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Tibet TransportationISBN: 9787801131737 | Publisher: China Intercontinental Press | Published on 09/1999 This series looks at Tibetan murals, thangkas, carvings, facial masks, sculpture, and handicrafts. It vividly reflects the evolution, development and... |
$2.00 |
Chinese Classic Cartoon: Black Cat Sergeant 1: Annihilate the RatsISBN: 7513541949, 9787513541947 | Publisher: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press | Published on 03/2014 |
$2.56 |
Rainbow Bridge Graded Chinese Reader: Level 1: 300 Vocabulary words: Nvwa, the Goddess of MankindISBN: 7513809917, 9787513809917 | Publisher: Sinolingua Press | Published on 01/2016 In ancient Chinese mythology, Nüwa was the goddess who created the universe. She was half woman and half snake. Legend claimed that she created... |
$3.00 |
Treasures of the Palace Museum Birds in the Palace MuseumISBN: 880047181, 880047181 | Publisher: Forbidden City Publishing House | Published on 12/2014 |
$3.20 |
Treasures of the Palace Museum Catalog of BirdsISBN: 880047176, 880047176 | Publisher: Forbidden City Publishing House | Published on 12/2014 《羽衣璀璨》内容简介:清宫旧藏《鸟谱》,计十二册,其第一至四册在1948年随清宫大批珍贵文物,被蒋介石国民政府运至台湾,目前保存在台北故宫博物院;第五至十二册收藏于故宫博物院。据《石渠宝笈续编》记载:《鸟谱》共收录鸟类三百六十一种,是由乾隆朝画院供奉余省和张为邦依内府旧藏蒋廷锡图本摹绘而成。绘制时间... |
$3.20 |
Treasures of the Palace Museum Catalog of Marine CreasuresISBN: 880047177, 880047177 | Publisher: Forbidden City Publishing House | Published on 12/2014 《海中珍奇》内容简介:《海错图》,计四册,前三册藏于故宫博物院,第四册藏于台北故宫博物院。“海错,是古人对种类繁多的海洋生物与海产品的统称,这部《海错图》即是以图画和文字记述海洋生物与海产品的图册。在清宫旧藏的几部画谱中,只有《海错图》出自于民间绘师之手。中国古代画家中,擅长描绘海错并取得较大成就的... |
$3.20 |
Treasures of the Palace Museum Catalog of PigeonsISBN: 880047178, 880047178 | Publisher: Forbidden City Publishing House | Published on 12/2014 《鸽寄佳音》内容简介:故宫博物院藏四部鸽谱,分别为《蒋廷锡画鹁鸽谱》、《沈振麟焦和贵合笔鹁鸽谱》及两部佚名绘《鸽谱》。四部作品风格各异,但都笔触细腻,生动地再现了清代宫廷御鸽的神采:画幅中鸽子们在田间溪畔、树柯草丛间行止饮喙、翻滚飞翔、剔爪梳翎、相昵相亲的各种姿态,令人称道。它们为宫廷观赏鸽文化的研... |
$3.20 |
Treasures of the Palace Museum Paintings of Twelve BeautiesISBN: 880047149, 880047149 | Publisher: Forbidden City Publishing House | Published on 12/2014 《十二美人》内容简介:十二美人图,曾装饰在圆明园深柳读书堂中的围屏之上,如今,虽历经三百载,画中美人依然清雅温婉。在设色工笔的写实描绘中,仿佛可以看到那时的四季变化、草木盛衰、室内陈设、服饰雅尚。雍正帝为雍亲王时对十二美人图珍重非常,亲笔题字于其上,为帝后还御命重新装裱,从图中细微处能见韬光养晦时期... |
$3.20 |
Treasures of the Palace Museum: Cats in the Palace MuseumISBN: 880047179, 880047179 | Publisher: Forbidden City Publishing House | Published on 12/2014 《故宫的猫》内容简介:北京故宫博物院是现存最大的木结构皇家建筑群,以其恢宏的建筑、珍稀的藏品闻名于世。每位游客都为紫禁城的庄严、肃穆、皇家气象所震撼。然而皇城也有它不为人知的温柔可爱的一面,这里居住着为数众多、性格各异的猫,它们像无言的精灵和卫士,守护着金水桥畔、重重丹陛。摄影师巧妙地捕捉到小家伙们... |
$3.20 |
Treasures of the Palace Museum: Flowers in the Palace MuseumISBN: 880047180, 880047180 | Publisher: Forbidden City Publishing House | Published on 12/2014 《故宫的花》内容简介:故宫博物院除了令人震撼的建筑和藏品之外,还有优良的生态环境,是许多动植物栖息生长的乐园。院内有大量罕见的古树,有的树龄已达几百年,珍稀品种更是不可胜数。每到春季,花信将至之时,花海与红墙高低掩映,别具风姿。摄影师用镜头记录下紫禁城花开花落的美好瞬间,拍摄各殿花期时的美景,光阴在... |
$3.20 |