First, the "China Trade and Foreign Economic Statistical Yearbook 2012" is a fully reflect China's domestic trade, foreign trade and economic information of the annual international tourism. The Yearbook contains 2011 China's domestic trade, China's foreign economic trade and a major international tourism statistics, and sub-provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and some important historical years of relevant statistics.
Second, the yearbook is divided into nine sections: 1. Comprehensive articles; 2 consumer market papers; 3 articles wholesale and retail trade; 4 accommodation and catering industry articles; 5 articles of international payments; 6 Foreign Trade chapter; 7 foreign articles; 8 cooperation with foreign articles; 9 travel articles. In order to facilitate the reader to use, the Yearbook of the abbreviations used in the meaning and key statistical indicators, statistical coverage and statistical methods are illustrated.
Third, the yearbook involved in national statistics do not include Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region.
Fourth, some of the information listed in the Yearbook of the State Secretary for Foreign Economic Trade Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Customs, State Administration of Foreign Exchange, Ministry of Public Security, the National Tourism Administration, State Administration for Industry and other departments of information processing and finishing, as different functions of various departments, statistical standards, scope and methods are also different, so some information may be inconsistencies in the book, the use of statistical data see Appendix.
Fifth, the yearbook table of weights and measures used by sheep in place, are internationally standard measurement units.
Sixth, the yearbook of the "space" indicates that the lack of statistical indicators of data the smallest unit in this table, unknown, or no such information; "#" indicates the major items; "*" or "①" indicates this table under the Notes.
Seven years does not indicate in the Yearbook of the table are the 2010 data.
Table of Contents
No. l Comprehensive articles articles
1-1 Gross Domestic Product Index (3)
1-2 Gross Domestic Product (4)
The contribution rate of three industries 1-3 (5)
1-4, the demands on the contribution of gross domestic product growth rate and driving (6)
1-5 Population and Composition (7)
1-6, the consumer price index and retail price index (8)
1-7 RMB savings deposits of urban and rural residents (9)
1-8 Basic Conditions of Urban Households (10)
1-9 Basic Conditions of Rural Households (11)
The first two articles the consumer goods market
2-1, total retail sales growth (15)
2-2, the monthly total retail sales situation (by sales units location) (16)
2-3 in monthly retail sales of consumer goods in the situation (by Sector) (17)
2-4 regions, total retail sales (sales of units by location) (18)
2-5 regions, total retail sales (by industry) (19)
2-6 years total retail sales, growth and composition (by sales of unit location) (20)
2-7 years total retail sales, growth and composition (by Sector) (21)
2-8 billion more than the basic commodity market conditions (22)
2-9 billion of market stalls in the classification of goods (24)
2-10 billion over the area of basic commodities trading market conditions (25)
The first three articles of wholesale and retail trade
3-1-1 wholesale and retail enterprises above designated basic information (as of Registration) (29)
3-1-2 wholesale and retail enterprises above designated basic information (by Sector) (31)
3-1-3 regional wholesale trade enterprises above designated basic conditions (as of Registration) (33)
3-1-4 regional wholesale trade enterprises above designated basic conditions (by Sector) (39)
3-1-5 regional retail enterprises above designated basic information (as of Registration) (48)
3-1-6 regional retail enterprises above designated basic information (by Sector) (54)
3-2-1 wholesale and retail enterprises above designated commodity purchase, sale, deposit the total amount (by Types of Registration) (64:
3-2-2 wholesale and retail enterprises above designated commodity purchase, sale, deposit the total amount (by Sector) (68)
3-2-3 regional wholesale and retail enterprises above designated merchandise purchases, sales, total deposits (72)
3-2-4 all areas of wholesale trade of merchandise purchases, sales, deposit amount (73)
3-2-5 regional limits to BU. Wholesale, Ip food industry product purchase, sale, deposit the total amount (by Types of Registration) (74)
3-2-6 all areas of wholesale trade of merchandise purchase, sale, deposit the total amount (by Sector) (86)
3-2-7 regional retail enterprises above designated merchandise purchases, sales, total deposits (107)
3-2-8 regional retail enterprises above designated product purchase, sale, deposit the total amount (by Types of Registration) (108)
3-2-9 regional retail enterprises above designated product purchase, sale, deposit the total amount (by Sector) (120)
3-2-10 limit for wholesale and retail merchandising class values (141)
3-2-11 regions of wholesale and retail merchandising class values (142)
3-3-1 wholesale and retail enterprises above designated assets and liabilities at the end of (181)
3-3-2 regional wholesale and retail enterprises above designated end of Assets and Liabilities (190)
3-3-3 all areas of wholesale trade businesses at the end of Assets and Liabilities (191)
3-3-4 all areas of wholesale trade businesses at the end of the balance (by Types of Registration) (192)
3-3-5 all areas of wholesale trade businesses at the end of the balance (by Sector) (204)
3-3-6 regional retail enterprises above designated end of Assets and Liabilities (225)
Regional quota 3-3-7 over the end of the retail business assets and liabilities (as of Registration) (226)
3-3-8 regional retail enterprises above designated assets and liabilities at the end (by Sector) (238)
3-4-1 wholesale and retail enterprises above designated size and distribution of profit and loss f259)
3-4-2 regional wholesale and retail enterprises above designated size and distribution of profit and loss (274)
3-4-3 regions and loss of wholesale trade and distribution (276:
3-4-4 regions and loss of wholesale trade and distribution (by Types of Registration) (278)
3-4-5 regions and loss of wholesale trade and distribution (by Sector) (302)
3-4-6 retail enterprises above designated regions and the allocation of profit and loss (344:
3-4-7 retail enterprises above designated regions and the allocation of profit and loss (by Types of Registration) (346)
3-4-8 retail enterprises above designated regions and the allocation of profit and loss (by Sector) (370)
3-4-9 limit wholesale and retail businesses pay more than benefits and value-added tax (412)
Limit of 3-4 over a lo regional wholesale company wages and benefits and value added tax (by Types of Registration) (416)
3-4 more than a limit of 11 regional wholesale company wages and benefits and value-added tax (by Sector) (422)
3-4-12 retail enterprises above designated regional wages and benefits and value-added tax (by Types of Registration) (433)
3-4-13 retail enterprises above designated regional wages and benefits and value-added tax (by Sector) (439)
3-5 1 l sub-chain retail enterprises by Yetai Basic (450)
3-5-2 press of Registration retailing chain store basic information (451)
3-5-3 chain retail enterprises by industry basic information (453)
3-5-4 regional chain retailers of basic conditions (455)
Section 4 Accommodation and Catering Services articles
4-1-1 Types of Registration, Economic Sector accommodation and catering services above designated basic conditions of business (459)
4-1-2 Above all regions the basic situation of the lodging industry enterprises (by Types of Registration) (461)
4-1-3 Above all regions the basic situation of the lodging industry enterprises (by Sector) (467)
4-1-4 District Catering Trade above the basic conditions of enterprises (in terms of Registration) (468)
4-1-5 District Catering Trade above the basic conditions of enterprises (by Sector) (474)
4-2-1 Types of Registration, Economic Sector Above accommodation and catering business case (476)
4-2-2 over all regions limit the accommodation industry business conditions (480)
4-2-3 over all regions limit the accommodation industry business conditions (as of Registration) (481)
4-2-4 over all regions limit the accommodation industry business conditions (by Sector) (493)
4-2-5 regions Catering Trade above business case (496)
4-2-6 regions Catering Trade above business case (as of Registration) (497)
4-2-7 District Catering Trade above the business situation (by Sector) (509)
4-3-1 Types of Registration, Economic Sector accommodation and catering services above designated size enterprises at the end of Assets and Liabilities (513)
Regional quota 4-3-2 accommodation and catering enterprises above the end of Assets and Liabilities (518)
Quota 4-3-3 over all regions of assets and liabilities at the end of the lodging industry enterprises (519)
4-3-4 Above all regions of assets and liabilities at the end of the lodging industry enterprises (by Types of Registration) (520)
4-3-5 regional accommodation sector enterprises above designated assets and liabilities at the end (by Sector) (532)
4-3-6 District Catering Trade above the year-end balance sheet business (535)
4-3-7 District Catering Trade above the year-end balance sheet business (by Types of Registration) (536)
4-3-8 District Catering Trade above the year-end balance sheet business (by Sector) (548)
4-4-1 Types of Registration, Economic Sector Above accommodation and catering enterprises, and profit and loss distribution (552)
Quota 4-4-2 over all regions and loss of accommodation and catering industry and distribution (560)
4-4-3 lodging industry over all regions and loss limits and distribution (562)
Quota 4-4-4 over all regions and loss and the distribution of the lodging industry (by sub-Registration) (564)
4-4-5 lodging industry over all regions and loss limits and distribution (by Sector) (588)
4-4-6 regions Catering Trade above corporate profit and loss and the distribution of (594)
4-4-7 regions Catering Trade above profit and loss and the distribution (by Types of Registration) (596)
4-4-8 Catering Trade above the region and the distribution of corporate profit and loss (by Sector) (620)
4-4-9 Types of Registration, Economic Sector Above accommodation and catering enterprises wages and benefits (628)
4-4-10 regional accommodation sector enterprises above designated J = capital benefits (in terms of Registration) (630]
4-4-1l regional enterprises above designated lodging industry wages and benefits (by Sector) (636)
4-4 more than a limit of 12 regional business restaurant industry wages and benefits (in terms of Registration) (637)
4-4-13 regions Catering Trade above company wages and benefits (by Sector) (643)
4-5 1 l sub-restaurant chain by Yetai Basic (645)
4-5-2 press of Registration restaurant chain basic information (646)
4-5-3 restaurant chain by Sector Basic (648)
4-5-4 regional restaurant chain basic information (649)
No. 5 Balance of Payments Posts
5-1 About the balance of payments (653)
5-2 Balance of Payments (654)
5-3 external debt profile (656)
5-4 external sources (657)
5-5 constitute the source of external debt (658)
5-6 risk indicators of external debt (659)
5-7 RMB market exchange rate (annual average exchange rate) (660)
Market exchange rate of RMB 5-8 (end price) (661)
5-9 foreign exchange reserves and external debt balance (662)
Article 6 of Foreign Trade and articles
6-1 import and export volume (in dollar terms) (665)
6-2 import and export amount (in RMB) (666)
6-3 import and export volume index (in dollar terms) (667)
6-4 import and export volume growth (in dollar terms) (668)
6-5 China's export share of gross domestic product (669)
6-6 China's export share of total world exports and the order of precedence (670)
6-7 minutes total import and export trade (671:
6-8 import and export of general trade and processing trade volume (672)
6-9 import and export of general trade and processing trade, the growth rate (673)
6-10 by standard international trade classification of import and export summary table (674)
6-1l by SITC export and import growth rate (675)
6-12 by standard international trade classification of export value (676)
6-13 by standard international trade classification of imported goods amount (676)
6-14 by standard international trade classification of export composition (677)
15 6 1 by SITC commodity composition of imports (677)
Chapter 6-16 Exports Value (678)
Chapter 6-17 classification of imported goods amount (683)
6-18 general trade import and export goods classified under Chapter amount (688)
6-19 processing trade import and export of goods classified under Chapter amount (693)
6-20 Hong Kong Import and Export Commodity Classification of the chapter Amount (698)
6-21 of the Taiwan Chapter amount of import and export commodity classification (703)
Import and Export Commodity Classification of Japan 6-22 Chapter amount (708)
6-23 Import and Export Commodity Classification of the European Union Cap Value (713)
6-24 Chapter on the amount of U.S. import and export classification (718)
6-25 in China with the countries (regions) and Exports (723)
6-26 number and amount of main export commodities (728)
6-27 Main Import Commodities in Volume and Value (732)
6-28 regional import and export volume (in the territory of the destination, origin of goods points) (734)
6-29 regional import and export volume (by business unit location) (735]
6-30 exports of foreign invested enterprises (736)
6-31 imports of foreign-invested enterprises (737)
6-32 import and export amount of foreign-invested enterprises around the (738)
6-33 import and export around the joint ventures (739)
6-34 import and export around the Sino-foreign cooperative enterprises (740)
6-35 over the import and export volume of foreign-owned enterprise (741)
6-36 joint venture in import and export special economic zones (742)
6-37 SEZ import and export Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprises (742)
Special Economic Zones 6-38 import and export volume of foreign-owned enterprise (742)
Article 7 Foreign Posts
7 1 l amount of foreign investment contracts (745)
7-2 the amount of actual utilization of foreign capital (746)
7-3 points means foreign investment (747)
7-4 Foreign Direct Investment by Sector (2008) (748)
7-5 by country (region) the actual foreign investment amount (749)
7-6 years foreign-invested enterprises registered profile (753)
7-7 over the end of the number of registered foreign-invested enterprises (754)
7-8 at the end of registration of foreign invested enterprises sector distribution (755)
7-9 by country (region) enterprises with foreign investment at the end of the registration number (756)
7-10 by country (region) enterprises with foreign investment at the end of the registration investment (760)
7 1 "around the end of foreign-invested enterprises registered investment (764)
7-12 by country (region) enterprises with foreign investment at the end of the registered capital (765)
7-13 around the end of the registered capital of foreign invested enterprises (769)
7-14 by country (region) enterprises with foreign investment at the end of foreign registered capital (770)
7-15 foreign-invested enterprises around the end of foreign registered capital (774)
The first eight articles of external cooperation
8-1 Overview of Foreign Economic Cooperation (777)
8-2 Overview of foreign contracted projects (778)
8-3 Overview of foreign labor service cooperation (779)
Overview 8-4 design and consultation (780)
8-5 by country (region) the amount of foreign contracted engineering contracts (781:
8-6 by country (region) the amount of foreign labor service cooperation contracts (785)
8-7 sub-national (regional) design and consultation contract amount (788)
8-8 by country (region) turnover of foreign contracted projects (791)
8-9 by country (region) of foreign labor service cooperation turnover (795)
8-10 by country (region) design and consultation turnover (799)
8, a 11-point countries (regions) at the end of outside contract engineering personnel engaged in a (802)
8-12 by country (region) at the end of engaging in foreign labor cooperation staff (806)
8 a 13 pm country (region) at the end of outside consultants engaged in the design (810)
8-14 over the amount of signed contracts of foreign contracted projects (812)
8, signed a 15-over amount of foreign labor service cooperation contracts (813)
8-16 around the signing of the contract amount of foreign design and consulting (814:
Around 8-17 turnover of foreign contracted projects (815:
8-18 turnover of overseas labor cooperation around the (816)
8-19 customers to design and consultation turnover (817)
8-20 around the end of contracted projects overseas in the number of (818)
8-21 around the end of the year in the number of overseas labor service cooperation (819)
8-22 around the end of the number of outside consulting in the design (820)
No. 9 Travel
9-1 years tourist arrivals (823)
9-2 years growth in tourist arrivals (824)
9-3 years of international tourism (foreign exchange) revenue and the number of overnight tourists, the situation (825)
9-4 constitute a group of foreign tourists and immigrants (826)
9-5 entry of foreign tourists by nationality, the number of (827)
9-6 constitute the International tourism foreign exchange earnings (832)
9-7 parts of the international tourism (foreign exchange) revenue (833:
9-8 received inbound tourists around the situation (834)
9-9 per day sub-regional tourists to spend the amount of immigration (835)
9-10 situation in major cities to receive inbound tourists (837)
9-1l years the situation of domestic tourism (839)
The first 10 business articles
10 1 l 500 national wholesale business before the main economic indicators (843)
10-2 500 retail enterprises before the country the main economic indicators (853:
10-3 National Top 100 residential sector enterprises Main Economic Indicators (863)
10-4 National Top 100 catering enterprises main economic indicators (865)
10-5 National Top 100 commodity trading markets (867)
Sales of 10 billion yuan 10-6 chain retail enterprises (868)
10-7 turnover of 100 million yuan or more restaurant chain (875)
Appendix I a brief description and interpretation of key statistical indicators (877)
Appendix Ⅱ English abbreviations, and symbols (888)