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China Fishery Statistical Yearbook 2013ISBN: 9787109179288 | Publisher: China Agriculture Press | Published on 05/2013 First, the "China Fishery Statistical Yearbook," the official publication year standard procedures. Their statistics Expiration Date:... |
$19.60 |
China Fishery Statistical Yearbook 2014ISBN: 978710912225 | Publisher: China Agriculture Press | Published on 05/2014 First, the "China Fishery Statistical Yearbook," the official publication year standard procedures. Start and end dates of their... |
$24.00 |
China Fishery Statistical Yearbook 2015ISBN: 97887109205543 | Publisher: China Agriculture Press | Published on 06/2015 First, the "China Fisheries Statistics Yearbook" published in the year to mark the official order. Statistics, offshore pelagic fisheries... |
$24.00 |
China Fishery Statistical Yearbook 2016ISBN: 9787109216914 | Publisher: China Agriculture Press | Published on 06/2016 First, the "China Fisheries Statistics Yearbook" published in the year to mark the official order. Statistics, offshore pelagic fisheries... |
$30.23 |
China Fishery Statistical Yearbook 2017ISBN: 9787109229419 | Publisher: China Agriculture Press | Published on 06/2017 First, the "China Fisheries Statistics Yearbook" published in the year to mark the official order. Statistics, offshore pelagic fisheries... |
$40.31 |
China Fishery Statistical Yearbook 2018ISBN: 9787109244757 | Publisher: China Agriculture Press | Published on 09/2018 First, the "China Fisheries Statistics Yearbook" published in the year to mark the official order. Statistics, offshore pelagic fisheries... |
$40.31 |
China Fishery Statistical Yearbook 2019ISBN: 9787109255104 | Publisher: China Agriculture Press | Published on 05/2019 First, the "China Fisheries Statistics Yearbook" published in the year to mark the official order. Statistics, offshore pelagic fisheries... |
$40.31 |
China Fishery Statistical Yearbook 2020ISBN: 9787109268470 | Publisher: China Agriculture Press | Published on 06/2020 First, the "China Fisheries Statistics Yearbook" published in the year to mark the official order. Statistics, offshore pelagic fisheries... |
$40.31 |
China Fishery Statistical Yearbook 2021ISBN: 9787109283008 | Publisher: China Agriculture Press | Published on 06/2021 First, the 'China Fisheries Statistics Yearbook' published in the year to mark the official order. Statistics, offshore pelagic fisheries... |
$40.31 |
China Fishery Statistical Yearbook 2022ISBN: 9787109295865 | Publisher: China Agriculture Press | Published on 06/2022 2021年,面对新冠肺炎疫情和国内外经济发展复杂多变的环境,全国渔业系统以义思想为指导,贯彻落实、和农村组有关决策部署,统筹疫情防控和渔业经济发展,坚持稳字当头、稳中求进工作总基调,全面贯彻新发展理念,围绕稳产保供重点任务,推动渔业高质量发展,渔业经济保持较好发展态势。统据显示,全年渔业经济持续回暖... |
$40.31 |