power grid, a statue of a man wields his right arm high, holding fast to the handle of his sword, striding proudly ahead with his head held high. This is Russia today.

About Author

Wang Yao, President of China Photographers Association, born in Beijing in April 1970, graduated from Dept. of Journalism, Renmin University of China with a bachelor’s degree.

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Homeland: Russia