"China City Statistical Yearbook" is a comprehensive annual statistical publication reflects China's urban social and economic development of the "China City Statistical Yearbook -2016," a collection formed the National 653 cities (including cities above prefecture-level and county-level cities) 2016 Socio-economic key statistics development.
This yearbook is divided into four parts: The first part is the country's administrative divisions cities listed different areas, different levels of urban distribution: The second of three parts were flying above the prefectural level cities and county-level cities statistics statistics, specific including population, labor force and land resources flying comprehensive economic, industrial, transportation, telecommunications, energy, electricity, trade, Foreign Trade and Tourism, fixed asset investment, education, science and technology, culture, health, people's lives, social security, municipal utilities and environmental protection and other aspects of the data: the fourth part is an appendix for the main statistical indicators. It should be noted that, since 1997, above the prefectural level cities and county-level cities are using different statistical systems, some indicators are not comparable between the two types of cities, so the yearbook will prefecture-level city and county-level cities statistics are divided into two independent parts.
All cities in the country or the yearbook statistics involved, do not include Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan Province. Yearbook listed in the table, "the city" as the entire administrative area of the city, including city, county jurisdiction, cities: "City area" includes all city, excluding the jurisdiction of cities and counties. Wuhan City, the area does not contain a yellow Osaka, New York area, Jiangxia and Caidian data. Yearbook Some data point data, point to the end of 2015.
The Yearbook is suitable for all levels of government administration, urban planning and design department, urban social and economic research institutes, municipal construction and real estate agencies, all kinds of intermediary services and information consulting and other institutions of the workers, but also universities and students, the business community important reference sources, foreign investors and the public interest in Chinese urban development.
The editor of the yearbook was published in full support of the National Bureau of Rural Social and Economic Survey, the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) Bureau of Statistics, National Bureau of Investigation Corps each, and municipal Bureau of Investigation Team and China Statistics Press, express Heartfelt thanks.
The yearbook published workload, publishing tight schedule, it is inevitable that inappropriate, sincerely welcome readers criticized the correction.
Table of Contents
目 录
Divisions of Administrative Areas of Cities in China
1-1 城市行政区划和区域分布 3
Administrative Division and Regional Distribution of Cities
1-2 分地区城市情况一览表 4
List of City’s Basic Conditions by Region
Statistical Data of Cities at Prefecture Level and Above
Population, Labour Forces and Land Resources
2-1 人口状况 13
2-2 劳动力就业状况 20
Labour Force and Employment
2-3 按产业划分的年末城镇单位从业人员 27
Employed Persons in Urban Units by Three Strata of Industry at Year-end
2-4 按产业划分的年末城镇单位从业人员构成 34
Composition of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Three Strata of Industry at Year-end
2-5 按行业分组的城镇单位从业人员(一) 41
Persons Employed in Urban Units by Sector in Detail(Ⅰ)
2-6 按行业分组的城镇单位从业人员(二) 48
Persons Employed in Urban Units by Sector in Detail (Ⅱ)
2-7 按行业分组的城镇单位从业人员(三) 55
Persons Employed in Urban Units by Sector in Detail (Ⅲ)
2-8 按行业分组的城镇单位从业人员(四) 62
Persons Employed in Urban Units by Sector in Detail (Ⅳ)
2-9 按行业分组的城镇单位从业人员(五) 69
Persons Employed in Urban Units by Sector in Detail (Ⅴ)
2-10 按行业分组的城镇单位从业人员(六) 76
Persons Employed in Urban Units by Sector in Detail(Ⅵ)
2-11 行政区域土地面积及人口密度 83
Total Land Area and Population Density of Administrative Region
2-12 城市建设用地状况(市辖区) 91
Land Used for Urban Construction(Districts under City)
General Economy
2-13 地区生产总值 98
Gross Regional Product
2-14 地区生产总值构成 105
Composition of Gross Regional Product
2-15 地方公共财政收支状况(全市) 112
Public Finance Income and Expenditure (Total City)
2-16 地方公共财政收支状况(市辖区) 119
Public Finance Income and Expenditure (Districts under City)
2-17 年末金融机构存贷款余额 126
Deposits and Loans of National Banking System at Year-end
2-18 规模以上工业企业数 133
Number of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
2-19 规模以上工业总产值(全市) 140
Gross Industrial Output Value above Designated Size(Total City)
2-20 规模以上工业总产值(市辖区) 147
Gross Industrial Output Value above Designated Size(Districts under City)
2-21 规模以上工业企业资产状况 154
Assets of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
2-22 规模以上工业企业主要财务指标 161
Main Financial Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
Transport, Postal and Telecommunication Services
2-23 按运输方式分类的客运量(全市) 168
Passenger Traffic by Mode of Transport (Total City)
2-24 按运输方式分类的货运量(全市) 175
Freight Traffic by Mode of Transport (Total City)
2-25 邮政局(所)数及邮政、电信业务收入(全市) 182
Number of Post Offices and Revenue from Postal and Telecommunication Services (Total City)
2-26 电话及互联网用户数(全市) 189
Number of Subscribers of Telephone and Internet Services (Total City)
Trade, Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
2-27 社会消费品零售总额及批发零售贸易业情况 196
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods and Basic Conditions
2-28 利用外资情况 204
Utilization of Foreign Capital
Investment in Fixed Assets
2-29 固定资产投资情况 211
Basic Conditions of Investment in Fixed Assets
Education, Culture and Public Health
2-30 学校数(一) 218
Number of Schools (Ⅰ)
2-31 学校数(二) 225
Number of Schools (Ⅱ)
2-32 专任教师数(一) 232
Number of Full-time Teachers (Ⅰ)
2-33 专任教师数(二) 239
Number of Full-time Teachers (Ⅱ)
2-34 在校学生数(一) 246
Number of Students Enrollment (Ⅰ)
2-35 在校学生数(二) 253
Number of Students Enrollment (Ⅱ)
2-36 在校学生数(三) 260
Number of Students Enrollment (Ⅲ)
2-37 公共图书馆图书藏量 267
Total Collections of Public Libraries
2-38 医院、卫生院数,床位数和医生数 274
Number of Hospitals, Health Centers, Beds and Doctors
2-39 在岗职工人数及工资状况 282
Number and Wages of Staff and Workers
People’s Living Conditions and Social Security
2-40 社会保障主要指标 289
Main Indicators of Social Security
2-41 市政公用事业(市辖区) 296
Municipal Public Utilities(Districts under City)
Municipal Public Utilities
2-42 供水、用水及用电情况(市辖区) 303
Water Supply, Water Consumption and Electricity Consumption (Districts under City)
2-43 煤气及液化石油气供应及利用情况(市辖区) 311
Supply and Consumption of Coal Gas and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Districts under City)
2-44 道路面积及公共汽车、出租车拥有情况(市辖区) 319
Area of Paved Roads, Number of Public Transportation Vehicles and Taxis (Districts under City)
2-45 绿地面积及建成区绿化覆盖面积(市辖区) 327
Area of Green Land and Green Covered Area of Completed Area (Districts under City)
Environmental Protection
2-46 工业废水排放量和二氧化硫产生及排放量(全市) 334
Industrial Waste Water Discharged, Industry Sulphur Dioxide Produced and Emission (Total City)
2-47 工业烟(粉)尘产生及排放量(全市) 341
Industrial Soot(dust) Produced and Discharged(Total City)
2-48 工业固体废物综合利用率和污水及生活垃圾处理率(全市) 348
Ratio of Industrial Solid Wastes Utilized, Ratio of Waste Water and Consumption (Total City)
Statistical Data of County-level Cities
3-1 人口状况 357
3-2 劳动力就业状况 361
Labour Force and Employment
3-3 行政区域土地面积 365
Total Land Area of Administrative region
3-4 地区生产总值 369
Gross Regional Product
3-5 公共财政收支 377
Public Finance Income and Expenditure
3-6 年末金融机构存贷款余额 385
Deposits and Loans of National Banking System at Year-end
3-7 规模以上工业企业情况 389
Basic Conditions of Industrial enterprises above Designated Size
3-8 固定资产投资情况 397
Basic Conditions of Investment in Fixed Assets
3-9 在校学生数 401
Number of Strdents Enrollment
附录 主要统计指标解释 407
Appendix Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators