Chinese Science Reading (Traditional Chinese Edition) [Paperback]

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This book is a set of Chinese teaching materials written specifically for foreign students. The textbooks are written by Wang Shuangshuang from United States California and Chinese experts and scholars with their eight years of teaching practice abroad. The book consists of 20 volumes, curricula for nine years, literacy of 2,500 and ranging from literacy, spelling, sentence, passage of learning, learning of Chinese culture to the primary system. The set of books is fully equipped with CD-ROM.
Table of Contents
第一课 黄河的源头(一)
第二课 黄河的源头(二)
第三课 银杏和水杉
第四课 跳伞
第五课 野骆驼
第六课 恒星真的不动吗
第七课 灰尘的旅行
第八课 盐井和井盐
第九课 我们应该长多高
第十课 沙漠
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Sample pages of Chinese Science Reading (Traditional Chinese Edition) [Paperback] (ISBN:9787301152430)

Sample pages of Chinese Science Reading (Traditional Chinese Edition) [Paperback] (ISBN:9787301152430)
Chinese Science Reading (Traditional Chinese Edition) [Paperback]