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The eleven stories included here mark Tie Ning's writing career, varying as they do in theme and style, treating youth and age and country and city life. "Ah, Fragrant Snow". "June's Big Topic" and "The Red Shirt Without Buttons" have won national literary prizes.

Born in Beijing in 1957, Tie Ning went to the countryside to experience rural life in 1975. In 1979 she was transferred to the Baoding Branch of the Chinese Federation of Art and Literature and in 1984 to the Creative Writing Workshop of Hebei Province. She is now vice chairperson of the Chinese Writers Association and chairperson of the Hebei Provincial Writers Association . Her "Ah, Fragrant Snow" won a national award as one of the best short stories of 1982, "The Red Shirt Without Buttons" and "June's Big Topic" won national awards in 1984. Since 1980, Tie Ning has published Path in the Night and other collections of short stories and novellas.