Meaning of 诀

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(Trad.: 訣)
Pinyin: jué
English Definition: to bid farewell; tricks of the trade; pithy mnemonic formula (e.g. Mao Zedong's 16-character mantra 十六字诀 on guerrilla warfare)
Chinese Definition:
Total strokes: 6; Radical:
Ideographic: Words said at a parting ; also provides the pronunciation
Character Formation:
  • Left to right
    • [ yán ] words, speech; to speak, to say
    • [ guài ] decisive, certain; parted; fork
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Example Words
秘诀 jué secret know-how; key (to longevity); secret (of happiness); recipe (for success)
诀窍 jué qiào secret; trick; knack; key
诀别 jué bié to bid farewell; to part (usually with little hope of meeting again)
口诀 kǒu jué mnemonic chant; rhyme for remembering (arithmetic tables, character stroke order etc)
永诀 yǒng jué to part forever; eternal parting (i.e. death)
More: 诀* | *诀 | *诀*
Example Sentences
What is happy secret rhymed formula?
Chaos tactic, the universe ranking first god tactic.
The first one is "don' t be greedy for win".
He had an amusing excuse for executing the executive.
The absent-minded student consents to the sentence in the presence of me.