Meaning of 沾

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Pinyin: zhān
English Definition: to moisten; to be infected by; to receive benefit or advantage through a contact; to touch
Chinese Definition:
Total strokes: 8; Radical:
Pictophonetic: indicates the sound; (water) conveys the meaning.
Character Formation:
  • Left to right
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Example Words
沾染 zhān rǎn to pollute (often fig.); to be infected by; to gain a small advantage
沾沾自喜 zhān zhān immeasurably self-satisfied
沾边 zhān biān to have a connection with; to be close (to reality); to be relevant; to have one's hand in
沾光 zhān guāng to bask in the light; fig. to benefit from association with sb or sth; reflected glory
均沾 jūn zhān to share (profits)
More: 沾* | *沾 | *沾*
Example Sentences
Her hands were bloodstained.
Fries can be dipped in yogurt or ketchup.